

Russ Volckmann

John Forman, Paul Landraitis, Steve McIntosh and Bert Parlee have published their new website

The site describes their business as follows:

“Integral Development Associates (IDA) is a consulting firm specializing in the application of integral theory and practice to organizations and markets. As part of the growing worldwide integral movement, IDA has achieved significant results by literally raising the consciousness of organizations and their leaders. This creates better quality decisions, better organizational design and harmony, and an increased understanding of customers and markets. Integral thinking impacts all the functions of business in such a dramatic way because it incorporates a clear vision of the inner dimensions of subjective mindsets and organizational culture together with the outer dimensions of systems, processes and behavior.”

They have an impressive Advisory Board:

  • Don Beck
  • Joan Borysenko
  • Leo Burke
  • Allan Combs
  • Larry Dossey
  • Robert Kegan
  • Jenny Wade
  • Ken Wilber
And there are some interesting articles available on the site:
John Forman, “Embracing Integrated Complexity: Integrating Innovation and Performance in Humane Organizations”
Steve McIntosh, “Noosphere Evolution and Value Metabolism: An Examination of the Nature and Behavior of the Structures of Consciousness and Culture”
Kathryn Fiandt and John Forman, “Integral Nursing: An Emerging Framework for Engaging the Evolution of the Profession”

> Russ Volckmann