Adizes Graduate School is offering a three-day Adizes BTP(Breakthorough to Prime)-March 3-5, 2005-seminar and a six-day Spiral Dynamics seminar-March 7-12, 2005 – both live in Santa Barbara, California. http://www.adizes.com/Insights16/04.htm
Additional 2005 Spiral Dynamics
Training and Public Events Schedule
All SDi workshops and other learning events are presented by Dr. Don Beck, assisted by close colleagues in the Spiral Dynamics Integral constellation, unless otherwise stated below.
Provisional 2005 dates for SDi Level One and Two, Three or Special Presentations are:
- Jan 31 – Feb 2 Copenhagen, Denmark (with Teddy Larsen)
- March 7-12 Santa Barbara, California (with the Adizes Graduate School)
- April 1-6 Vancouver, Canada (with Dr. Marilyn Hamilton)
- May 9-17 Edinburgh, Scotland (with Christopher Cooke)
- May 23-29 Dallas, Texas–6th Annual SDi Confab
- September 9-15 Toronto, Canada (with Dr. Marilyn Hamilton)
- September 15-23 London, England (with Christopher Cooke)
- October 24-29 Boulder, Colorado–Personal Emergence
- November 7-12 Santa Barbara, California (with The Adizes Graduate School)
- December 6-11 Washington, DC–Macro*Memetics
Leadership University
Introduction to SWIRL Dynamics: Creating Sustainable Network Design
Led by Mike R. Jay, Master Business Coach
Mondays, starting January 24, 2005
10:00 a.m., 13 weeks
This is the basis, along with other support that I derive my Swirl Dynamics MetaSystem (SDMS) to promote intervention through perturbing complex systems more effectively. In this system lies the systems or paradigms of Motivational Dynamics (epigenetic core), Developmental Dynamics (self-other tension), Ego Dynamics ( vertical growth in self-concept), Spiral Dynamics (means instrumentation and evolution of memes through valuing systems), Reciprocal Dynamics (Experiential Problem Solving Tension and Evolution), Integral Dynamics (where no one line of development is exclusive to the development of other lines of development, Kolb’s and Wilber’s work), Emergent Dynamics (non-linear emergence), Spiritual Dynamics (alignment of spirit systems) and Energy Dynamics where subtle, yet powerful fields of energy become functional.
SWIRL Dynamics is a concilient approach to help us understand, map, design and predict behavior through a complex, paradoxically-dynamic system of interrelationships. This 13 hour program presents an overview of this system of systems. It is not designed to be the end, but the beginning of identifying more efficient, yet sustainable approaches to increasingly complex problems.
If you know of programs that might be of interest to subscribers to this Review, please send your information toruss@integraleadershipreview.com. The next issue will be published in February 2005.