Integral Notes
In the current issue of this newsletter is an interview with Alan Mulally, CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes Subscriptions to this newsletter are also available.
Generating Transformative Change in Human Systems, beginning October 2, 2006. For those who are ready to transform their lives and their work, with an on-going, sustained system of support and consultation, Generating Transformative Change in Human Systems is a powerful, leading-edge learning opportunity designed to support the emergence of effective integral leaders and communities of practice. Our next course begins October 2, 2006 with facilitators, Terri O’Fallon, Geoff Fitch, Dana Carman and selected assistant faculty.
Contact Dana Carman at 425.882.8859, or email us at gtc@pacificintegral.com
1st Annual SDi European Confab
September 8-10, 2006
Vught, Netherlands The Center for Human Emergence (Netherlands
Join us for three days of dynamic and engaging learning designed to support and connect all human emergence and Spiral Dynamics practitioners, and exchange best practices for real life applications. Whether you are a relative newcomer to SDi, or an experienced and advanced human emergence practitioner, we are offering both mild and hot spicy sessions to choose from – to support your own specific learning curve!
Susann Cook-Greuter MAP Program
Susann Cook-Greuter and Beena Sharma will be presenting an intimate, intensive exploration of MAP, a framework that illuminates a sound understanding of human development, with demonstrated application in organizational contexts (see Rooke and Torbert, Harvard Business Review, April 2005).
The MAP measure is the best tool for identifying self-actualizers, the very individuals most likely capable of integrally-oriented, transformative leadership necessary to survive in today’s demanding and ever-changing environments. What makes MAP unique & distinctive Most leadership development approaches in organizational and professional practice today promote adult learning through a lateral, skill-based approach. MAP uniquely focuses on both lateral growth (competency acquisition) and vertical, transformational development (gaining greater capacity) In addition, MAP makes the most subtle and explicit distinctions at the high-end of the personal developmental spiral, and includes ego transcendent (spirit) perspectives.
September 24, 2006: 4 pm until September 27, 5 pm; University of San Diego San Diego, CA. Registration: Please emailbsharma@integralinstitute.org or call 941-726-7620; Fax 1-877-570-5796.
Audio Podcasts
Gary Stamper and Alex Rollin discuss Integral Leadership, holocracy and the Seattle Integral Solon.
Integral City
Marilyn Hamilton and her team have created a most amazing website. Integral City. Adapted from the website:
Integral City.com is a space for meshworking global intelligences to think about, act in, relate to and work in the healthy city of the future. We explore four perspectives, with a systems thinking level of awareness.
Integral City explores the city as a whole system like the human equivalent of the beehive. It uses an integral meta-framework to reframe the city as a resilient, vibrant human habitat. Integral City utitizes four key city perspectives as a spiral/integral meta-model (developed by Clare Graves, Don Beck and Ken Wilber) to explore the psycho-bio-cultural-social systems of individuals and groups in the city:
- Quadrant 1 Explores the Citizen as the source of Intentional – subjective “I” realities (about the individual eg. emotions, psychology, intellect, spirit)
- Quadrant 2 Explores the City Manager as the exemplar of Behavioral – objective “It” realities (of the city’s bio-physical health and resilience)
- Quadrant 3 Explores Civil Society as the representative of Cultural – intersubjective “We” realities (about the relationships and values of groups eg. NGO’s, NFP’s and Foundations)
- Quadrant 4 Explores Developers as the action oriented designer of Social – interobjective “Its” realities (eg. Infrastructures, systems, technologies).
And check out this piece about citizens as leaders:
QOL Citizens: How Can I Demonstrate Leadership? I demonstrate leadership in the city by managing myself appropriately in relation to my life conditions. I demonstrate leadership by:
- Initiating new patterns, processes and structures; eg. “Imagine the City of the Future” initiatives.
- Developing and/or extending existing patterns, processes and structures; eg. integral approaches to solving homelessness
- Making connections with ideas, people and things; eg. matching up seniors with Gen Y’s to raise funds for a sports stadium.
In demonstrating leadership, I actually depend on three major bio-physical systems. Systems scientist and author, James Grier Miller documented these three systems along with nineteen subsystems (or threads) (which parallel the same nineteen subsystems in all other living systems)….
We can save the world! Ervin Laszlo
This article appeared in Ode issue: 36
Humanity faces a choice between collapsing into chaos and evolving into a sustainable, ethical global community. There’s never been a more powerful moment in all history to make a difference in the world.
A Call For Papers!
International Conference On Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leaderhip
Integral Leadership on Zaadz.com
After Zaadz showed up in front of me again in the conversation between Ken Wilber and Zaadz Philosopher and CEO Brian Johnson, I decided to check it out. I found there was already a “zpod”— a thread on list serves—on Integral Leadership and another on Integral Leadership in health care. Not only that, but since I joined, I have been contacted by other Zaadz members who are ILR subscribers!
The zpod was started with the question, “What is Integral Leadership?” As of this writing there were 8 responses beginning with a stage-oriented definition to the effect that an integral leader is someone with integral consciousness. Brett Thomas, offers a stage model of leadership that outlines the relationship between some major leadership theories and various levels of development or “altitude.” There are a few comments about the need for Integral Leadership in health care in relation to innovation.
For more information click to www.zaadz.com
The Integral Sustainability Workshop: Evolving the Art and Science of Sustainability
September 11-15, 2006
Westminster, CO, USA
The Integral Framework and The Integral Advantage:
- A breakthrough way to understand, manage and respond to complexity
- The most comprehensive map of reality to date – encompassing the development of systems, culture, psychology, and behavior
- A vital foundation for sophisticated design and implementation of sustainability initiatives, on any scale
- The culmination of more than 30 years of research by Ken Wilber, the”Einstein of consciousness”
- “Use of the Integral framework will only grow. It’s the future of international development.”
– Robertson Work, Principal Advisor, Bureau for Development Policy,
United Nations Development Programme
- Coordinate authority, power, and influence and deliver full-group engagement toward sustainability
- Achieve integration and alignment of sustainability by easily mapping major influences and organizing key knowledge
- Catalyze and support internal and external change in people and organizations
- Leverage the major forces that foster sustainability in systems, culture, and stakeholder psychology
- Deepen and strengthen personal capacities, such as wisdom, compassion, creativity, and skillful-means
- Faculty
- David Johnston, founder, what’s working
- Gil Friend, ceo, natural logic
- Barrett Brown, co-director. integral sustainability center
- Cynthia McEwen, co-director, integral sustainability center
- John Schmidt, ceo, avastone consulting
- Genpo Merzel Roshi, zen master
To register for this workshop, or for more information, contact:
http://r.vresp.com/?IntegralInstitute/07de2d5528/627172/6c1ba78fc7/bbd4090 or 1-866-483-0168
scholarships available
Integral World
The Data and Methodologies of Integral Science
Kurt Koller, working for the Integral Science department of Integral University, offers one of his essays on integral science:
“This essay introduces a methodology for Integral Science, called Integral Methodological Pluralism (IMP). Tracing the development of epistemological and ontological relationships in the writings of Ken Wilber, the paper attempts to demonstrate how such a methodology might be applied. I consider Wilber’s elucidations of three core principles of valid knowledge (injunction, apprehension, and consensual validation) along with three essential elements of an IMP (nonexclusion, enfoldment, and enactment).”
Read more: http://www.integralworld.net/koller.html
Ken Wilber and I-I’s New CEO
A brief update on Ken Wilber. Some of you may know that Ken has recently suffered ill health. In addition to struggling with a difficult episode of his chronic immune disease (Rnase-L Enzyme Dysfunction Disease) he was also involved in an accident that left him with serious injuries that among other things, included a torn rotator cuff, vertebrae damage, and a broken pelvis. Remarkably, despite extraordinary physical pain, he still gets up every morning at 2AM and writes until 6AM before he resumes his management responsibilities as the visionary leader guiding Integral Institute’s continued growth and expansion. During the past year, Ken wrote five books. The first is Integral Spirituality, the next three were the Many Faces of Terrorism Trilogy, and the fifth was Transformations of Consciousness. Meanwhile, Integral Institute launched the groundbreaking “multiplex” made up of dozens of subject-specific web sites all interconnected via an “integral commons.” To guide the organization’s explosive growth, experienced business leader Steve Frazee was recently named acting CEO. For more information, including daily updates, see Ken’s blog which can be viewed at www.kenwilber.com < http://www.kenwilber.com> .