Welcome to the latest edition of the Integral Leadership Review. In addition, we would like to reveal our new format that is sure to please both our readers and authors alike. With the new format we are moving to a continuous publication venue. We will basically be dividing the year into three phases. Interviews, articles and other material will show up periodically during that period. So, with this current release of the August – November issue there is one interview, a couple of articles and some other features. In the weeks and months to come, additional interviews, articles, reviews, etc. will be released periodically and be added to the Table of Contents for this issue. Subscribers will be notified when additional material is added. Furthermore, the dating system in item titles will make it easy to spot new material.
We are testing this with this issue, our closing issue for 2013: August – November. Beginning in 2014, Phase 1, the January-February issue, which will be focused on leadership in a particular country or region, not unlike past “January” issues. In 2014 the focus will be on sub-Sahara Africa. This issue will be guest edited by Yene Assegid and Oliver Ngodo, Associate Editors and Bureau Chiefs representing sub-Sahara Africa for ILR. The second phase will then commence in March and run through June of each year. The third phase will run from August through November of each year.
We have had many conversations with friends and subscribers of the Integral Leadership Review concerning this new format. All of these have been positive and encouraging. We feel you will enjoy it as well. This conversation began many months ago as we were analyzing the traffic and social media data from our readers. It told the very clear story about the presence the Integral Leadership Review is holding throughout the year. Not surprisingly there has been much more attention given to the Integral Leadership Review as each new issue was released. The new format is designed to continuously feed new articles, interviews, columns, coaching tips, book reviews, as well as ongoing Notes from the Field and other features.
With this first edition of this new format we are pleased to present to you two excellent feature articles. Kirstin McGuire’s article on joyful work offers an intriguing and inviting model that she is advancing. Our second feature article comes from Christine McDougall as she examines the prerequisites for healthy business. The examples of businesses that work well with tension and compression are rare. Most of the businesses that get this right are small and agile. They have unquestioned clarity around the service their business provides and they hold this core integrity as sacred. [RV1]
We are fortunate to have an excellent coaching tip from Gary Hawke as he explores the Heart of Alethic Coaching. We also are very pleased to welcome our newest columnist Scott Pochron with his introductory column – Entering the Flow. You will also find a nice array of notes from the field – some featuring the recent Integral Theory Conference – leadership emerging, as well as aninterview with Lisa Chacon in Fresh Perspectives. In this interview she discusses her worldview for integral innovation with Russ Volckmann. Hers is a story of integral-in-action, both within the integral community, as well as with people engaged in business and socio-poliitical change.
In the coming weeks we will be adding additional material. Again, each title is prefaced with a date (e.g., 8/15) that will make it very easy to spot new material in the Table of Contents each time you visit the Integral Leadership Review. If you are not currently a subscriber we encourage you to join so that you can get the announcements for the latest updates surrounding all aspects of integral leadership. We are already preparing two additional feature articles to be released at the end of this month. In addition, we hope to release an interview with Otto Scharmer in late September. So enjoy this issue and be sure to let us know what you think of the new format.
Welcome to the new current of the Integral Leadership Review, in this set of tributaries of information, filling a river of knowledge that helps us refresh an ocean of wisdom.
Mark McCaslin and Russ Volckmann