Issue Sections

Linda Lilian Northhouse (2007:p3) said leadership was a process in which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. In this definition emphasis is placed on…


Linda Lilia Introduction “Embwa ezala embwa” (a dog reproduces a dog) was a response given in a research inquiry regarding women were more ethically apt than men. The response which…

Notes from the Field

7/31 – Our Moment of Choice: A New Book by The Evolutionary Leaders Community Suggests Integral Solutions for an Integral World

Kurt Johnson, Robert Atkinson, Diane Marie Williams and Deborah Moldow  When discussions turn to the multifarious complexities of interconnected challenges and possible solutions, Ken Wilber is well known for sitting…

Leading Comments

12/21 – Happy Solstice!

Dear readers of ILR, We are profoundly pleased to be offering the December 2019 Issue of Integral Leadership Review for your perusal. As luck would have it, some delays coalesced…

Notes from the Field

12/21 – Learning to be Human

John O’Neill The XXIV World Congress of Philosophy August 13- 20, 2018 – Beijing, China The World Congress of Philosophy is a global gathering of philosophers held every five years,…


Natasha Mantler Understanding and Evaluating Research, written by Sue L. T. McGregor, and published by Sage, is a critical guide on how to become research literate. There are many textbooks available on…

Notes from the Field

12/21 – Further Integrating Integral

Kurt Johnson and David Sloan Wilson Both of us, as arguably well-positioned “mainstream” academics and also social and cultural leaders, have for some years been part of the further dissemination…

Leadership Coaching Tips

12/21 – Partnership, inside and out!

Holly Woods I am fortunate to work with many wicked smart young professionals who aspire to bring their important innovations to the market so they can change the world. These…


Bence Gánti What is the IEC? The Integral European Conferences are the prime venue today for the global integral world to meet. Held every two years on the European continent,…

Book Reviews

12/21 – A Compassionate Civilization

Cosmas Gitta Robertson Work joins a growing number of public intellectuals who warn of existential threats to humanity and the planet, while highlighting the unprecedented opportunities available to improve our…
