April-June 2016

Download article as PDF Compassion, Connection and Response-Ability Salt Lake City, Utah http://humanscienceinstitute.org   Today’s social and environmental challenges call all of us to engage in creating a more humane…


4/28 – Cover

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Download article as PDF Michelle Josephi About the Artist Michelle Josephi is a Toronto based creative process-driven artist that allows images to reveal themselves through layers of paint, prism colours,…

Leadership Coaching Tips

4/28 – Letting Our Differences Have Their Way With Us

Download article as PDF Gabriel Wilson In my experience, any time we engage in a conversation about our differences with an intention to prove the other side wrong, we’re heading…


Download article as PDF Jaap Geerlof and Anke van Beckhoven           Abstract Our home country, The Netherlands, seems to be a fertile ground for self-organizing organizations and…


Download article as PDF Jon Freeman Our core human questions have not changed in centuries.   “Who am I, where did “all this” come from, where is it going, how does…


Download article as PDF K. Keyvne Baar As we, the Human Science Institute (HIS), prepare for our second conference (8-10 September 2016 in Salt Lake City), it was decided that…


Download article as PDF Joseph Friedman Eros/Power is a wonderfully brave and highly readable book. Brave because, although both Hilary Bradbury and Bill Torbert are acclaimed scholars, they have stepped…


Download article as PDF Nancy Southern We all are keenly aware of the importance of workplaces in shaping people, culture, and society. Our workplaces can create the conditions to support…


Download article as PDF Arzina Zaza Overview of the Work This book was very well written and it was extremely inspiring. From the time I picked up this book, I…
