Hi Russ.
I have just read your web site and recent interview with the authors of Leadership Agility. A Conversation with Bill Joiner and Steve Joseph. I really enjoyed it and kept wondering of course if I had attained their ultimate level of leadership Agility…(It’s now 5am here in Sydney and my birthday June 8-turn 55 today…I guess i will have to wait until Oct and find out!).
Have been coaching and leadership training, facilitating etc for a few years now. Have a bunch of our largest banks and professional service firms as clients-and things are going well. I keep learning and giving back etc..but wonder where to next-how are you finding the journey?
Keep up your good work and thank you for including me in on everything.
> Tim Rossi
Dear Keith,
Yours is the single most-balanced reply I’ve read on the issues surrounding Gafni and Wilber’s response. I know this, because it’s the first time that in reading any reflections on these issues, I didn’t feel my stomach tightening. I wouldn’t say I could always see what exactly was amiss, but having read your contribution to the IL Review, I feel my position has been made explicit in a way that I apparently could not do. Thank you!
Warm Regards;
> Diederick Janse