Tim Merry
Yes to the reminder that we are just part of the universe
One verse
In a song
So long
It does not belong
To Anyone
Or any part
Though it rests in every heart
In its wholeness
The caress
Of the winds and rains of Pele
Left me
Deeply touched, moved
New grooves
Cut in my consciousness
The caress
Of a gift arriving I have always had but never known
Worlds blown
Apart and re-sown
Always connected and always alone:
Water, sky, fire, earth, stone
Mind, heart, flesh and bone.
Attunement to ancient rhythm
Indigenous wisdom
Passed on by elders
Of the generations
and all our relations
Connectors to creation.
I left with an understanding
That has landed like a branding
In my heart and brain
I can never be the same
As I fully digest
And begin to test
The belief
That without indigenous wisdom there will be no relief
The elders hold the key to leadership in these crazy global times
Hidden in the rhythm of these rhymes
The world interconnected, interdependent and sacred
If this worldview is not integrated
I fear we will not make it
There’s no hiding
From this colliding
With the need of an era
It’s never been clearer
All the wisdoms of the world must connect
We cannot protect
Or keep back
The ancient consciousness
That has been under attack
For thousands of years
My own celtic and anglo saxon tears
The ancestors left me messages
In tall standing stones
In deep underground burrows
Stories, songs, ceremony
I feel my ancestors in my integrity.
We have the key
Will we put it in the lock?
Do we dare take stock?
See humans as one flock
Of birds
Swirling in summer sky
Learning to collectively fly
Beyond boundary
Fears of sparity
What is the gift we bring?
What is the song we sing?
What is the harmony we fling
To the winds
What is the harmony we sing to the winds
Elder, CEO, Entrepreneur, baby, youth,
Under one roof
Connect to the native
The endlessly creative
Umbilical cord to the earth
Discover our worth
Our humility
We can’t fake it
We’ll only make it
If we are connected to each other
And the mother
We can’t fake it
We’ll only make it
If we are connected to each other
And the mother
About the Author
Tim Merry of Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia is a change leader who works locally and internationally to support change in communities, organizations and society. Participatory engagement, strategic clarity & collaborative action are the core of his practice. They work in direct response to the reality of the world we live in.
Tim designs, delivers and trains processes that are tailor made to meet the needs of all the people involved. “The complexity of the challenges we face, the speed of change and the uncertainty of our times demand we see a bigger picture that none of us could see alone. We must work together to intelligently plan and effectively execute actions that have far reaching impact.”