Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote: Joseph Byaruhanga & Sidney Hook
Leadership is like a panicle of rice because at the height of the season, at the height of its power, it is beautiful, it is green, it nourishes the world,…
Leadership Quote: Pulin K. Garg
“The nature of system is certainty; the nature of structure is security; the nature of beauty is order. These define the ‘oughts’ of a good society. When the ‘oughts’ become…
Leadership Quote
“The message of heroic leadership is about the sterling character of the leader, not the substance of the issues that the public is called to decide. And the temptation of…
Leadership Quote
“There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.” ~ William Frederick Halsey, Jr.
Leadership Quote
“The problem with even the best-intentioned recommendations for leadership competence in intercultural contexts is that they still have a cultural bias. In other words, the very concept of leadership is…
Leadership Quote: Mary Parker Follett
The skillful leader…does not rely on personal force; he controls his group not by dominating but by expressing it. He stimulates what is best inus; he univies and concentrates what…
Leadership Quote: Charles M. Johnston
Leading from a more integral place is not something one can just choose to do. One can grow more sensitive to what is involved, but ultimately it is predicted on…
Leadership Quote: Gina Hernez-Broome and Richard L. Hughes
“…leadership will be understood as the collective capacity of all members of an organization to accomplish such critical tasks as setting direction, creating alignment, and gaining commitment. Leadership development based…
Leadership Quote
In writing about leadership in the American Indian Nations: …anyone can begin to tell the story in new ways. Ideally, the process will involve elected leadership; after all, elected leaders…
Leadership Quote: Peter Rennie
“The CEO and his executives often have difficulty in letting go of tendencies towards heroic leadership that are inherent in our society. Heroic leaders, who are usually male, often resort…