Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

International Integral Journey with Coach Institute, Russia

Alexander Savkin and Philipp Guzenuk In October of 2011 the Coach Institute Russia, located in St. Petersburg, joined in partnership with our United States strategic partner Dana Carman, to host…


SPIN 2011 18-20th Nov. 2011 Ola Solawe The Madness of Modern Life In modern-day rapid changes, information overload, ever-growing complexity and chronic stress are “normal” state. On a global scale…


David Holzmer In A Theory of Everything Ken Wilber (2001) makes the point that “catalytic factors from several dimensions need to be present in order for transformation to occur”(p. 33)….

Notes from the Field

Russian December: The Layers of Protests in Russia

Dmitry Baranov   Image acquired from the Wikipedia article on 2011 Russian protests Dmitry Baranov   Russia witnesses a complex sociopolitical situation today. It is well-known that in 1917 the…


  Brian Van der Horst Europa, that cash cow of the occident, is bleating conundrums of continuity, at the time of this writing. Will the European Union survive the financial…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Sydney Spirituality

  Integral Spirituality in Sydney, July 2011 Trish Nowland Beginning in early 2011, through discussion and conversation, the Sydney Integral community built momentum and impetus so that the yearning amongst…


 About Spiral Dynamics, Critical Realism and Integral Theory Lisa Jaya Waters September was a month of interesting events: The final week of the Integral Leadership Collaborative Conference in which I…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Embodying Integral Sustainability

Venwoude, the Netherlands  24th – 28th August 2011 Nynke Feenstra At the beautiful retreat Venwoude we came together to explore and embody Integral Sustainability Leadership. Our group was 20 participants…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Design Me a Planet, Austria

  Review of Design Me a Planet Michel Nguyen The “Design Me a Planet” (“Dessine-moi une planète”) is the name of project founded by Michel Saloff-Coste and which is still…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Integral University Day, Paris

  Review of 12th Integral University Day Michel Nguyen The On Tuesday 24th May 2011 took place the 12th day of the Parisian Integral University. The theme was “integral societies…
