Book Reviews

Ron Cacioppe and Michael Fox Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux is a ground breaking book that describes how the functioning and structure of organisations evolves over time to match the level…


Ádám Olgyay Harald Harung and Frederick Travis (2016). Excellence through Mind-Brain Development: The Secrets of World Class Performers. London, UK. Routledge. We all want excellence and happiness. Thousands of books have…


John Stewart Otto Laske, Dialectical Thinking for Integral Leaders: A Primer. Tucson: Integral Publishers, 2015. Gregory Bateson famously said: “The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between…

Book Reviews

8/31 – Flow-Based Leadership Book Review

Jackie Damrau Judith L. Glick-Smith (2016). Flow-Based Leadership: What the best firefighters can teach you about leadership and making hard decisions. Technics Publishers. Flow-Based Leadership: What the Best Firefighters Can…


Joseph Friedman Eros/Power is a wonderfully brave and highly readable book. Brave because, although both Hilary Bradbury and Bill Torbert are acclaimed scholars, they have stepped from behind the safety…


Nancy Southern We all are keenly aware of the importance of workplaces in shaping people, culture, and society. Our workplaces can create the conditions to support people in finding meaning…


Arzina Zaza Overview of the Work This book was very well written and it was extremely inspiring. From the time I picked up this book, I could not wait to…


Arzina Zaza Overview of the Work According to Dr. Stoltz, this book was written to help its readers understand what grit means, how to use grit and learn how to…


Vladimir Ern Translator’s note: Russian culture cannot be fully comprehended without rediscovering its sacred roots in the form of sophisticated and advanced Integral philosophical systems, often known as Russian religious…

Book Reviews

1/18 – Cultural Landscape: An Integral Perspective

Milana Vladimirovna Ragulina. Cultural Landscape: An Integral Perspective. (In Russian: Kul’turniy landshaft: integral’niy vzglyad). Ulyanovsk: Zebra, 2015. The book is available for free in Russian at Eugene Pustoshkin and Alexander Malakhov Milana…
