MiniTrends 2013: The Integration of Profit & Social Responsibility Conference
October 2-3, 2013,
Holiday Inn Town Lake, Austin, TX
For 20% off registration fee, use Discount Code ILR2013 (Code goes just above large, green Eventbrite “Register” button.)
(Government/Academic/Student rates available)
Minitrends—emerging trends that will soon become important but not yet widely recognized–offer attractive business opportunities to individuals and organizations of all sizes. With a culture of collaboration, creativity, and caring, Austin offers the perfect place for you to develop your own MiniTrends Mindset!
Highlights include:
–Gary Hoover, Serial Entrepreneur and Conference Keynote, founder of Bookstop and Hoovers, Inc., inspiring us to make a difference through entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership.
–Dr. John Vanston, host TFI’s Chairman and award winning author of MINITRENDS revealing 7 proven ways to find and profit from minitrends
–Tarja Meriston, all the way from Finland’s Laurea University, speaking about Finland’s adventures in innovation.
–Elijah May, Host of Social Good TV, talking about the advantage of bringing social responsibility to your organizations.
–Founder & CEO Stacy Zoern, who represented Austin innovators during President Obama’s Austin visit, telling how her Kenguru cars allow a wheelchair to be wheeled in and used as the driver’s seat.
See complete list of presenters and registration at the website www.minitrends.com/minitrends-2013.