International Leadership Association
International Leadership Association’s Calendar of Leadership Dates and Events
For an excellent source for leadership conferences Integral Leadership Review recommends:
Promotions by publishers, developers and others providing products and services related to leadership.
Adizes Institute
The 29th International Adizes Convention
July 1 to July 3 (closed session for qualified and certified associates)
July 3rd (opening dinner) until July 5 night (open convention to all.)
July 6 and 7, we will have an open, post-convention visit to Belgrade. On the night of July 7, we will have a post-convention celebration.
Information and Registration
Berkana Institute
I’d like to invite you to join me at either of these five day seminars:
1. Shambhala Institute, Halifax , Nova Scotia, Canada (June 24-30, 2007). I will be offering the course “Call to Fearlessness” with co-teachers Chris Grant and Jerry Granelli. This promises to be a deep inquiry into the sources of our courage and fearless action.
2. Cape Cod Institute, Cape Cod , MA (August 6-10, 2007). This seminar encourages us to notice how our leadership is changing in response to the pressures of these times; as well as whom we choose to be as leaders in these current times.
Meg Wheatley
Metanexus Institute Conference 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215.789.2200
Fax: 215.789.2222
Email: conference2007@metanexus.net
Please submit abstracts, bios, and (if selected) completed papers
via email to papers2007@metanexus.net
Holocracy and Brian Robinson
HolacracyOne, LLC
Even our most progressive approaches to human organization are quickly becoming obsolete – insufficient for navigating the challenges and harnessing the opportunities now in front of us. In recent years we’ve seen the emergence of dozens of new organizational ideas and techniques – new management fads – many helpful, some truly powerful, though few capable of sustaining a fundamental shift in the core dynamics of modern organization and culture.
Friday, April 27th 9:00am to Sunday, April 29th 2:00pm
Inn at Chester Springs, Exton, PA
Register online at www.holacracyone.com/seminars
Contact: training@holacracyone.com
Society for Research in Adult Development
Adult Developments Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1, is now published and uploaded on our website.
To celebrate its debut after skipping some years, the home page has a direct link to it – check it out at http://adultdevelopment.org.
Its editor, Ellen Banks, has compiled a substantive issue, which includes several articles from SRAD members – highly worthwhile reading all the way around.
Annual Adult Development Symposium
(Pre-conference of SRCD)
March 28 – 29, 2007 ~ Boston, MA
The First Global NeuroLeadership Summit
(Participation Limited)
Breaking new ground in our understanding of how to improve human and workplace performance.
14 – 16 May 2007 – Asolo, Italy
Witness the birth of a new discipline
Some of society’s greatest advances have evolved from the merger of seemingly unrelated fields. The NeuroLeadership Summit for the first time brings together top neuroscientists with leadership development experts and senior business executives, to collaborate on addressing some of today’s most important organizational challenges. Issues like how to drive positive change, speed up learning, manage through uncertainty, deal with information overload, and make better decisions. Join an exclusive group of eminent thinkers, researchers and practitioners and witness the creation of new connections that will define new research, new tools, and new ways to think about leadership. All while enjoying great food, spectacular scenery and the cultural delights of northern Italy, near Venice.
Kripalu Center’s Institute for Integrated Leadership
We want to take a moment to update you on our successful first semester. This past December, thirty students graduated from the program after spending four months living in the beautiful Berkshires and immersing themselves in our holistic self-development curriculum. Our students reported life changing results, including:
- Greater sense of direction and excitement in work or study
- Increased confidence and stronger leadership skills
- More ease living with and communicating with peers
- Renewed commitments to healthier living and financial consciousness
- Deeper understanding of yoga and other contemplative traditions
- Clearer understanding of how to live life’s “big questions”
- Improved self-acceptance
- The strongest friendships of their lives
We would value the opportunity to talk to you about joining our upcoming Fall 2007 class. The Fall 2007 session runs from early September through late December. As you may know, we have rolling admissions, and we expect to fill the Fall 2007 class this spring. We also have rolling scholarship consideration, so it is to a student’s advantage to apply early. If you or anyone you know is interested in the Semester Intensive, please contact us soon at this leadership@kripalu.org or 413-448-3582. You can also check out the Semester Intensive link on our website,www.kripalu.org, for detailed information on the program and application materials. We hope to talk with you soon!
Dennis Kiley
Outreach Coordinator
Semester Intensive
Kripalu Center Institute for Integrated Leadership
E-LEADER” Conference, PRAGUE
You are cordially invited to submit a paper to the “E-LEADER” Conference, PRAGUE 2007, http://www.g-casa.com:2095/horde/services/go.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.g-casa.com
The aim of E-Leader conference is to train tomorrow leaders in teaching and researching
in the following areas:
. Art, humanities, psychology and social science
. Business, finance, management and marketing
. Computer, engineering and information systems
. Education and instructional technology
. Health services and physical sciences
E-leader is the international leadership and networking conference.
Chinese American Scholars Association
Chinese American Scholars Association (CASA) was founded for academics, managers, professionals, and others who shared and supported the concerns of the Chinese American issues. CASA has been registered with the State of New York and Internal Revenue Service (IRS code Section 501 C-3), as a not-for-profit tax-exempt organization since 1989.
The details of submitting a paper and participating in this conference can be obtained from our website, http://www.g-casa.com:2095/horde/services/go.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.g-casa.com
Mgr. Diana Silonova, MBA
Dr. Donald Hsu, Chair / Dr. Elvira Tarr, Board Chair
Contact at proposal@g-casa.com
Leaders on Leadership ’07: Critical Issues in the Age of Globalization
The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars
Washington, DC
The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars will once again offer our successful Leaders on Leadership academic seminar for one week in May. This unique program, designed for students in leadership programs/studies and honors programs, will include important speakers, site visits, and leadership activities. The new faculty director for the program, Dr. Christopher Howard, a former Rhodes Scholar and vice president for strategic and leadership initiatives at the University of Oklahoma, is working on an exciting schedule of speakers and activities centered around various theories and the practice of leadership. The emphasis of this year’s program will be on greater interaction and participation by the students.
We are currently seeking faculty leaders for the program and applicants may inquire by writing us at seminars@twc.edu. Faculty leaders receive a stipend and free housing for being in charge of a small group of students. Institutions that send ten or more students receive a full scholarship award and are eligible to send a faculty member from their own institution to be a faculty leader. When schools are billed directly for the program fee, the application fee is waived. Cost is the same as last year, $1,295, which includes the program and free housing.
For a brochure and application, students can go to: http://www.twc.edu/students/seminars. For more information, please contact us atseminars@twc.edu
Regular Deadline: April 1, 2007
Program Dates: May 12-19, 2007
COLE Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Competition
The Fuqua/Coach K Center on Leadership & Ethics (COLE) at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University is hosting a dissertation proposal competition for Ph.D. candidates whose research contributes to the understanding of leadership and ethical issues facing the business community. Candidates in all business disciplines and in those relating to social and political sciences are invited to apply. Examples of topics in ethics include, but are not limited to: corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, employee privacy, trust in financial institutions, conflicts of interest, ethics in advertising & marketing, regulation & ethics, intergenerational issues, environmental responsibility, whistle-blowing, auditor independence, ethics & corporate culture, sexual harassment, discrimination, downsizing, insider trading, industrial espionage, trade secrets, and international labor & sweatshops. Examples of topics in leadership include, but are not limited to: institutional leadership, gender & leadership, team leadership, crisis leadership, trust in leadership, leading change, stewardship, mentoring, leader-follower relationships, and leadership style.
Proposals will be judged on the contribution that they make to the scholarly understanding of ethical and leadership issues in business as well as on their theoretical and methodological quality. 1-2 winners will receive a $1,000 honorarium, and will be asked to present their research at Fuqua.
Who should apply?
All Ph.D. candidates who have successfully defended their dissertation proposal by May 15, 2007 are invited to apply (defense of dissertation itself must occur after this date).
Required Materials:
- A completed application form (Visit the COLE website: www.leadershipandethics.org. Click on “Research” on the homepage) If you have any problem downloading the form, contact coledissertation@duke.edu
- Full dissertation proposal
- An extended 5-page abstract of the proposal
- Curriculum Vita
- Letter of recommendation from dissertation advisor. Please note: Dissertation Advisor should send letter to the Center on Leadership and Ethics, Attn: Tejumade Ajasa, Fuqua School of Business, One Towerview Drive, Durham, NC 27708
Application Deadline: May 15, 2007.
Submit all required materials electronically to coledissertation@duke.edu.
Questions regarding the COLE Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Competition application procedures should be directed to Tejumade Ajasa, COLE Program Manager, coledissertation@duke.edu
Other questions about the competition can be directed to Kimberly Wade-Benzoni, Associate Professor of Management, COLE Scholar & Committee Chair, at coledissertation@duke.edu
Community Leadership Association’s (CLA) Annual Conference
Grand Rapids, Michigan from May 3 – 6 2007.
Detailed conference information is available at: www.communityleadership.org/conference
The title of this year’s conference: “Leadership, Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line: Inspiring leaders, Building Organizations, Strengthening Community.”
Highlights this year include keynoters such as:
Ray Anderson President of Interface, Inc – a leading “green corporation” who will speak to the leadership required to focus on sustainability.
Steve Gunderson– President of the Council on Philanthropy – who will address the role of philanthropy in supporting community sustainability.
Chuck Underwood– President of The Generational Imperative – discussing the challenges ahead for transition of leadership from the Boomers to the “Xers”
Mary Fischer– international AIDS activist speaking to the challenges in global sustainability
Max DePree– Much noted author of numerous books on the practice of leadership.
Allan Pressel, President of CharityFinders – who will lead a workshop on making your website attractive to potential contributors by actually performing such a transformation in real time!
The Annual Conference of the World Future Society
July 29-31, 2007
Hilton Minneapolis
Minneapolis, MN USA
The theme of the conference is “Fostering Hope and Vision for the 21st Century. Confirmed speakers include Helena Acheson, Forfas, Dublin, Ireland; Don Beck, CEO Spiral Dynamics Group; Tsvi Bisk, Director, Center for Strategic Futurist Thinking, Jerusalem, Israel; Janine Cahill, Future Journeys, Coogee Sydney, NSW, Australia; and Gunter Clar, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, Stuttgart, Germany.
1 800 989-8274 1 301 656-8274 – info@wfs.org – http://www.wfs.org