August-November Volume 16, Number 3, 2016

  • All
  • Feature Articles
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  • Leading Comments
  • Fresh Perspective
  • Learner Papers
  • Integral European Conference #IEC
  • Book Reviews
  • Cover
  • Notes from the Field
  • Leadership Coaching Tips
Notes from the Field

8/31 – Leap into Life – Dipaliya*

Alain Volz Story of an emerging Social Economy that combines tradition with innovation.  In this article I will describe the journey Umar Mohammed and I are travelling as Leap into…


John Stewart Otto Laske, Dialectical Thinking for Integral Leaders: A Primer. Tucson: Integral Publishers, 2015. Gregory Bateson famously said: “The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between…

Book Reviews

8/31 – Flow-Based Leadership Book Review

Jackie Damrau Judith L. Glick-Smith (2016). Flow-Based Leadership: What the best firefighters can teach you about leadership and making hard decisions. Technics Publishers. Flow-Based Leadership: What the Best Firefighters Can…

Integral European Conference #IEC

8/31 – What has Eros/Power got to do with Teal Organizing? Quite a lot!

Heidi Gutekunst, Hilary Bradbury and Dana Carman About the Eros/Power Workshop I will use just two adjectives: shocking and revealing! Shocking because of the very loving but professional way it led me…

Leadership Coaching Tips

8/31 – Teal – Do you see and work on the whole picture?

Heidi Hornlein On the IEC 2016 the word TEAL was everywhere – and always in connection with organisations, so mainly with the lower quadrants, especially the lower right. I think,…

Integral European Conference #IEC

8/31 – A Couples Line of Development

Thomas A. Habib Abstract A couples line of development is proposed from an integral perspective. The couples line specifies developmental stages, tasks for each stage and describes cultural messages that…
