Placing Announcements
Not for profit organizations may send announcements to, and get additional information from, Mark@integralleadershipreview.com for posting in Integral Leadership Review. We have three issues with a total of about eight releases a year. Posting announcements is free for not for profit organizations. For profit announcements can be placed as ads on the Welcome page and the ad column of Integral Leadership Review. For additional information on advertising contact russ@integralleadershipreview.com.
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology
Call for Papers
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology (IJBHT) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. The objective of IJBHT is to provide a forum for the publication of scientific articles in the fields of business, humanities and technology. In pursuit of this objective the journal not only publishes high quality research papers but also ensures that the published papers achieve broad international credibility.
The journal publishes research papers in the fields of management, business law, public responsibility and ethics, marketing theory and applications, business finance and investment, general business research, business and economics education, international business and economics, tourism and hospitality management, production/operations management, organizational behavior and theory, strategic management policy, social issues and public policy, management organization, statistics and econometrics, personnel and industrial relations, gender studies, cross cultural studies, entrepreneurship development, linguistics, library science, media studies, methodology, philosophy, political science, population Studies, psychology, public administration, sociology, social welfare, technology and Innovation, case studies, management information systems, information technology and so on. The journal is published both in print and online versions.
IJBHT is inviting papers for Vol. 4 No. 5 which is scheduled to be published on September 30, 2014. Last date of submission: September 14, 2014. However, an early submission will get preference in case of review and publication process. Send your manuscript to the editor at editor@ijbhtnet.com
Contact: editor@ijbhtnet.com
Avoiding the Ambush of Hope:
A Week-end for Exhausted and Overworked Leaders and Activists
Nalanda West, Seattle, Washington
September 26-28, 2014
“Expectation is just premeditated disappointment.”
Those of us actively engaged in changing things for the better-in our families, organizations, communities and world-are robbed of vital energy by a false assumption. We believe that we have to have hope. Without hope, we will have no motivation, no energy and no perseverance for the increasingly difficult work of creating positive change. We often feel that if we let go of hope, we will plunge into despair and useless lives.
In Buddhism, hope is not an isolated energy. It is always and irrevocably described with its intimate companion, fear. Fear is the shadow side of hope: we expect a certain outcome, then are anxious it won’t happen. We work diligently to create a good result, then plunge into despair when it doesn’t materialize. The stronger our hope, the stronger our fear. Therefore, in order to be fearless, we need to be hopeless…
To learn more and to register:
National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation
October 17-19, 2014
Washington, D.C.
We hope you’ll be one of the 400 innovators in public engagement and group process work who will converge at the 2014 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation this October 17-19 in the DC area! NCDD only happens once every two years, and these are major learning and networking events for the leaders and future leaders in this vital field of practice.
Some event highlights…
We are thrilled to have David Mathews, President of the Kettering Foundation, speaking during our opening plenary this year, and to have Grande Lum, director of the Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service, speaking at our closing plenary.
Register Today! www.ncdd2014.eventbrite.com/
Scholarship Application: www.surveymonkey.com/s/NCDD2014-scholarship-app
Event Schedule: www.ncdd.org/events/ncdd2014/schedule
Fourth International Integral Theory Conference
July 16th to July 19th, 2015
Sonoma, California
MetaIntegral Foundation will host the fourth international Integral Theory Conference, the world’s largest academic conference devoted to the field of Integral Theory and practice. The conference will take place on the Sonoma State University (SSU) campus in the new Student Center and will include a curated art exhibition, as well as villagestyle lodging, performances, social activities, and other innovative cultural offerings. ITC 2015 will be held in partnership with The HUB: An Integral Center for Diversity, Vitality & Creativity, which is located at SSU.
The theme of this fourth ITC event is: Integral Impacts: Using Integrative Metatheories to Catalyze Effective Change. Integral Theory is currently being applied in over 35 distinct disciplines and yet there has been relatively very little work done to demonstrate how an integral approach is more valuable, more effective, and more sustainable. So while it is generally assumed an integral approach is better than a non-integral approach we have not made a very strong case to our non-integral colleagues that integral approaches are more impactful.
Proposals will be subject to a refereed review process. As noted above the deadline for proposals is November 15th, 2014. Please send proposals or any questions you might have to ITC@ metaintegral.org. Notification of acceptance or rejection will occur on January 15th, 2015.
Forty-Fourth Annual Conference
Judson Memorial Church
New York City, 17-18th October 2014
This conference invites its participants to examine the liminal space of “Crisis and Mutation” in order to concretize the ever-latent (yet ever-present) origin. In doing this we seek to unveil the integral presence underpinning the complex and conflicting undulations of human evolution.
Some of the questions this conference seeks to address include:
- How can the symptoms of disintegration that fragment our world be understood as negative indicators of the integral (i.e. what is the solution hidden in the dissolution)?
- How can tension be used to liberate ourselves from the extremes that create this very tension?
- What is the “alchemy” of consciousness by which we can engage and transmute deficient manifestations into integral concretions?
For information: http://www.gebser.org/conference
16th Annual ILA Global Conference
Conscious Leading for Global Change:
Emergence of Our Collective Realities
San Diego, CA, USA
The ILA is pleased to announce that A.T. Ariyaratne, leader and spiritual guide of the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, Otto Scharmer, vice chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on New Leadership Models, and Connie Matsui, vice chair of the San Diego Foundation, will deliver keynote addresses on Thursday, Oct. 30, Saturday, Nov. 1, and Sun, Nov. 2., respectively.
The conference theme, Conscious Leading for Global Change: Emergence of our Collective Realities along with six tracks that focus more broadly on leadership in education, scholarship and research, development and coaching, business, public, and youth will be explored during pre-conference workshops, keynote presentations, roundtable discussions, poster sessions, and nine concurrent sessions. Concurrent sessions utilize diverse formats including experiential workshops, panel discussions, presentations, and research symposiums and paper presentations.
Information: http://www.ila-net.org/Conferences/2014/index.htm
British Academy of Management 2014
The Role of the Business School in
Supporting Economic and Social Development
Belfast, Ireland
Information: http://www.bam.ac.uk/civicrm/event/info?id=1971&reset=1