

Russ Volckmann

Asociacion Integral Espanola andAelotrans


OCTOBER 20th y 21st
Tibetan House


Program in Spanish

This year: Upper Left Quadrant (ULQ)+ Integral Practice Application: Workshops

The two days Conference will be broadcasted to all the Spanish speaking countries through the Internet.

9,30: OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE: Raquel Torrent. Madrid
Psychiologist, therapist, writer and Professor (Integral/Transpersonal approach).
AELOTRANS Director and President of the AIE.
9,45: Luis Paniagua“Musical Opening for lira and voice”. Almería
Music composer, producer. New Ancestral Musics.
10,00: Alejandro Villar: “Integral Spirituality”. Gijón
Phd. in Biology, Yoga teacher, Expert in Ken Wilber’s Integral Model and accredited Facilitator of Gempo Roshi’s Big Mind.
11,00: Maribel Rodriguez: “ Conciousness through Fenomenology“. Madrid
Psychiatrist, Phd. in Medicine. Professor at the San Pablo-CEU University of Madrid
12,00: B R E A K
12,15: Ralph Pochadt: “¿Why do we travel? Motivations and metamotivations”Germany Business Director. Consultant. Expert in the applicatión of integral vision to enterprises.
13,15: Magda Catalá “The double experience of the Upper Left Quadrant” .Barcelona
Philosopher. Therapist and Professor.
14,30: L U N C H
16,30: Agustín Paniker: Presentation of the book Integral Spirituality of Ken Wilbe r.
Writer and Director and Editor of KAIROS. Barcelona
17,00: Isabel Salama:“ Eneagram and Trascendence”. Madrid
Clinical Psychologist. Therapist and Professor atthe Autonomous Univesrity. Madrd
18,00: Teleconference connection with Ken Wilber (Question and Answers session).
The duration goes from 20 minutes to forty five minutes. Logically the following speakers will accomodate accordingly)
18,30: José María Poveda: ‘I ntra-personal Intelligence and Shadow Managing’. Madrid
Phd. Medical Doctor.Psychiatry Professor of the Autonomous University of Madrid
19,30: Ramón Rosal y Ana Gimeno-Bayón “ Lived Pluralism of the ULQ according to personality styles.” Barcelona.
Phds. in Psychology and Directors of the ERIC FROMM Institute of Barcelona
20, 15: Musical closing by LUIS PANIAGUA
SUNDAY October 21st (MORNING): 6 WORKSHOPS of half an hour of duration in three different rooms.
9,30: Paul Marshall:“ Integral Life Practice”. Barcelona
Phd. in Political Sciencies. Proffesor at the Pompeu Fabra Univesrity
9,30: Rosario Sánchez: “Integral Sexuality”. Madrid
Psychologist, Therapist and Professor.
9,30: Octavio García: “From Psychotherapy to Meditation”. Barcelona
Psychologist. Psychoanalist. Yoga and Meditatión teacher.
11,00: B R E A K
11,30: Susana Lemonche: “The Enterprise seen from the Inside”. Madrid Industrial Engineer. Personal and Business Coach . Téchnical Advisor of the Town Hall Direction.
11,30: Ezequiel Newberry: “The use of Technology and Virtual Networks from the ULQ” Argentina
Psychologist. Professor. Creator of the Integral Campus and expert in Web Technology.
11,30: Daniel Turón y Federico Paz “ Life and Práctice of Ken Wilber”
Echophilosopher and yoga teacher. Anthropologist. Writer and Specialist in History of Religions
13,00: B R E A K
13,15: DISCUSSION TABLE WITH ALL SPEAKERS. Moderator:Alejandro Villar
(Open to questions of the presential publicand the public on-line)
13,45: FINAL SHOW (I):
Rosario Sánchez: “Dance of the Four Quadrants”.
Oriental Free Dance. Own creation.
14,00: FINAL SHOW (II):
Luis Paniagua: “Musical closing with lira and voice”.
Musical Composer. Producer . Mediter. Ra. Neo.

Bay Area Sol Meeting – The World Café: Fostering Conversational Leadership
Friday, September 7, 2007, 10 am – 3pm
Saybrook Graduate School / San Francisco

Andrea Dyer, Laura Peck, Tom Hurley, David Isaacs (tentative), and Susan Kelly will present their current thinking on the topic of Conversational Leadership and then host a world café conversation on conversational leadership and how we can cultivate it in our organizations and communities. This is a pilot of a 4 hour workshop that will be offered by Andrea and Laura at the SoL Academy on Wheels Conference in Detroit on September 17th.

The World Café: Fostering Conversational Leadership

“The World Café” is designed around a fundamental premise that change happens through the webs of conversation, connections and relationships of which we are all a part.

Through the quality of conversation and the presence we have within ourselves and with others, we co-evolve our collective intelligence, our images of the futures we want to co-create, and thus the impact we will have in our organizations and in our world. As we become more skilled at framing, convening, and hosting these kinds of conversations we will contribute to creating a culture of dialogue in our homes, communities, organizations, schools, and our world.

This hands-on, experiential workshop challenges our notion of leadership to recognize collaborative conversation as a core business process for appreciating intellectual capital and engaging collective intelligence at all levels of the organization. The World Café is a simple, yet powerful approach to large group dialogue. It is being used by business, education, government, NGO’s and multi-sector groups on six continents to foster the capacity for thinking together about complex issues. The World Café’s seven core design principles provide an extraordinary framework for hosting conversations that unleash the power of relationships to create positive change, even when not using the Café format.

You are invited to experience the The World Café as a powerful resource for individual insight, team learning, and large-scale change—together we will explore the possibility of Conversational Leadership.

What if leaders believed and acted as if conversations really mattered—a source of vitality to be cultivated and nourished?

What would it take for us to support our leaders in becoming conversational leaders?

As a participant in this program you will gain the skills to:
Understand and appreciate strategic conversation as a core business process for:
Strategy evolution and the creation of positive futures
Understand and value the difference between “hosting conversations” and “running meetings” as a core leadership competence in today’s business environment.
Experiment with tools and practices for designing and hosting strategic conversations based on the World Café design principles.

Activities of this workshop will include: conceptual inputs, experience in The World Café and large group dialogue, individual reflection, use of art and visual modalities, and practical design activities around participants’ real life issues.

Andrea Dyer is a founder of Demeter Matrix Alliance, an alliance of senior practitioners who provide coaching, consulting, education, and facilitation to guide leaders and organizations in their efforts to create sustainable excellence. She is a pioneer in the World Café work and has collaborated with the world café community in cultivating conversational leadership in corporations, non-profits, education and in her community. One distinguishing aspect of her work is the ability to address the systemic relationship between organizational culture, leaders, individuals and teams, thereby creating conditions to produce lasting change.
Laura Peck is a principal of Claros Group,( a SF Bay Area consulting group that works with innovative leaders in health care, education, and youth development. She is a leadership coach, organizational strategist, and master facilitator committed to building adaptive organizations by engaging groups in conversations that generate new possibilities and robust strategies. Over the past 10 years, her learning edge has been intergenerational work and large group deliberations. She has used The World Café, Future Search, Open Space, and ICA planning tools in varied settings with culturally, economically, and racially diverse participants.
Tom Hurley is currently guiding the global evolution of the World Café and serves as a senior advisor to leaders interested in new organizational forms and emerging patterns of life-affirming leadership. He was co-founder of the Chaordic Commons, a nonprofit consulting organization in which he partnered with VISA founder Dee Hock, and served for seventeen years with the Institute of Noetic Sciences as a member of the senior management team and Board of Directors.
David Isaacs is one of the founders of The World Café. Currently he is interested in exploring what questions matter most to world cafe practioners and in exploring deeper meanings of the World Cafe to include how we are awakening to the idea of the world as cafe and how that contributes to co-evolving life affirming futures. (David is tentatively scheduled to be with us, depending on a prior family commitment.)
Susan Kelly is a leader in the graphic facilitation / recording field and a pioneer within The World Café community. In addition to on-site recording, she offers agenda/meeting space design and related visual communication materials, all of which support groups in gaining access to information and bringing their ideas to life.

Saybrook is at 747 Front Street, 3rd Floor, between Broadway and Pacific Ave. Parking in the area costs $15-20 a day. There are a number of garages and surface lots within 2 blocks. The closest BART station is Embarcadero Center. Room information will be available at the counter when you enter the 3rd Floor. For lunch there are plenty of local delis, salad bars, Chinese or Sushi takeout places. Togo’s and Safeway are just a block and half away, or bring your own lunch.

We will be charging a nominal fee of $20 for this meeting to non-members. However, we will not turn anyone away for lack of payment.

Elizabeth Doty
For the Sol West Stewards

The Berkana Institute’s Learning Journeys

Halfway through the year, many of us find ourselves reexamining our priorities, our successes, our failures, and where we are compared to where we’d like to be. Sometimes, this examination is freeing and opens doors for new ways of working and new ways of being within our work. More often, however, it can leave us feeling stuck, mired in the work, as if there are no options or changes that can be made.

We invite you to take a helping hand out of that muck and join The Berkana Institute and local leaders from around the world on a Learning Journey. Disrupt your systems, your experiences, and how you think about leadership when you join us on 10-12 day journeys that are designed to open your mind and eyes to new and existing possibilities. These mutual explorations between local leaders and Learning Journey participants allow you space to learn collaboratively with some amazing, life-changing projects and leaders. Find out more about our two journeys in autumn of 2007 below.

Ven con Nosotros a Mexico!

In recent years, change has been constant in Mexico. The political upheaval in Oaxaca last year has consumed the region, leading to both challenges and positive changes for local communities. This fall, Berkana offers you the opportunity to join us on a Learning Journey to the regions of Oaxaca and Chiapas to explore the vibrancy and power of their local movements and indigenous cultures. Join us from September 30 to October 10 in an exploration of social change, ancient wisdom and the modern world.

Women’s Learning Journey to Southern Africa

South Africa is a dynamic land, filled with hope and enthusiasm in response to challenges many would find overwhelming. Individual and small group initiatives abound, springing up constantly in response to needs. Meg Wheatley and the Berkana Institute invite you to participate in a journey to South Africa to discover the contributions women leaders are making in their communities. The journey runs October 28 to November 8, 2007. Join us in a mutual exploration between Southern African and Western women!

The Berkana Institute connects and supports pioneering, life-affirming leaders around the world who strengthen their communities by working with the wisdom and wealth already present in its people, traditions and environment.

We define a leader as anyone who wants to help, who is willing to step forward to create change in their world. And we know that the leaders we need are already here.

We invite you to join us on this journey—

Deborah Frieze and Bob Stilger
Co-Presidents, The Berkana Institute

Center for Human Emergence, Netherlands

For all of you based on this side of the pond—and anyone who fancies a trip over here—a reminder of the SDi / Human Emergence Euro Confab September 28-30, and to let you know that our famous Dutch 4-day SDi Level One certification course will precede the Euro Confab Sept 24-27 now as a one-off in English! SDi Level One is highly recommended to enable full participation in the Euro Confab, so come for an extended holiday to the Netherlands!

The SDi1 course includes the whole-day Spiral Dynamics Experience where you live through our collective evolution of the last 100,000 years or so, and also Paul Zuiker’s story of the evolution of the Dutch nation through the Spiral—the book has just been published in Dutch! Which nation will be next?! You can find out more info on the course by clicking here:

To book, please email

For further info on content, drop me a mail at

With love, Peter

Peter Merry
Chair – Center for Human Emergence (Netherlands)
Partner – Engage! InterAct

Annual Conference
Foundation for European Leadership
Amsterdam, Friday September 28 2007

Leadership That Makes A Difference

Amsterdam, Friday September 28 2007

We are in this world to make a difference. We aim it to be a positive difference by leaving things behind in better shape than we found them. Everyone can be an agent of change, but leaders have a greater opportunity than the average person to turn that aim into reality. Some world leaders succeeded spectacularly; think of Nelson Mandela or Gandhi; they have become icons. In organizations of all kinds lesser known leaders work hard to make their part of the world a better place. They ask themselves what difference they can make by doing something or, of equal importance, by choosing not to do it. The sum of all their choices results in their legacy, the way they are judged by history.

The objectives of FEL’s Conference of 2007 are,
To enable you to reflect on the difference you make as a leader.
To help you realize what you contribute to your organization and/or to the world in your professional role.
To make you think what would happen if your role would be taken out of the script. What difference would it make to whom?

Gulf Society for Organizational Learning3rd SoL Global Forum

The Gulf SoL Community invites your SoL community to participate in the Third Global SoL Forum planned for Muscat, Oman during the week of 13 April 2008. Our theme will be building cross-cultural and cross-sector collaboration. We see this as an opportunity to explore the cultures and collaboration within the networks.

This document is designed as an introduction to the Global Forum to help each SoL communities to begin their planning and thinking toward the spring event. This document expresses some key ideas which may evolve with the design and covers:

Who is Gulf SoL?
What are the likely expenses for a participant?
When could you expect more information to be available?
What can you as a SoL Community do to contribute?

What will the 3rd Global Forum be about?

The 3rd Global Forum will convene the broadest possible membership from across the SoL network (global corporations, international NGOs, local enterprises, governments, universities, consultants and researchers) to reflect on issues and questions whoseanswers will contribute to shaping our futures:

What more could we do to promote inclusiveness and collaboration in bridging the growing cultural divides?
What is the role of the corporation in building sustainable, local solutions to problems of globalization?
What does our collective intelligence make available toward addressing today’s challenging issues?

The theme is timely. Cultural and economic divisions, both East/West and North/South, are expanding/growing, drowning dialogue with diatribe, inquiry with intransigence. The 3rd Global Forum will provide a special environment for the global SoL network to meet, reflect, and deepen connections for shared understanding and coordinated action.

The theme builds on key events in the development of the global SoL Community, including the Marblehead letter (2001), the 1st Global Forum in Espoo (2003), and the 2nd Global Forum in Vienna (2005). The Marblehead letter outlined a new agenda for reflection and dialogue, raising issues such as the social and economic divide, the system seeing itself, variety and inclusiveness, and the role of the corporation. The 1st Global Forum focused on inventing desired futures in a global society; what we want to become together. The second Global Forum, built around the metaphor of a symphony, explored innovating through complexity, creating practical knowledge through collaboration, and building networks to support our actions. These threads of our global interdependency will be woven into the fabric of the 3rd Global Forum.

The Gulf States are currently experiencing a remarkable rate of economic and social development. In the span of two generations they have transformed from tribal, pastoral societies to global economic forces. Rapid change has created a unique set of issues of pressing importance to the local community:

How can we participate in the global economy while sustaining our local culture and traditions?
How do we balance the broader social good with the family or tribal interests?
What is progress?
What kind of future do we want our grandchildren to inherit?

Who is Gulf SoL?

Organizational Learning in the Gulf Region

The Gulf Region has had involvement with the SoL Community for over 9 years. From 1998 through 2002, Saudi Aramco, the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, worked with consultants from Founding SoL in designing and implementing new paradigm leadership development programs based on the five disciplines and emergent learning theory. This work captured the attention and interest of one of the Senior Officers of the company, Salim Al-Aydh, who has championed organizational learning, both within Saudi Aramco by applying new principles and tools to internal strategic planning processes, and across the region through the formation of Gulf SoL.

Juanita Brown and David Isaacs have worked closely with internal consultants in Saudi Aramco to introduce World Café methodology to the company and the region. Aramco has the distinction of holding one of the largest business World Café events, convening nearly 1,100 participants, including company leaders and high potential professionals with internal stakeholders and external suppliers, in a converted aircraft maintenance hangar to assess strategic objectives and set priorities for collaborative effort in the coming year.

In May, 2005, Arie de Geus visited the region to work with senior management of Saudi Aramco in implementing a scenario-based strategic planning process. Today, Saudi Arabia Basic Industries Company (SABIC), the second largest company in Saudi Arabia, is working with SoL consultants to promote internal dialogue and systems intelligence in formulating a new corporate strategy.

The Emergence of Gulf SoL

Since its inception in 2004, Gulf SoL has worked to create a conversation space for local leaders from across the region to reflect on these and related issues, to share perspectives, and to pursue opportunities for collaborative action. The community initially involved Saudi Aramco and its key local suppliers, who wished to explore new collaborations.

Over the past 3 years Gulf SoL has grown from its original base in Saudi Aramco to a cross-sector community of 50 organizational members, representing local corporations, small to medium size businesses, non-profits, and universities, as well as a small group of consultants and researchers. In addition, Gulf SoL has extended its network across the Gulf States and the larger Middle East, with contacts in Turkey, Iran, Jordan, and Egypt who have participated in our conferences and dialogues.

Since its inception, Gulf SoL has convened five major cross-sector dialogues to explore issues of deep importance to business and the larger society in the region:

Shaybah Café, sponsored by Saudi Aramco in May 2004, gathered business and thought leaders from across Saudi Arabia to reflect on economic and social challenges for the future, and corporate social responsibility in addressing them.
Hawar Dialogue, in September 2004, convened thought leaders from the Gulf Region from business, education, and non-profit organizations to explore the challenges of prospering in a global economy while preserving local culture and values.
Jeddah Dialogue, in May 2005, brought together an expanded group of industrialists, entrepreneurs, academics, and local social thought leaders (including many speakers from the Jeddah Economic Forum) to discuss the imperative of creating jobs for young nationals in the region.
Megaprojects & Learning Dialogue, in May 2006, convened key government officials and local & international business leaders in examining a specific theme: how to leverage the recent boom in large projects for industrial expansion and infrastructure development to build local capability in project management, engineering, procurement, & construction.
Al Ain Dialogue, in December, 2006, brought thought leaders, corporate executives, and young professionals from across the Gulf region to Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, to explore the issue of sustainable development—seeking new approaches to growth that secure the long term economic, social, and environmental well-being of our communities.

The mission of Gulf SoL is to build a capacity for profound systems innovation and change by promoting dialogue and collaboration across all sectors of society: business, government, education, and non-profit civic organizations. Our members represent a community of leaders with diverse points of view. Current Gulf SoL membership is comprised of 12 Corporate members from the financial, construction, engineering, and manufacturing sectors; 24 Small & Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) Members in sectors such as engineering, commerce, consumer goods, IT, and petroleum services; and 9 Non-Profit and Individual members primarily from the education and public sectors.

More information about members and activities is available on our website

The Global Forum will leverage the capabilities of the Gulf SoL community in convening and organizing dialogic meetings, while capitalizing on the ability of the region to provide a bridge for first time representatives from the developing world, particularly the Middle East, North Africa, and Far East. From the beginning, Gulf SoL has maintained close collaboration with Founding SoL in building the capacity of local practitioners. Peter Senge has visited the region on four occasions to facilitate regional dialogues for Gulf SoL. In September, 2005, Sherry Immediato and Alain Gauthier conducted a Foundations for Leadership workshop withIbrahim Iskandrani, a facilitator from Gulf SoL. Robert Hanig will be joining Sherry and Ibrahim to conduct a second iteration of the Foundations workshop in October, 2007. Evrim Calkavur and Nick Zenuik have worked with Gulf SoL in introducing Team Learning Labs to local businesses in the region. Robert Hanig and Michael Goodman have worked extensively with SABIC in helping develop and implement their new strategic plan. We expect that most of our colleagues will return to the region to contribute to the Global Forum.

Muscat, Oman

Situated on the Indian Ocean Muscat is a city with a traditional feel and friendly people. Oman, the second largest country in Arabia, occupies the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The unique geography of Oman provides a number of pre and post conference travel experiences for those participants wishing to extend their stay with vacation. Oman is one of the most welcoming countries on the peninsula where although Arabic is the official language, English is widely spoken especially by hotel staff, shopkeepers and taxi drivers. Muscat, the capital city of Oman is described as “Arabia’s jewel” with roads that are lined with wellmanicured green lawns and trees. This city is a wonderful blend of old and new. The city has steadfastly retained its old-world character and quaint charm with many forts, castles, mosques and old watch towers sprinkled along its unique skyline.

What are the likely expenses for a participant?

The projected conference fees for SoL member participation are expected to be similar to the 2nd Global Forum, which ranged from $900 – $1,575 depending on when registration was received. Conference fees will include all lunches and some evening activities. Muscat is reachable from many European and Asian cities and frequent short flights from Dubai.

Within Muscat there are a wide range of hotel options at various prices. The conference registration site will provide a list of hotels from which transportation to the conference will be available. Most major international chains are represented in Muscat and based on an internet travel site prices are similar to other capitals for example: Holiday Inn (~$80), Ramada (~$90), Golden Tulip ($160), Best Western ($150), and Intercontinental (~$200). Other less expensive accommodations will be included in the conference hotel registration packages. Additional extended visit options may also be available in connection with the Forum.

When could you expect more information to be available?

Some initial planning dates that may be of interest to your colleagues are:

Middle of July – Face to face design team meeting
Late July – Call for proposals of concurrent sessions. Including initial proposals for pre and/or post conference capacity building sessions.
End of September – Deadline for submission of proposals
October – Open early registration
End of October – Notify presenters of acceptance
November – Begin scholarship review and acceptance
November – Identify addition contributions from SoL communities
December – Preliminary program established
February – Early registration ends
April – 3rd Global Forum

Please be mindful that these are early estimates of the general timings and actual dates may vary.

This is a global event and we are seeking as much input as possible prior to creating the final experience. Some questions that have been posed to colleagues are:

  1. Why is cross-cultural and cross-sector collaboration important in your work and/or SoL’s work? Where do you currently see it working in your area, country, or region?
  2. In the domain of cross-cultural and cross-sector collaboration, what are the questions that are of critical import to the work of SoL and to you?
  3. What could be specific issues and topics that are relevant to the theme and are of interest in the SoL community?
  4. Who could be a valuable speaker in the Global Forum?

Should you have any additional questions or ideas feel free to contact any of the Global Forum Design Team members from GulfSoL.
Abdulhaiy Nazir
Chairman, GulfSoL
Stephen Tolle
Secretary GulfSoL
Alfred Hanner
Global Forum Design Team

International Leadership Association
ILA Global ConferenceLeadership, Impact, Culture and Sustainability
October 31 – November 3, 2007

Agenda, Keynotes, etc. at http://www.ila-net/conferences.

Save $100: Register by October 1st!



Learning about one of the greatest military undertakings in American history and experiencing part of it by yourself are the two main goals of theCrossing of the Andes on muleback. You will follow during one week the paths that San Martín, the Argentinean army general who freed Argentina, Chile and Perú from Spain, followed together with his army in 1813.


This 5-week long program has been designed for students’ undergraduates and graduates who are interested in developing and strengthening their leadership abilities within a theoretical and experiential frame and it will be carried out in two of the most important Argentinean cities: Córdoba and Mendoza.


You will be introduced to a world of incomparable beauty that will help you discover the transcendence of values essential to leadership.


The Program


The program will have three stages:


  1. 1st stage in Córdoba, before the crossing of the Andes (from 01/18 to 01/24)
  2. 2nd stage in Mendoza, crossing of the Andes (from 01/25 to 02/02)
  3. 3rd stage in Córdoba, after the crossing of the Andes (from 02/03 to 02/21)


Two classes will be taught: Leadership Principles and Leadership in action. These will be complemented by History, Geography, and horse-riding and first aid lessons.


All courses are of advanced level, taught in English, and fully credited. Each course is worth 3 US/Canadian semester credits. Credits for courses are granted by Viator Foundation and Fasta University in the form of a transcript showing the number of earned credits, the course level, and grades for each course.




The price of the program is 3300 USD. This includes: tuition, housing, full board, cultural activities and airport pick up. Additional funds should be budgeted for books, supplies, local transportation, and personal expenses. Upon acceptance a Confirmation Fee is required to secure your place in the program. The price of the program does not include airfares.




A limited number of scholarships are available. Scholarships are primarily reserved for students from developing countries. Please note that we are unable to provide full tuition scholarships to any student and under no circumstances can we provide funds for travelling. We encourage students to find outside funding and we can provide a letter of support for you. Please consult your home university for funding opportunities. A large percentage of participants receive funding from their home universities to attend our program.


For detail information please visit

Seeing the Future with New Eyes
A special early bird registration opportunity…
WorldFuture 2008: Seeing the Future Through New Eyes
The Annual Conference of the World Future Society
July 26-28, 2008, Hilton Washington, Washington, D.C.


Register Today and Save $300!


The World Future Society’s annual conference, “WorldFuture 2008: Seeing the Future Through New Eyes,” provides an opportunity for individuals and groups in many different fields to examine significant issues and address common problems that will affect our futures in as yet unimagined ways.


we’re anticipating about 1,000 attendees from more than 35 countries around the world. This is truly and international event.


We are offering a very special early bird rate of $295 for those registering by August 31st. This saves $300 off the on-site registration fee. This is not only a great savings, but it also allows those interested in attending to pay the same rate as the 2007 conference.


Who attends World Future Society conferences? Business executives, government officials, educators, corporate planners, researchers, scientists, students, forecasters, well-known authors, and many other people like you with a deep interest in learning more about the future.


Some conference goers will be coming to share their innovative ideas. Others are coming to learn new skills and hear about new opportunities. And still others want to explore the diversity of people and viewpoints to be found at Society meetings. Attendees range from those new to the study of the future to those responsible for tracking trends and their implications for their company, organization or government.


Conference attendees will be envisioning–and creating–humanity’s future in the twenty-first century. It’s a rare opportunity to discover not only what’s happening in your sector, industry, or region, but in many others as well.


World Future Society conferences have earned their reputation as unique and exciting events. With so many creative, forward-looking people gathered in one place, addressing a common purpose, and bringing together a fantastic diversity of experience, opinion, and expertise, WFS meetings provide an ncredibly rich, valuable and stimulating experience.


The conference will feature approximately 150 experts offering more than 75 sessions and events over the course of two and a half days. Sessions will cover a wide range of topics, including business and careers, technology and its impacts, futures methodologies and processes, governance and communities, resources and environment, education and learning, consciousness and spirituality, health – and much more! WFS speakers come from many disciplines and professions. This wide range of perspectives makes Society conferences exciting sources of useful, broad-ranging information about the future.


“WorldFuture 2008: Seeing the Future Through New Eyes” will examine exciting new technologies now emerging in fields such as information science, genetics, and medicine, as well as practical forecasts you can use to make important decisions in both your work and private life.


No other meeting attracts such a broad array of leaders and experts from as many fields and nations to share ideas and forecasts and to establish networks of common concern.


As a participant at “WorldFuture 2008,” you will be treated to a complimentary Welcoming Reception. The Futurist Bookstore will offer you a large selection of the Society’s top-rated titles throughout the conference. In addition, there will be a series of Meet-the-Author sessions, so you can talk with your favorite author. Special facilitated discussions and interactive learning sessions will give you the opportunity to share your experiences and expertise and build relationships with others of similar interests that you would not otherwise have an opportunity to meet. “WorldFuture 2008: Seeing the


Future Through New Eyes” will also feature a range of pre-conference courses taught by futures practitioners, as well as a Professional Members’ Forum immediately following the meeting.


Come to Washington!


Truly an international city with a home-town feel, Washington DC will stimulate your mind and your spirit. Explore the museums, tour the historic landmarks, sample the global culture and enjoy the rich diversity of one of the most exciting cities in the world.


Attending a conference is like getting the whole World Future Society experience live in one place and in person, at a dynamic event that you can share with old friends and fascinating new acquaintances. Many members have been attending Society conferences over the years as a unique vacation–an adventure of the mind–where they can explore the exciting world that they are helping to build themselves: The future!


We look forward to welcoming you to Washington–and bringing your World Future Society experience to life! Please join us.




Timothy C. Mack,President


P.S. And don’t forget that if you register right away, you’ll save a substantial amount over regular registration costs–$300. Should your plans change, you can get a full refund until June 30, 2008.


Register Today and Save $300!


Equally important, you should reserve your room at the Hilton Washington! Mention that you’re attending the WFS meeting to receive your special rate of $160 per night (single) or $185 per night (double). (Call the Hilton at 202-797-5820.) So register today!