Do you have an event or activity that you would like the readers of Integral Leadership Review to learn about? If you are a not for profit organization, send your announcement far enough in advance to make it into an issue that is timely for your event or activity.
Announcing the 2nd International Worldly Leadership Summit
Leading with Responsibility and Conviction
To be held at The Leadership Trust Foundation
Ross-on-Wye, United Kingdom
6-7 September 2010
The theme of this year’s Summit is “Building a leadership ethic of responsibility and conviction – connecting Business, Civil Society, Education and Indigenous Communities across the globe toward a shared agenda for ethical, transformative and connected leadership for the benefit of humanity across our world.”
We invite you to join us for this unique opportunity to find new and practical ways to develop the leadership needed for today’s crises! Following the success of our first Worldly Leadership Summit in 2009, our second summit will again bring together top leaders from diverse sectors with leaders from a variety of indigenous communities and alternative perspectives. Together with our partners for this Summit: Ashridge, The Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative and The British Council, we believe that it is only by drawing on a much more creative range of perspectives that we will move beyond the stale leadership styles and approaches that have generated many of today’s challenges.
This is a Summit which integrates vigorous dialogue with an urgency to develop practical solutions and actionable projects. Our speakers and workshop leaders will represent leadership wisdoms from many corners of the globe. They will include indigenous leaders, leaders who will deepen our understanding of eastern philosophies, Russian leaders, leaders from the Islamic world, and many others from business, civil society, government, and education.
By bringing these people and ideas together, we will create new wisdoms to support the construction of a new leadership ethic of conviction and responsibility. We welcome participants from our 2009 Summit to join us once again, and we equally welcome new leaders to join us for this Summit.
Full details of our Worldly Leadership initiative and information on Summit registration are at worldlyleadership.org
or contact Sharon Turnbull email: sharonturnbull@leadership.org.uk
and Linda Keirby-Smith on +44 (0) 1989 760705,
Email: lindakeirby-smith@leadership.org.uk
Call for Papers
Studying Leadership Conference
Lund University Lund, Sweden
September 1, 2010
Hosted by the School of Economics and Management, Lund University, the 9th studying leadership conference provides a forum for debate on current and future advances in leadership theory, development and practice. It is designed to bring together scholars, practitioners and developers interested in exploring leadership from a variety of theoretical, pedagogical and practical perspectives and experiences. The ambition of the conference is to stimulate sharing, debate and insight, to facilitate dialogue from different theoretical traditions and pedagogical practices, and to open up possibilities for further inquiries and developments.
The theme of the conference: ‘Missions, myths and mysteries’ aims to highlight current trends in leadership, recognizing the significance of empirically and critically examining compelling missions, myths and mysteries inherent in the way leadership is conceptualized and practiced. Is leadership the obvious answer to all challenges or might it also be part of the puzzles that organizations face in contemporary society? The conference seeks to examine the what, who, why, how and when of leadership.
The conference organizers invite papers and workshop themes on any area of leadership research, development and practice. While we encourage both traditional papers and workshop proposals from mainstream functionalist and interpretative approaches, we are also keen to encourage more critical approaches that challenge taken-for-granted assumptions and practices in leadership. We also encourage submissions from related disciplines such as organizational theory/studies/behaviour, management/business, occupational psychology, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, education, political science, military studies, health and social welfare, history and philosophy, which can all explore and critically evaluate missions, myths and mysteries in current and future leadership research, development and practice.
Send Abstracts (approx. 300 words) by Sept 1st 2010
Conference contact: Eva Porenius: eva.porenius@fek.lu.se
Seattle Integral
First Retreat
August 27th to the 29th
The retreat will be held at the the Sahale Learning Center which is located outside of Belfair on the Kitsap Peninsula and is about 2 hours from downtown Seattle. We will start with a Friday evening dinner and end on Sunday morning after breakfast. The facilities can accommodate up to about 45 people (and possibly more for those who wish to camp). You can learn more about Sahale by visiting them on the web athttp://www.goodenough.org/sahale.htm.
Boulder Integral
Boulder, Colorado
Engaging the Future: Leading in Turbulent Times
July 9-11, 2010
Presenters: Tom Curren, John Kelly, Allison Conte
Panel discussion: Jeff Salzman, Terry Patten, Clint Fuhs & Adam Hartung
- What is the “New Normal?”
- How Will We Adapt to It?
- Can We Find a Way to Thrive?
Engaging the Future is an exceptional opportunity to boldly explore the economic, social, and environmental breakdowns and breakthroughs that might occur over the next 10 years – and develop the courage, agility, and resiliency needed to address them.
In this workshop you will:
- Engage in a scenario process developed by leading experts, and co-create “stories from the future”
- Make sense of confusing trends
- Learn to work with complexity, paradox, and ambiguity
- Develop insight and foresight around unintended consequences of actions that you, your organization, and society might undertake
- Avoid the decision traps and biases that even the most senior executives make
- Shift from predicting-the-future to sensing-and-responding in a dynamic way
- Practice a new decision-making process that integrates multiple perspectives to create effective solutions to difficult issues
- Discover sources of personal efficacy, resiliency, and adaptability
The pilot program, designed to address the concerns of top executives, is open to the public in July 2010.
Boulder Integral
2805 Broadway Street Boulder, CO 80304
QUESTIONS? Please contact Nicole Fegley: nfegley@gmail.com
World Future Society Conference
July 8-10, 2010
The Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel
Boston, Massachusetts
A thousand of the world’s top minds and thought-leaders will examine the major issues of the twenty-first century.
World Future Society conferences are known for their substantive, interdisciplinary content. You’ll experience high energy, productive networking, informed presenters…and a good jolt to your imagination! It is your global meeting point for new ideas.
Advance registration discounts will not last forever. The hotel cut-off date is June 14. Register today for WorldFuture 2010 Go here:http://www.wfs.org/2010regform.htm
A full schedule of special events, luncheons, meet-the-authors opportunities and tours will complement a rich conference program this July in Boston. Download the full program here:
Call for Chapters
True But Partial
This is a call for papers for a new volume Sean Esjbörn-Hargens is putting together for the SUNY series in Integral Theory – it is entitled:
True but Partial: Essential Critiques of Integral Theory
It will consist of 12-15 ground breaking critiques that are “hard hitting, academically sound, familiar with Integral Theory and its AQAL model, constructive, well aimed, provocative, and has a long ‘shelf life.’” Please consider submitting something and/or passing this along to others.
Integral Theory as pioneered by American philosopher Ken Wilber is well known for its adage that various perspectives and different approaches are always ‘true but partial.’ But does this not also apply to Integral Theory itself and might the viability of Integral Theory be linked to a recursive folding in of Integral Theory on itself–applying its own meta-principles to its theoretical distinctions and their application. This is the reflective spirit of this proposed volume.
Abstracts due July 1, 2010.
Contact Sean Esjbörn-Hargens: shargens@jfku.edu
2nd Philosophy of Engineering and Artifacts in the Digital Era
October 26-28
Suceava, Romania
The Singularity is the technological creation of smarter-than-human intelligenceâ (SIAI). The Engineered Singularity is subject for: metaphysics, philosophy of engineering, philosophy of computing,computer science, philosophy of mind, theology, neurobiology, technoetics a.o. They will all claim the right to debate around the near arrival of the Singularity.
The conference sessions:
- Singularity, Intelligent Artifacts and Technoetics
- God, Singularity and Apocalypse
- Windows on and Faces of Singularity
- Humanism, Transhumanism and Singularity
- Mind, Logic, Information and Singularity
- Singularity and Complexity
Important Dates
Extended Submission of the Abstracts: Jully 15th, 2010
Notification of acceptation: July 30th, 2010
- Extended abstracts (1000-1500 words) for papers suitable for no more than 40-minute presentations to: pheade2010@yahoo.com
- Double blind review.
- Best papers and posters awarded by ROSPHET Proceedings will be published in a special issue of ROSOPHYA Journal
- A special book of report will be published by Cambridge Scholar Publishing
Co-chairs: Viorel GULICIUC & Emilia Guliciuc
Stefan cel Mareâ, University, Suceava
ILA’s 12th annual Global Conference
Boston, MA, United States
October 27 – 30, 2010
Register now to hold your place at ILA 2010 by visiting: www.ila-net.org/conferences/.
Conference Program Highlights
- Inspiring Keynote Speakers: Howard Gardner, Hobbs Professor or Cognition and Education, Harvard University; Jeff Swartz, President & CEO, Timberland; Karen Armstrong, Bestselling Author and Authority on Comparative Religions
- Over 150 state-of-the-art presentations, panel discussions, workshops, case studies, and roundtable discussions
- New bridges between leadership theory and practice
- Unparalleled learning and networking opportunities
Pre-Conferences and Special Events
ILA Pre-Conference events are unique opportunities to engage in particular aspects of the leadership field. The ILA 2010 Conference will feature three Pre-Conference events: 1) The Hub of Idealism: Exploring Boston’s Leading Role in Advancing Public Leadership and Social Change; 2) Immunity to Change: This is Leadership Development – A Workshop by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey; and 3) Build, Assess, Improve, Sustain – Leadership Education Program Guiding Questions and Best Practices.
The ILA 2010 Conference will also feature multiple Special Events, including Leadership in Concert – a leadership in the arts event; the Leadership Education Program Directors, Deans, and Chairs Luncheon; the Women in Leadership Networking Luncheon, and the ILA Conference Colleagues and Peer Mentorship Programs.
Leadership Legacy Lifetime Achievement Receptions
This year, ILA is proud to honor the following recipients of the Legacy Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Study and Practice of Leadership: Fred Fiedler, John W. Gardner, Edwin Hollander, Jean Lipman-Blumen, and Russ Mawby. All of these tremendous individuals will be honored at the ILA Boston Conference, and there will be special receptions for the honorees in attendance, Fred Fiedler, Edwin Hollander, Jean Lipman-Blumen, Russ Mawby. These receptions will honor the great impact that each of these individuals have had on the field of leadership and the many lives they have touched.
Register Now for the ILA 2010 Conference!
Visit www.ila-net.org/conferences/. to register and contact Josh Tarr, jtarr@ila-net.org or +1 301.405.5218, with any questions.