Integral Review
Special Issue on Integral Politics, edited by Sara Ross
Available Now: http://integral-review.org/current_issue/politics-issue_index.asp
Meaning Conference 2010
The International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM) is pleased to announce the 6th Biennial International Meaning Conference to be held August 5-8, 2010 in Vancouver, Canada. The main conference theme this year is:
Creating a psychologically healthy workplace: Meaning, spirituality and engagement
INPM brings together a diverse group of the world’s leading thinkers, research scientists, and professionals to tackle the challenge of creating positive organizations that can flourish and thrive in a difficult and uncertain economic time. The 2010 meeting in Vancouver will adopt a strengths-based framework for understanding how to develop the full potential of people and the organizations in which they work. Examples of “psychological capital” to be examined include meaning, spirituality, creativity, trust and authentic leadership. Consistent with previous INPM meetings, the 2010 conference will place a premium on providing delegates with opportunities for active and extensive interactions with speakers and other delegates. Through the principle of collective strategic networking, we hope the conference will facilitate a new vision for the 21st Century and help define what it means to be a psychologically healthy workplace.
Through invited addresses, paper and poster presentations, workshops, case studies, and open sessions, a wide range of workplace issues will be explored. Submit a 300-word abstract to Dr. Paul T. P. Wong, Conference Chair (DrPaulWong@Gmail.com) before April 30th, 2010. Graduate student submissions are encouraged.
Spiral Dynamics Integral
Genes, Brain and Culture –
The Clare W. Graves Bio-Psycho-Social Connections
The Embassy Suites-Outdoor World, Grapevine, near the DFW Airport, Texas.
Graves was the first theoretician to really stress the impact of biological factors on human development – clearly designated by the bio (for the chemical, neurological, and organismic systems) in his term “bio-psycho-social.” This reflected his insistence on the importance of a multidisciplinary, multidimensional approach to understanding human nature. It was a bold approach for its time, and few paid attention back then or even understood what Graves was saying. Yet, of all the developmental models then and ever since, his work stands out as being the most predictive and comprehensive.
The 2010 SDi Level Two Confab certification event on “Genes, Brain and Culture” represents the first time in both the Spiral Dynamics and Integral worlds where the focus will be on the bio and how it connects to the Gravesian psycho and socio.
We warmly invite you to join us at this special event to…
- explore what is known about the genetic contributions to the formation of value systems as the environment and our DNA codes co-emerge
- track the work of current pioneers in the field of energy systems, and
- scan for developments in current mind-brain research and show the crucial connections.
don’t miss our week of dynamic and engaging learning, during which we offer these certification courses:
- SDi Level One Foundations: May 24-26, 2010
- 11th Annual SDi Level Two Confab: May 27-30, 2010
Regent University
School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship
When: May 15-16, 2010
Where: Regent University, Robertson Hall – Virginia Beach, VA
Roundtables Website & Online Registration: http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/conferences/gle/home.shtml
Dr. Stephen Prosser will be the keynote speaker for this event. Dr. Prosser is a professor of leadership and organization development at the University of Glamorgan Business School in Pontypridd, UK, and serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Servant-Leadership.
The Call for Papers deadline is April 17. Submission guidelines can be found in the Call for Papers at:http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/conferences/gle/call.shtml
11th Annual Global Leadership Program
Prague, Czech Republic July 1 – August 1, 2010.
The program is open to university students from around the world and incorporates university courses, cultural activities, and community service. To date, students from over 65 countries have participated.
This year’s courses include:
- Philosophies of Leadership
- Human Rights
- Comparative Study of Religion, Peace, and Conflict
- Global BusinessSpecial Topics in Globalization
Students can also elect to stay August 1-15 for an additional 3 credit course:
- Social Entrepreneurship (held in Prague)
- Women and Leadership (held in Prague and Istanbul)
- Comparative Legal Systems (held in Rome)
Applications are being reviewed now and will continue on a rolling admission basis. Applications are found on-line at www.globalleaders.info
What is Equiss?
From May 26-28, 50 undergraduate students, graduate students, and professionals from colleges and universities from all over the country will have a unique opportunity to explore, reflect, and learn how to take action to address social injustices. In a three-day dynamic retreat, participants will explore their own identities and engage in activities and discussions on various social justice topics to make a difference on campus and in the community.
Registration is available online at http://www.equiss.org
Deadline: April 16th, 2010
Location: Tucson, Arizona
The University of Arizona
Contact us at: (520) 621-8046 or at equiss@yahoo.com
Women and Leadership Program
Prague, Czech Republic and Istanbul, Turkey
The theme of this year’s program is WE-Women and Empowerment/ West and East. If you had the pleasure of meeting any of our students at the ILA Conference in Prague, you will know how wonderful they are! We are looking for female university students to join us on our exciting new program:
Join female leaders from around the world for our new 2-week Women and Leadership Program. The program seeks to expand the leadership skills and intercultural competency of female students, increase their knowledge of issues facing female leaders, and develop an international network for female leaders.
Applications are now open and accepted on a rolling admission basis. Applications and more information can be found on-line atwww.globalleaders.info. There are also opportunities for professors who would like to bring a group of students from their university to join the trip.
Heather R. McDougall, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Global Institute for Leadership and Civic Development, Inc.
Berlin Healing Event – Truth Heals
65 years after the Second World War – from trauma to a new dynamism of responsibility with Thomas Hübl, Andrew Cohen, Ken Wilber*, Tom Steininger, etc.
Date: Healing Event, Saturday, 24th April, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Place: FU Berlin, Max-Kade-Auditorium Henry-Ford-Bau, Gary-Str. 35, 14195 Berlin
Approximately 55 million dead people, in addition 6 million murdered Jews. The Second World War has left innumerable scars – also in the collective subconscious. Thomas Hübl is convinced that large groups can amplify the process of becoming more conscious with an unimagined effect of integration. Therefore, for the fourth time, a “Healing Event” will take place in Berlin over the weekend 24th – 25th April under the motto “Truth Heals”. A trauma does not just disappear when you want to get rid of it – no course can be taken without facing the facts and truly taking on the responsibility. Looking at the issue with dedication, we can integrate what needs to be learnt from the Second World War. Provided the emotional room is there, to be truly touched by people’s destinies. Leading representatives from the integral spirituality movement such as Andrew Cohen, Ken Wilber* and Tom Steininger will in Berlin show the potential that can unfold, when German Culture continues to confront its darkest parts. When collective shadows integrate by healing meditation, profound empathy can arise. A humanity, which has found its essence and can open up to realization and creativity. A sense of compassion, which can contribute to the questions of our global future. In the joint meditation the collective shadow becomes perceivable and the authentic power of the soul softens the pain. (* via skype)
Pacific Integral
We are now enrolling for our next GTC Cohort which begins April 15th, 2010.
If you (or someone you know) are interested in studying and participating in the leading edge of consciousness research, while expanding your own consciousness and learning how to apply integral theory in your own life and in your work in the world, then we invite you to contact us and join us on April 15 for our 8th GTC transformational leadership program.
We know of no other program that, over a sustained nine-month period, combines:
- deep experience in authentic relationship
- deep and expansive spiritual practices
- individual and group shadow work
- natural embodied stage development with proven results
- embodiment and integration of integral theory
- embodied action on real world situations.
For those who have studied integral theory, this program offers an opportunity to deeply embody and integrate the learnings in a way that is difficult to access without a container and curriculum such as GTC. Our more than 100 graduates from Kosovo, Mexico, Ethiopia, South Africa, Ireland, Jamaica, Palestine, Israel, India, Canada and throughout the U.S. have influenced the evolving design and development of our program. Participants report opening to a new reality, new ways of seeing and being, new ways to perceive and new places in themselves from which to act and transform.
If you teach, lead, manage, coach or inspire people in any way and/or if you are ready to take your life to a new level of awareness and exponential contribution, regardless of your age, experience or station in life, then we invite you (or someone you know) to join us this April.
For more information on our GTC program or to join our mailing list, see our website at www.pacificintegral.com or call 888.713.7773, extension 2.
Spiral Dynamics
The 20 minute video production, Beautiful Noise, is now on Youtube for public viewing. May it be of service to the Whole and useful to all those who select it appropriate to navigate their own “problems of existence”.
Fresh Perspectives, Inspired Connections & Fruitful Outcomes
May 27 to 29 in Perpignan, France.
Since we launched Renaissance2 at the end of 2008, and the R2 Global Meshwork on 1 May 2009, we’ve attracted an exceptional community of leaders, innovators, change agents, consultants, entrepreneurs and visionaries. In this time we’ve gone from zero to nearly 700 members in Renaissance2 and 335 talented professionals active on the meshwork.
We’ve met over 400 of you in person at R2 events during this time, and learned much about your needs, aspirations and gifts. Now we are about to expand on that process dramatically, to enable you to accelerate and deepen your personal and professional development during 2010 and beyond, making the Renaissance2 community a worldshifting force-for-beneficial-change.
Renaissance2 catalyzes and supports the opportunities and projects you are passionate about. We also bring together a selection of the 700 incredible innovators, leaders, mavericks and change agents in R2 twice a year in Perpignan for the WorldShift Leadership Circle and the Great Shift Gathering.
To download a full pdf brochure for this event, click here
India Leadership Network
Inviting you to the visionary Project Suraksha
It is a privilege announcing Project Suraksha, a vision of a safe and secure India, through collaboration and leadership. Suraksha intends to create a comprehensive and integrated nationwide platform that connects, supports and enables people, organizations, experts and law enforcement agencies in the areas of safety of life and property, prevention of crime and terrorism, readiness for natural and man-made disasters and effective relief support when disaster strikes. For more information, see http://www.indialeadership.net/suraksha
Leaders’ Summit in April
Project Suraksha will be a key highlight, where people who want to take leadership will come together. There are limited seats, so join now to be among leaders in the Suraksha movement. Join online at http://indialeadership.net/leaders-summit-2010 for Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore or contact Siddhant (smg.siddhant@gmail.com / +91-9769832415)
First International Conference “Integral Business Development”
May, 22 2010
St.Petersburg and Moscow.
Institute of Coaching (www.coachinstitute.ru) is the organizer of the Conference. The Conference is sponsored by the Integral University (California, USA).
The aim of the event is popularization and propaganda of the integral approach, as a highly effective one and revolutionary by itself, in the sphere of personal and business development.
The aim of the Conference is to represent to all who is interested the variety of Russian and foreign experience in the sphere of the Integral approach to the business development in the form of a plenary sessions, chambers, video-presentations, master-classes and round-table discussions. For this purpose programs of leading Russian and foreign consultants will be represented, such as
The audience of the Conference: businessmen – owners of medium-sized and big business, CEO’s, development managers, HR directors, consultants from various schools.
Consultants who are in charge of integral development projects from USA and Europe will speak – Dana Carman, Jesse McKay; from Russia – Marina Danilova, Alexander Savkin, Ivanova Anna.