April-June Volume 15, Number 2, 2015

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“[E]very time humanity has shifted to a new stage, it has invented a new way to collaborate, a new organizational model” (Laloux, 2014, Kindle Locations 385-386). The above quote is the…


Kim Arellano Ten thousand Millennials turn 21 each day (Torres, 2014, para. 5), while ten thousand Baby Boomers retire each day (Newsmax, 2010, para. 1). By 2025, the Millennials will…


Basarab Nicolescu. (2014). From modernity to cosmodernity: Science, culture, and spirituality. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. ISBN 978-1-4384-4963-0 or Kindle version. Sue L T. McGregor I am very familiar with Basarab Nicolescu’s formulation of…

Feature Articles

4/7 – An Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership

Whitney McIntyre Miller and Zachary Gabriel Green Peace leadership is the mobilization of action for just change. When people are motivated to act individually and function collectively for the benefit of humanity and…
