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28th Annual Symposium for the
Society for Research in Adult Development
June 21=234, 2013
The Symposium will focus on positive adult development, which refers to expanded capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life from adolescence on. The Symposium is going to be held at Salem State University in Salem, Massachusetts.
“Bounds of Ethics in a Globalized World”
January 6-9, 2014
Christ University, Bangalore, India
His Holiness Dalai Lama will be the Chief Guest, and he will deliver the inaugural address.
There will be Keynote addresses by reputed national and international speakers. Eminent scholars and practitioners from medical, corporate, environmental, social, philosophical, theological and religious fields present research papers at the plenary sessions.
Register on-line: www.boundsofethics2014.in
The World Future Society’s Annual Conference, WorldFuture 2013
Chicago, Illinois – July 19-21.2013
Exploring the Next Horizon, will feature more than 60 sessions, workshops, and special events over the course of two and a half days. Opening night kicks off with Futurists: BetaLaunch, a technology petting zoo where engineers, designers and others will present their inventions to the 900 futurists expected to gather for the conference.
XII International Studying Leadership Conference Rome
Sustainable Leadership for Socially Responsible Organizations
14-16 December 2013
The International Studying Leadership Conference (ISLC) is one of the most prestigious conferences on leadership and leadership studies. The ISLC is held annually in December. It attracts leadership researchers working in academia, consultancies and industries from all over the world. The first conference was held at Oxford University in 2002, and since then the meeting has been hosted by the Universities of Lancaster (in 2003 and 2005), Exeter (2004), Cranfield (2006), Warwick (2007), Auckland (2008), Birmingham (2009), Lund (2010), Bristol (2011) and Perth (2012). Conference participants often comment on the critical, rigorous, constructive and supportive atmosphere that characterizes discussions and debates at the ISLC. The ISLC 2013 will be organised in the beautiful city of Rome by a consortium of Italian and international institutions led by the Swiss School of Management of Rome and the Foundation Demote under the coordination of Dr. Antonio Marturano. The Conference dates are December the 14th to the 16th.
Contact: marturano@btinternet.com