Sue L. T. McGregor

Sue L. T. McGregor
Sue L. T. McGregor (PhD, IPHE, Professor Emerita, MSVU) is a Canadian home economist (nearly 50 years) recently retired from 30 years at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The key architect of a tri-university educational doctoral program, she remains an active independent researcher and scholar with a keen interest in transdisciplinarity (includes integral and complexity thinking), research methodologies and paradigms, home economics philosophy and leadership, and consumer studies, education, and policy. She is a transdisciplinary TheATLAS Fellow, a Karpatkin International Consumer Fellow and she received the TOPACE International Award (Berlin) for distinguished international consumer scholar and educator. Dr. McGregor is Docent in Home Economics at the University of Helsinki (lifetime appointment in recognition of international leadership), a Sustainability Frontier Associate (England, invited status) and the recipient of Kappa Omicron Nu’s (KON) Marjorie M. Brown Distinguished Professor Award (home economics leadership). She has nearly 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings and 32 keynotes in 14 countries. She has published six books as well as 31 book chapters and 14 monographs. Over her career, she was involved with 36 professional journals (12 active) and 42 professional associations (21 active). She recently published Understanding and Evaluating Research (2018, SAGE). Her scholarship is at her professional website www.consultmcgregor.com