Announcements related to Not-for-Profit conferences, programs and publications will be included if submitted toruss@integraleadershipreview.com within one week of publication in each issue. See Submission Guidelines for publication dates. Announcements of For-Profit programs and publications will be treated as promotions and advertising. Rates for this can be negotiated by contactingruss@integraleadershipreview.com.
Integral Review
Integral Review 5 published in December 2007. You can access this free online journal at http://www.integral-review.org.
Table of Contents
Editorial A Time of Transition, Jonathan Reams The Evolution of Consciousness as a Planetary Imperative: An Integration of Integral Views, Jennifer Gidley
Towards an Integral Critical Theory of the Present Age, Martin Beck MatuötÌk
Illuminating the Blind Spot: An Overview and Response to Theory U, Jonathan Reams
Sent to Play on the Other Team, Josef San Dou
Art and the Future: An Interview with Suzi Gablik, Russ Volckmann
Reactivity to Climate Change, Jan Inglis
Developing Integral Review: IR Editors Reflect on Meta-theory, the Concept of “Integral,” Submission
Master’s Program in Transformative Partnership Leadership
The Transformative Leadership MA at the California Institute of Integral Studies now has a new concentration in Partnership Studies. Based on the Cultural Transformation Theory developed by cultural historian and systems scientist Riane Eisler, this concentration is designed for individuals who want to be ground breakers in the application of this far-reaching theory to issues they are passionate about. Riane Eisler herself will be part of the faculty and teaching the foundational course in the concentration.
The program is online, and can therefore be taken from anywhere in the world. There will be intensives where students and faculty meet in person. CIIS is a world leader in online education with 14 years of experience offering online graduate education. For admissions, please contact Allyson Werner at awerner@ciis.edu or call 415.575.6155.
International Leadership Association
Global Leadership: Portraits of the Past, Visions for the Future
Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winner Pearl S. Buck once declared, “One faces the future with one’s past.” This is precisely the task laid before us as we move towards a more connected and interdependent global community. What do we have to learn from the history of leaders and leadership? What from the past should we bring to the future? What must be left behind in order to work towards a greater global good? What new demands does the future place on emerging leaders and concepts of leadership?
From November 12-15, 2008, the International Leadership Association (ILA) will hold its 10th annual global conference at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles, California. During this time, we will not only examine the history of the field of Leadership but also explore the new methods, research, resources, technologies, and leaders that are bringing us into the future. In addition, we will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the ILA and acknowledge individuals whose lives and works have impacted leadership studies.
The ILA seeks submissions that represent the best contemporary thinking about leadership from a diverse range of leadership scholars, practitioners, educators, program directors, consultants, and students. Proposal formats include: panel discussions, paper presentations, workshops, conversations with leadership authors, case studies, interactive roundtable discussions, and poster displays. While we encourage the submission of all current work on leadership, extra attention will be given to those submissions that relate to the conference theme, Global Leadership: Portraits of the Past, Visions for the Future.
Of particular interest are proposals that offer innovative information, provocative research or useful skills to one or more ILA Member Interest Groups, while involving presenters from multiple fields, organizations, disciplines, locations or sectors. The Member Interest Groups coordinate a peer-review process in March to identify those of the highest quality. Acceptances will be sent in May.
Maggie Fromm, Program Management Specialist
International Leadership Association
1119 Taliaferro Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 2074-7715
voice: 301.405.5218
fax: 301.405.6402
The Global Institute for Leadership and Civic Development
9th Annual Global Leadership Program in Prague, Czech Republic, July 3 – August 5, 2008
Boulder, Colorado Program, June 3 – July 4, 2008
Our Programs include university courses, cultural activities, and community service. University students from around the world are welcome to attend. Past participants have come from: the United States, Czech Republic, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Kazakstan, Azerbaijan, Romania, Canada, England, Guyana, Kenya, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Australia, Japan, Guyana, Colombia, Poland, Slovak Republic, China, Moldova, Serbia, Norway, and many other countries. Regular Admission deadline is January 15, 2008.
*New Boulder, Colorado Program: June 3 – July 4, 2007
This program includes a course Social Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and Problem Solvers. Students who complete this course will be eligible to submit their proposal/business plan for a $25,000 grant! Regular Admission: January 15, 2008
About the Programs
The new millennium brings with it many opportunities and challenges. As a member of this ever changing world, the decisions you make today not only affect you, but others around you. What type of impact are you going to leave behind? We invite you to spend four weeks in Prague, Czech Republic or Boulder, Colorado training to become a global citizen and future leader.
- Obtain new skills and knowledge
- Think critically about the problems we face today
- Meet people from around the world
- Broaden your knowledge about diverse cultures
- Make lasting memories
A limited number of scholarships are available. If you have any questions, please contact
Heather R. McDougall, Ph.D., Director
Global Institute for Leadership and Civic Development, Inc.
10th Annual Business Women and Leaders Summit
March 8, 2008
Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai, UAE
Journal of Spirituality, Leadership and Management
The Journal of Spirituality, Leadership and Management (JSLaM) is currently seeking contributions.
JSLaM is an online, applied, peer-reviewed journal. It aims to foster the understanding and integration of spirituality, leadership and management in organisations, communities and the natural world through networking, education and research. It explores the theoretical and applied elements underpinning the relationship between spirituality, leadership, and management, through three major dimensions: spirituality as it affects leadership and management of (a) organisations, (b) communities, and (c) the environment. JSLaM’s particular focus is not conventional management consulting, nor is it individual spiritual paths or basic leadership principles. It is the confluence of all these.
JSLaM publishes the results of research, theoretical and conceptual developments, and examples of current practice, including techniques and skills that one can use to enhance understanding of spirituality in leadership and management. JSLaM is now seeking contributions in the form of:
- Refereed papers
- Case studies
- Book reviews
- General papers
For further information visit http://www.slam.net.au or
contact the Editor, Dr Michelle Barker, at michelle@futureinitiatives.com.au.
Community Leadership Association Conference
Denver, CO, USA
2008 National Collegiate Leadership Conference: Your Vision, Your World
The National Collegiate Leadership Conference strives to make leadership development as accessible as possible so take advantage of the low cost of early registration and complete your registration by January 25, 2008 for only $50!
Experience all that the National Collegiate Leadership Conference has to offer by being a conference participant. Students and advisors can choose from a wide variety of leadership workshops and outstanding speakers, participate in a conference service project, meet participants from across the country and the world through team building sessions, networking opportunities, and entertainment.
The 2008 conference is limited to650 participants, so register as soon as possible! You may register online with credit card or, if paying by check, you can mail your registration form with your payment. Conference registration will close on February 8, 2008. Online registration and forms to download can be found at http://www.union.arizona.edu/csil/nclc/details.php.
Apply for a Scholarship
Each year scholarships are awarded to participants to assist with the cost of registration. Visithttp://www.union.arizona.edu/csil/nclc/ScholApp.pdf for the scholarship application. Email your completed applications tonclc@email.arizona.edu.
Lodging & Transportation
As you make your plans to travel to Tucson, Arizona, please visit http://www.union.arizona.edu/csil/nclc/hotels.php for a list of nearby hotels. Visit http://www.visittucson.org/visitor/transportation/ for detailed transportation information.
Conference Information
Visit http://www.union.arizona.edu/nclc for the latest conference updates. For questions or assistance with registration you can contact the NCLC Planning Committee at nclc@email.arizona.edu or 520-626-1572. You can also contact the Conference Advisor, Heather Roundtree, athroundtr@email.arizona.edu or 520-626-0255.
Our mailing address is:
National Collegiate Leadership Conference
1303 East University Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85721-0017
Our telephone:520-626-1572
Call for Submissions
23rd Annual Adult Development Symposium of the Society for Research in Adult Development
An Affiliate Pre-conference of The American Educational Research Association
New York City – Saturday and Sunday, March 22-23, 2008
This two-day meeting will focus on positive adult and life-span development from an interdisciplinary perspective. Our aim is to have constructive conversations about key theoretical, methodological, and practical issues in researching adult development. This symposium provides a productive arena for researchers to meet and share their work in this exciting and expanding field. The symposium-style meeting features thematic poster sessions that include group discussion and synthesis. Topics include (but are not limited to): Measurement, models and methodological issues; post-secondary education; emotional development; professional development; development of relationships in educational settings; motivation; development outside of formal education; organizational and corporate influences including organizational culture; company success in world economy and stage of development; coaching and corporate training; evaluating management and sales; and attribution systems within organizations. Challenges to conventional wisdom are especially welcome.
Submissions are due by December 31, 2007. Visit http://adultdevelopment.org for more information and submission guidelines.
University of San Diego
Leadership for Change: Evoking Collective Wisdom and Energy in Groups and Organizations: Awakening the Soul, Connecting with the Spirit!
Jan. 18-20 2008
University San Diego, San Diego CA
The aim of this conference is to provide opportunities for participants to develop a spirit of inquiry into the complexities of organizational life that interweaves intuition, intention, and attention to the inspiration that emerges in the midst of “unknowing” with critical, strategic thinking, integrity, and responsible action
In order to:
- shift embedded cultural “habits of mind” that de-sensitize us to realities not named or recognized within our framework(s) that foster
- to promote an ethos of vitality essential for optimal performance and well-being.
Miami University
Eighth Annual Ohio Graduate Student and Faculty Conference
Culture, Power, and Ethics: Transformative Leadership in the Global Era
The Department of Educational Leadership of Miami University is pleased to announce the Eighth Annual Ohio Graduate Student and Faculty Conference on Leadership, Culture, and Schooling. This conference is a multidisciplinary forum for graduate students to present their research and scholarship in the leadership, culture, and schooling arena. Faculty collaboration and participation of graduate student projects are encouraged. The conference is scheduled for Saturday, February 23, 2008 at the Marcum Conference Center located on the Oxford campus of Miami University. The registration fee is $25.00. http://www.muohio.edu/muinitiative
Please contact us with questions by e-mail or telephone.
Dr. Patrice McClellan – mcclelpa@muohio.edu, 513-529-0425
Heanon Wilkins Faculty Fellow, Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Miami University
306J McGuffey Hall
Oxford, Ohio 45056
LEAD Europe Programme in Leadership for Sustainable Development 2008
Do you want to be a leader in a more sustainable world?
Our European training takes place in three countries and will inspire you with the latest thinking, sharpen your skills and put you in contact with a group of high-level peers from across Europe and the world. While gaining practical experience working with colleagues from diverse professional backgrounds, you will analyse contemporary sustainability challenges and search for joint solutions. You will also interact with some outstanding leaders and hear their own stories of challenge and opportunity working in this field.
The programme begins in April 2008 with the first of three 5-day residential events over six months. All events incorporate online learning, and development of a personal action-oriented project, and you have the chance to attend an optional International Training Session with over 100 LEAD graduates from around the world.
- Leadership and Climate Change: closing the leadership gap (London, April)
- International Issues, International Solutions: negotiation and collaboration through multilateral systems (Geneva, June)
- Sustainable Cities: European context (Berlin, September)
- Sustainable Cities: global context. Optional. (Mexico City, November)
Upon completion of the programme, you will join the unique LEAD network of 1800 Fellows worldwide dedicated to motivating change for a sustainable future.
Visit our website http://www.lead.org/page/174 for full course details and application form. Applications received before 31 January 2008 are eligible for an Earlybird discount. Final application deadline 28 February 2008. For more information, contact
Laura Hughes
Programme Assistant, Training and Capacity Development , LEAD International
t: +44 (0) 207 938 8713
f: +44 (0) 207 938 8710
Sundial House, 114 Kensington High Street, London W8 4NP, United Kingdom
Online Library Gives Readers Access to 1.5 Million Books
The Million Book Project, an international venture led by Carnegie Mellon University in the United States, Zhejiang University in China, the Indian Institute of Science in India and the Library at Alexandria in Egypt, has completed the digitization of more than 1.5 million books, which are now available online.
A search for books on leadership produced this list:
The Roosevelt Leadership 1939- 1945 – Edgar Eugene Robinson
Tips on Leadership: Life Stories of Twenty-Five Leaders – Herbert N.Casson
The President Makers: The Culture of Politics and Leadership in an Age of Enlightenment 1896-1919 – Matthew Josephson
Youth Involvemen t – William A. Lofquist
Pacific Integral
Generating Transformative Change in Human Systems
We are pleased to announce open enrollment in our next session of Generating Transformative Change in Human Systems and would like you to be one of the first to know about this new session. This program will begin on April 7, 2008. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants.
GTC is a powerful, leading-edge intensive learning experience designed to support the emergence of effective integral leaders and communities of practice. This 18 month Professional Certificate Program is offered through the Leadership Institute of Seattle (LIOS) at Bastyr University. The intention of the program is to provide a platform from which participants can create their own transformation to a greater level of service, success, and fulfillment. Past participants have come from all over world—including several countries in Africa, Asia and Europe—to participate in the learning community that GTC offers.
GTC has been specifically designed to serve people going through (or about to go through) significant shifts in their outer and inner lives; people who are feeling an internal pressure to make a breakthrough in terms of the contribution they offer through their being in the world. The early foundational work in the program provides an initiation into the practical living of an integral life as it relates to transformation in human systems. Towards these ends we explore the latest knowledge and theories, leadership approaches, integral life practice, integral assessment, learning community and fields, action inquiry, engagement in your emerging work, global issues and more. As the months progress we add greater depth of application of the integral approach by building on the foundations established early on: developing further leadership capacities and concentrating on application in areas such as organizational leadership and consulting, and individual, family and community.
As a participant in this unique and effective program, you will:
- Become part of a vibrant learning community of transformational leaders from such diverse fields as Healthcare, Technology, Education, Politics, Psychology, Space Exploration, the Arts, Engineering, Social Activism, Religion and Management
- Embody an integral, developmental approach in all aspects of leadership and the facilitation of change
- Become grounded in leading theoretical frameworks for transformative development in self, other and organizations.
- Begin to embody these frameworks so they become a natural expression of an engaged life.
- Explore various relevant global, mega-contexts impacting consulting practices and life in general such as money, ecology, geo-politics and economics.
- Learn proven leading edge approaches for powerfully intervening in complex systems.
- Develop and embody an integral life practice.
- Participate in an individually tailored journey of transformative development.
- Meet and join with people from around the world committed to generating positive, global change.
This program begins on April 7, 2008 and takes place over 18 months. The core of the program consists of six intensive five-day retreats held at the beautiful Harmony Hill retreat center about two hours outside of Seattle. In addition, participants will engage in a variety of learning modalities throughout the year. The end result is a powerful theoretical grounding, and an embodied practice for generating transformative change.
During this 18 month program, participants will receive:
- Six five-day intensive retreats combining theory practice
- Leadership Development Framework (Susanne Cook-Greuter) assessment and results
- Learning teams to provide accountability shared resources
- An 18-month on-line classroom with leaders from various fields
- Guest faculty knowledgeable in latest developments in individual and organizational development and Integral Theory (including Alain Gauthier, Susanne Cook-Greuter John Kesler).
- One-on-one coaching
- A Professional Certificate through the Leadership Institute of Seattle (LIOS) at Bastyr University.
Retreat Dates April 7 – April 12, 2008, July 22 – July 27, 2008, October 28 – November 2, 2008, January 6 – 11, 2009, April 13 – 18, 2009. July 14 – 19, 2009
For more information or to apply, visit www.pacificintegral.com, contact Venita Ramirez at 206-228-3309 or 1-888-713-7773 x5, or email us atgtc@pacificintegral.com.
Call For Papers
Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, Systems Thinking & Complexity and Special Journal Issue
Adelphi University & The Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence (ISCE) publishers of Emergence: Complexity and Organization (E:CO) announce The First International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, Systems Thinking & Complexity, April 24-26, 2008, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York USA (Just outside Manhattan near JFK Airport).
Within the arena of social entrepreneurship there is no theoretical framework to describe the systemic dimensions at work. Recent advances in the sciences of complex systems offer great promise as one way of providing a more thorough understanding and grounding for the field. Indeed, the need for a complexity theoretical perspective that goes beyond current linear and equilibrium-based models is noted in the most recent guidelines for applications for funding in the area of social entrepreneurship programs.
This conference will bring together leading thinkers in complexity theory, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, and leadership research to gain a better understanding of the state of knowledge in these vital areas. This conference provides a unique opportunity to not only further understanding but also to make a difference.
Selected papers at the conference will be published in a special issue of the journal Emergence: Complexity and Organization (E:CO) and will also be included in an edited book to be published in 2008. We invite theoretical analyses, suggestions for empirical studies, and/or practitioner-based approaches, and we are particularly receptive to collaborative efforts that span different academic disciplines or fields and that introduce new methodologies or approaches. Two types of submissions are requested: academic papers (an extended abstract is okay) and proposals for panels or symposia.
Due date for academic submissions is February 15, 2008; panel proposals are March 10, 2008. For more information contact Jim Hazy hazy@adelphi.edu or for a detailed CFP go to: http://complexityleadership.wikispaces.com/Events.
The Jepson School Summer Institute for Leadership and the Liberal Arts
May 19-21, 2008
Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond, Richmond VA
Scholars and students with an interest in leadership studies are invited to consider attending a conference on leadership and the liberal arts. Over 2 days, the conference will showcase teaching and research at the intersections of leadership and the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences. Subject to funding, the Institute will be co-sponsored by Claremont McKenna College, Loyola Marymount University and the University of Richmond, a consortium of schools that have done ground-breaking work together for the past three years to integrate leadership studies across the arts and science curriculum under the auspices of a grant from the W. M. Keck Foundation.
We are currently soliciting interest in attending and/or presenting at the Institute. We would welcome paper and discussion topics, which might include, but are by no means limited to: experimental research on leadership; citizenship, democracy and leadership; the role of beliefs and social norms in leadership; collective choice and the political economy of leadership; or leadership themes, past and present.
The conference will be free and open to all interested parties; meals and lodging will be provided for registered attendees; stipends will be offered to presenters. If you are interested in attending or presenting, please contact Nancy Nock at the Jepson School: nnock@richmond.edu for further details.
New Global Studies
Nayan Chanda (Yale University)
Akira Iriye (Harvard University)
Bruce Mazlish (MIT)
Managing editor:
Kenneth Weisbrode (Harvard University)
New Global Studies is the first journal to approach contemporary globalization as a whole, and across disciplinary lines. It draws from history, sociology, anthropology, political science, and international relations to study the past and present of today’s globalizing process. Topics include the patterns and local effects of economic globalization, global media networks, preservation of the global environment, transnational manifestations of culture, and the methodology of global studies itself. New Global Studies is an essential resource: a single journal for those who are interested in global affairs and the contemporary history of globalization, both broadly and in depth.
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007
- David E.H. Edgerton “The Contradictions of Techno-Nationalism and Techno-Globalism: A Historical Perspective”.http://www.bepress.com/ngs/vol1/iss1/art1
- Jenifer L. Van Vleck “The ‘Logic of the Air’: Aviation and the Globalism of the ‘American Century'”.http://www.bepress.com/ngs/vol1/iss1/art2
- Timothy H.B. Stoneman “An ‘African’ Gospel: American Evangelical Radio in West Africa, 1954-1970”.http://www.bepress.com/ngs/vol1/iss1/art3
- Yi-Fu Tuan “Power, Modernity and Traditional Cultures”. http://www.bepress.com/ngs/vol1/iss1/art4
- Daniel J. Sargent “School of Zbigniew”. http://www.bepress.com/ngs/vol1/iss1/art5
- Phyllis Thompson “Food for the Masses”. http://www.bepress.com/ngs/vol1/iss1/art6
To submit your next paper to New Global Studies, visit http://www.bepress.com/ngs and click “Submit Article.” For further information regarding this message, please contact info-mailers@bepress.com.
Regent University’s School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Annual Roundtables of Contemporary Research & Practice
Featured Guest: Dr. Warren Bennis
8:30 AM, Friday, May 16 – 5:30 PM, Saturday, May 17, 2008
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464
The focus of the roundtables is to present and discuss research in the areas of global leadership and entrepreneurship, and papers are invited from disciplines in business, leadership, and entrepreneurship in 6 different roundtables. The deadline for submission of completed papers is March 1, 2008. Information about the roundtables is available at www.regent.edu/roundtables. Our meeting facilitates interaction, learning, and collegiality in a cordial environment. Any questions concerning the roundtables can be e-mailed to
Dr. Myra Dingman, Conference Chair
1000 Regent U. Drive, CRB 115
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Phone: (757) 226-4751
Spirals over Switzerland!
You are invited for a series of unique one-week intensive Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi) certification trainings in the heart of beautiful Luzern and the majesty of the Swiss Alps! Offered during the next 6 months by 5 Deep Integral, in collaboration with the Spiral Dynamics Group (Texas), these specially designed certification Levels 1 & 2 events are lead by SDi master practitioner, Christopher Cooke – providing a firm theoretical and experiential grounding in the background, and current development, of Spiral Dynamics Integral.
Where: Luzern, Switzerland
When: Dates of the Trainings
Monday, 18th February – Friday, 22nd February, 2008
Monday, 31st March – Friday, 4th April, 2008
Monday, 19th May – Friday, 23rd May, 2008
Monday, 16th June – Friday, 20th June, 2008
What is unique about this one week intensive?
The event uses a wide range of learning experiences to provide a powerful personal exploration that builds upon your own life experiences and brings new insights and meaning to your journey to date. The integration of the Certification Level 2 in the form of the OnlinePeopleSCAN training is recognized as being one of the most powerful and effective ways of facilitating an understanding of real-time application of SDi.
Why is the onlinePeopleSCAN training such an important part of the study of SDi?
OnlinePeopleSCAN identifies the hidden value systems in individuals and organizations, as well as the change states in these. The training includes developing user familiarity with the laptop / PC-based software, and web-based data captured anywhere globally through http://www.onlinepeoplescan.net/ < http://www.onlinepeoplescan.net/>. This system enables coaches and consultants alike to offer leading edge services to their clients.
The event equips the serious Practitioner with the capability to capture and interpret the data and information using the growing range of SDi profiling instruments, and ensures the quality application of these services across a wide range of applications and sectors. Successful completion of this event qualifies the participant to offer survey services, using ‘onlinePeopleSCAN’, in association with the growing network of onlinePeopleSCAN ‘FOCALs’ (local centres of SDi specialists).
These special 5-day day workshops run on a Monday- to-Friday format and are designed for attendees to arrive on Sunday and depart Saturday. A full residential training package is offered as follows:
SDi Certification Levels 1 & 2 (Five Full Days’ Training)
Specialized OnlinePeopleSCAN Training (Level 2 Certification – including 6-month online account)
All license fees
4-star Historic Hotel Accommodations
Full Buffet Breakfast
5 Days’ lunches + Breaks
Training Schedule: 09:00-18:00 daily (with two evenings until approx. 20:00)
Christopher Cooke is a master practitioner of SDi and a senior member of the Spiral Dynamics Group (Texas). He is an innovator of Social and Organizational Architecture, and his background as Water Engineer has allowed him to pioneer the application of the knowledge and wisdom in SDi and Integral theory. His experience, during the past decade, in leading workshops and large group processes, as well as his participation in large scale change initiatives has earned him a seasoned expertise in field of Change Management and the trust of clients such as the Methodist Hospital (Texas Medical Center) , Hearthstone Homes, and New Scotland Yard.
For further information and registration, please visit events and courses on www.spiraldynamicsgroup.com or contact Alina Hernandez Cooke atalina.h@bluewin.ch or +41 79 291 0515. 5 Deep Integral, Mazars House, Leeds, LS27 7JN, United Kingdom
Pacific Integral’s Transformative Leadership Course
Generating Transformative Change in Human Systems (GTC) is a powerful, 18-month, graduate level certificate leadership program designed to develop within you the capacity to affect immediate and long-term change in individuals and systems. Attended by progressive leaders and change agents from around the world, GTC synthesizes breakthrough practices which will transform yourself, your life, and dramatically expand your capacity to lead and support change in others. Participants come to GTC from areas as diverse as health care, business, education, the arts, politics, and science, and combine their knowledge and resources to apply what they are learning to a real world problem in a country, community or other organization. The format includes residential retreats on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, plus academic study, group, and one-on-one interaction online and by phone between the intensives. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants and cohorts typically fill early.
The purpose of this program is to develop transformative leadership capacities within emerging leaders on the planet, who are motivated to support initiatives that relieve chronic continent-wide suffering and enable the development of capable nations. The expected result is a flourishing network of men and women who fully embody the leading methods for integral, transformational development and are effective in applying them to the complex challenges facing the world today.
How is GTC unique
- Integral (stage/state/line/type/quadrant) Awareness, Practice and Reflection
- Integral Assessment and intervention projects on actual organizations
- LDP and an in-depth study and practice of Susanne Cook-Greuter’s research on Stage Development
- Insight Dialogue with awareness practices aimed at learning collective individualis
The next Program begins April 7, 2008. Fees and program details for GTC 6 are available now. Download the application fromwww.pacificintegral.com for more information on eligibility, for tuition rates, payment terms for both tuition and room-and-board, and the application process.
Attend a Free Informational Event. Meet faculty and current participants and learn more about the curriculum.
Events take place at The Integral Loft, 80 Yesler Way, Suite 300, Seattle WA, 98104. RSVP to gtc@pacificintegral.com for February 4, 2008, 6:30-8:30 pm. For more information or to apply for the program contact Venita Ramirez, Program Faculty, at 206-228-3309 orvenita@pacificintegral.com.