We are in the fifth year of publication of the Integral Leadership Review. It is increasingly taking the form that I hoped, although I am sure there is still much that can be done to make this a useful document that attracts a wider audience in the fields of consulting, training and coaching, as well as among business and other organizational leaders who have a passion for leadership.
I am grateful to the 1146 subscribers to Integral Leadership Review. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrative, generative and supportive of our evolving integrity – learning to align our theory and our action, our values and assumptions with achieving what is important to us. Also, I am grateful to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support we have received.
The mission of this e-publication is to be a practical guide to the application of an integral perspective to the challenges of leadership in business and life and to the effective relationship between executive/business coaches and their clients. My vision includes that this will be a place where others, as well as myself, can continue to develop and share ideas about Integral Leadership and integral coaching. That vision is being realized.
A Request for Voluntary Support
I trust you find the Integral Leadership Review brings value added to your work and interests. I am committed to keeping this ejournal available to all who wish to read it. Please consider a small voluntary donation to assist us in covering the costs associated with producing this Review: transcriptions, international telephone calls, webmaster time, etc.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
› Thank you. Russ Volckmann
Journal of Organizational Change Management: Integrally informed approaches to organizational transformation, Nancy E. Landrum and Jim Paul, eds., 18, 3, 2005.
There is no way I can do justice to all of the material in this publication in a brief space. Therefore, I will highlight a couple of interesting pieces related to Integral Leadership. Here are the articles included in this issue:
- Thierry C. Pauchant, Integral Leadership: a research proposal
- Ron Cacioppe and Mark G. Edwards, Adjusting blurred visions: a typology of integral approaches to organizations
- Nancy E. Landrum and Carolyn L. Gardner, Using integral theory to effect strategic change
- Carla C.J.M. Millar, Chong Ju Choi, Edward T. Russell and Jai-Boem Kim, Open source communities: an integrally informed approach
- Mark G. Edwards, The integral holon: a holonics approach to organizational change and transformation
- Russ Volckmann, Assessing executive leadership: an integral approach
To the best of my knowledge, this is the first peer-reviewed journal to devote a special issue to any aspect of integral studies. If you know of others, please let me know.
To read the rest of this summary click here.
- A Request
- If you are finding the Integral Leadership Review to be bringing useful, fresh perspectives to the subject of leadership, please think of the leaders in business and life that might be able to benefit from subscribing to this epublication. Please send them a copy or a link to the web site, www.integralleadershipreview.com so that they may explore it. In this time of intense internet communication, we all need to manage our time and read those things which are most relevant for our work, our thinking and our values. It is my hope that many people will find the evolvingIntegral Leadership Review does just that. Your help is deeply appreciated.
- Feedback
- Got any? E-mail Russ Volckmann russ@integraleadershipreview.com.
- Thanks
- Thanks for taking the time to consider this e-publication in a world of data overload. For leaders, collaborators, consultants, academics and coaches alike; I welcome you to some ideas and a dialogue that may benefit us all. I hope you will contact me soon with your idea, reference or article. Suggestions on improvement are welcome.
- Russ Volckmann, PhD, Coaching Leaders in Business and Life
Email: russ@integraleadershipreview.com
Tel: 831.333-9200, FAX: 831.656-0110
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- This material is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Financial, Legal and Professional information is not Financial, Legal and Professional advice. You should see a Financial, Legal or Professional in the area in which you live if you need advice.
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