Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Profit and Business Model Generation

  Foreno Van Der Hulst and Willow Dea Brief Background: In preparation for the Embodying Integral Sustainability seminar, facilitated by Experience Integral in August, Willow Dea and I prepared a…


Update and Future Regarding Terri O’Fallon’s Research: Her Talk at Seattle, WA, USA, June 14, 2011 Rev. Alia Zara  Aurami-Sou (Nickname “OM”) Dr. Terri O’Fallon, Ph.D., (founder, researcher, faculty, and…


Reaching New Heights in Leadership Education:  Report on the Annual Meeting of the Association of Leadership Educators Eric Kaufman Climb higher. See further. Become a more powerful catalyst for leadership…


South West Integral Group – Integral Alive Day with Gary Hawke  May 22nd 2011 Tessa Martin I feel fortunate to have found a group of people in the South West…


2nd Integral Conference in Moscow: “Potential and Prospects of the Integral Approach” Victor Shiryaev The Integral wave is vast and diverse, though it is mostly associated with the Northern American…


The Implications and Remarkable Moments of “Russian Davos” Eugene Pustoshkin Action is your manifesting gift—and for every single one mistaking kindness for weakness there’s another letting equanimity fade into hierarchical…


Integral Without Borders Conference:  Self-as-instrument Integral International Development Center March 25 – 27, 2011 Vancouver, BC   Susan Wright   Integral Without Borders (IWB) is a learning center of the…


Integral Leadership in Action (ILiA) Status Report – May/June 2011 Michael McElhenie Integral Leadership in Action is alive and well. We are currently in an exploratory incubation period, which has…


Leading from Within: Integral Applications to Sustainability in the Niger Delta, Nigeria Oliver Ngodo Tuesday May 17, 2011, His Excellency the High Commissioner of Canada to Nigeria, Chris Cooter, was…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Blind Spots and Pathologies at the Top of the Spiral

Blind Spots and Pathologies at the Top of the Spiral—Notes From the Field Robin Reinach and Barbara Larisch Integral New York started spring 2011 with an exploration of the possible…
