Spirals over the Rockies – Register Now!
Boulder, Colorado, USA
November 9-15, 2009
Dr. Don Beck and The Spiral Dynamics Group warmly invite you to participate in a week of dynamic and engaging learning in beautiful Boulder. We offer these certification courses:
* SDi Level One Foundations: November 9-11, 2009
* 10th Annual SDi Level Two Personal Emergence: November 12-15, 2009
Personal Emergence and the Challenge of the Self
While many speak of ways to suppress the “self” or “ego” as if these expressions of individuality are toxic to the whole, we take the opposite view; namely, that it is within the genius of the self that critical aspects of emergence are triggered.
Everyone is fond of quoting the famous Margaret Mead expression of the power of groups: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does”. We support that strategy. But we advocate meshing individual brilliance with collective wisdom. If our individual moments of creativity are lost in the collective, in “group think,” then we will have a bleak future indeed.
It is time that we re-discovered the self in its many positive manifestations.
That is precisely what we intend to do at this year’s Boulder event. As such, this 10th Annual SDi Level Two event in Boulder promises to be the most provocative and personally challenging yet in a decade of shared specialized applications of the Clare W. Graves conceptual model.
We invite you to join us with an open mind and an open heart to explore this thought-provoking, insightful, even controversial topic of celebrating the positive self in its appropriate equilibrium with the communal.
Dates: SDi Level One Foundations, November 9-11; Level Two Personal Emergence, November 12-15.
Venue: The Hotel Boulderado, 2115 Thirteenth Street, Boulder, CO 80302, USA
Cost: SDi Level One, $995 per person; Level Two Personal Emergence, $850; both, $1,600.
For detailed event logistics and other info, and to register, http://www.sdiregister.com/.
“WorldFuture 2010: Sustainable Futures, Strategies, and Technologies”
The Annual Conference of the World Future Society
July 8-10, 2010, Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts
Register Today! http://www.wfs.org/2010regform.htm
The World Future Society’s annual conference provides an opportunity for individuals and groups in many different fields to examine significant issues and address common problems that will affect our futures in as yet unimagined ways. Conference attendees will be envisioning–and creating–humanity’s future in the twenty-first century. It’s a rare opportunity to discover what’s happening not only in your sector, industry, or region, but in many others as well.
Speakers confirmed to date include:
– Raymond Kurzweil, inventor, author, and futurist. He has been a pioneer in the fields of optical character recognition (OCR), text-to-speech synthesis, speech recognition technology, and electronic keyboard instruments. He’s the author of the 2005 international best-seller “The Singularity is Near” among other books
– Janna Quitney Anderson, director, Imagining the Internet Center, Elon University, Elon, North Carolina
– Kevin Fickenscher, executive vice president, International Healthcare, PerotSystems Corporation, London, United Kingdom
– Michael R. Nelson, visiting professor, Communication, Culture & Technology program, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
– Michael Rogers, author, journalist, and futurist; formerly, Futurist-in-Residence, The New York Times, New York, New York
– Lee Rainie, director, Pew Internet and American Life Project, Washington, D.C.
– Stephen Thaler, president and CEO, Imagination Engines, Inc. Saint Charles, Missouri
– Barry Wellman, director, NetLab, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Register Today and Save $300! http://www.wfs.org/2010regform.htm
Equally important, you should reserve your room at The Westin Waterfront Hotel! Mention that you’re attending the WFS meeting to receive your special rate of $175 per night (single or double). Reserve now.
or call 617-532-4600 and mention that you are attending the WFS meeting.
John F. Kennedy University and Integral Institute are pleased to announce our call for papers for the 2010 Integral Theory Conference: Enacting an Integral Future.
We are also extremely excited to announce that renowned Harvard developmental psychologist, Robert Kegan, will keynote this year’s event!
The conference will take place in Pleasant Hill, California on July 29th-August 1st, 2010. Pre-conference workshops will happen on Thursday, July 29th, 2010 and the main conference from Thursday evening, July 29th to Sunday, August 1st, 2010.
The call for papers details three categories of submissions: workshops, presentations/papers, and poster presentations – as well as deadlines for submission.
Check out the new conference website for all the details about this global event and to download the call for papers.
12th International LLinE Conference
27-29th January 2010 in Tuusula, Finland
What does wellbeing mean in the context of lifelong learning? How do we define the concept of wellbeing in the 21st century? How can lifelong learning promote wellbeing in different settings?
These are some of the central questions the 12th International LLinE Conference addresses by focusing on the following Conference themes:
Mental and physical wellbeing and learning
Education and wellbeing
Wellbeing at work
Wellbeing across Europe
Conceptions of wellbeing and learning across generations
Keynote speakers
Professor Sir David Watson, University of London
Research Professor Kiti Müller, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
For further information visit http://www.lline.fi or email lline@kvs.fi or markus.palmen@kvs.fi
AEQ special feature on “Leadership education in the context of wisdom and worldviews”, summer 2010, submission deadline: Feb 28, 2010 (feature editors:
Dr. Thomas Mengel—tmengel@unb.ca—and Dr. John Valk—valk@unb.ca)
The need to adequately prepare and equip leaders is a 21st century global concern. Thus good leadership education is vital. Effective leadership education has a number of key components. Instructors play an important role in developing leaders and shaping the practice of leadership. Theoretical constructs, pedagogical theories, and curricular practices also play an important role in leadership education. Wisdom is another key component of effective leadership. Many courses, programs, curricula, and workshops are created – implicitly or explicitly – to teach young college students, adults, and practitioners how to lead wisely and effectively. But leadership education is also greatly influenced by, designed from and implemented within particular worldview perspectives. These perspectives vary according to religious and secular beliefs, values and principles; cultures and regions; traditions and practices.
The purpose of this special issue is to provide a forum to share knowledge and pedagogy used to teach others theories and practices of leading and leadership, particularly within the context of various wisdom traditions and worldview perspectives. In so doing, authors are encouraged to address any of the following:
· What is the role of wisdom and worldviews in developing leaders, in reflecting on leadership, and in shaping the practice of leadership?
· What is the relationship between wisdom and wisdom traditions in leadership education?
· What theoretical constructs are taught to (future) leaders? How are those theoretical concepts taught?
· What is the role of instructor or professor in developing leaders and shaping the practice of leadership?
· What pedagogical theories and practices are used to teach others to lead? What sorts of pedagogical theories ought to drive our teaching and why?
· How are theories and practices of leading and leadership linked? How do instructors relate leadership theory to practice in their lessons and assignments?
· What questions should we ask, and what expectations should we have, of future leaders from worldview perspectives such as modernism, post-modernism, constructivism, deconstructivism, theism, humanism, capitalism?
· What questions should we ask, and what expectations should we have of future leaders from various religious and secular wisdom traditions?
· What sorts of activities or exercises are used in the classroom or over the Internet to develop leaders, and from what theoretical pedagogical grounding? How are these activities, projects or exercises evaluated?
· What worldviews influence particular theoretical constructs? What pedagogical theories and practices result from these?
· What questions should leadership educators ask of their work and scholarship?
· What cross cultural similarities and/or differences arise in teaching others to lead from various disciplines, wisdom traditions and worldview perspectives?
· What disciplinary perspectives impact teaching others to lead?
· What can we learn from each other about teaching to lead?
· What is “teaching leading” pedagogy from historical, literary, business, anthropological, educational, or biological perspectives?
· Can we type various worldview perspectives and wisdom traditions in leadership education?
· What worldview perspectives and wisdom traditions are at play in leadership and leadership education? What is the interplay between those perspectives and traditions on the one hand and leadership and leadership education on the other?
Who May Submit:
The purpose of this feature is to provide a forum for scholars, professors, and staff developers from various disciplines to share the knowledge and pedagogy (theory and practice) used to teach others the theories and practices of leading and leadership, particularly in the context of various traditions of wisdom and worldviews. Authors are encouraged to submit any of the following: thought pieces grounded in scholarship; explication of learning activities grounded in leadership theory and pedagogical theory; two authors taking different sides of a particular pedagogical argument related to leading and leadership development; examples of student work and its relation to pedagogical and leadership theory; leadership/leading curricula and its relationship to theory and practice; teaching and the building of teams; leading as a team-mate, shared leadership, partner-leadership. The above are general suggestions; thoughtful, articulate scholarship is encouraged that expands the knowledge base of how we teach and develop leaders for 21st century positions of leadership within the context of various wisdom traditions and worldview perspectives. Please identify your submission with keyword: LEADERSHIP-2
Submission deadline:
Any time until the end of February 2010; see details for other deadline options like early, regular, and short.
Early submission offers an opportunity to be considered for Editors’ Choice Submission Procedure:
Real Wealth
Community Presenters
Pilot Project
An exciting new citizen education project is underway in the Fall of 2009. The program is based on the book by Riane Eisler, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economy and is designed to create a grassroots “mind shift” in how Americans think about economics. The present outmoded indicators upon which public policy is based do not include the critical household, volunteer and environmental economics that are so important in the real life of our communities. New thinking which values the work of people who do the work of caring for people and the planet is critical to new economic policies.
The Center for Partnership Studies is recruiting volunteer presenters who are committed to beginning community discussions to help build momentum for a grassroots movement to create a more realistic, humane and sustainable economic system. Each presenter will be expected to facilitate at least ten presentations in their communities in the 12 months following the training workshop
Applications are being accepted now through October 15, 2009 for 100 volunteer presenters to be trained to present community programs based on the book by Riane Eisler, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economy. Volunteer presenters will gather for a workshop in Seattle, WA from the evening of November 6th through midday November 8th 2009. This dynamic two and one half day workshop, held at Seattle University, will prepare volunteers to deliver a slide presentation, build communities that engage in constructive dialogue, and promote actions that support transformative change.
To submit an application, please link to the program description and application at
http://www.partnershipway.org/programs/community-presenters. Also includes an FAQ section.
The pilot project is directed by the Center for Partnership Studies, a 501c3 organization founded by Riane Eisler and David Loye in 1987. In collaboration with The Center, the workshop is hosted by Alene Moris, nationally recognized trainer and consultant and Cheryn Weiser and Sara Saltee from Strategic Learning Resources. The Floyd and Delores Jones Foundation and several Seattle individuals provided the funding of the Pilot Project. The intent is to take the program nationally after the one-year implementation of the program has been evaluated.
Leadership 2009
The 8th International Conference on Studying Leadership will be hosted by the Centre for Leadership at the University of Birmingham(CLUB). The theme this year is Leadership in Crisis. The word ‘crisis’ derives from the Greek krisis, signalling a time of risk and opportunity; a time which requires one to decide – krinein. A crisis is a turning point or ‘moment’: not necessarily something to fear, but something which brings about a change in our way of knowing the world.
The Human Hive: Creating Intelligent Liveable Cities
November 19, 2009
Royal Roads University
Click here for info and registration: continuingstudies@royalroads.ca
Liveable Cities. Transition Towns. Creative Cities. Ecovillages. Child Friendly Cities. Sustainable Communities. In the face of new challenges like peak oil, climate change and economic chaos how can City Experts make sense of the overwhelming challenges that threaten life in the “human hive” as we know it? How can well meaning, well educated and well intentioned Staff of City Hall, School Districts, Health Authorities, Civil Society find the time, space and spheres of influence they need not just to do their jobs effectively but to make sense of life conditions never before experienced? Is it time for City Hall (in its largest sense) to let go of its traditional role of expert civil servant, and learn a new way of finding the expertise and resources it needs from the very citizens, families and organizations it serves? Is it also time for citizens to let go of their traditional assumption that “you can’t fight city hall”? This workshop will explore approaches for waking up new intelligences for new times – ones that can build bridge across the divides of purpose, profit, people and place and discover the answers we all need to survive and thrive in the human hive. This workshop will reveal the conditions for creating a consciousness for climate change that can grow the intelligence of the city as a whole – including but not limited to City Hall, School Districts, Health Care Authorities, Civil Society, Developers, Private Sector and Citizens.
Integral Living: What is It and Why Does it Matter?
November 25, 2009 7 – 9:30 pm
UBC, Life & Career Centre
Registration and Details: http://www.cstudies.ubc.ca/
Are speed, fragmentation and a limited world view blocking our capacities to live connected and healthy lives? Where do we find the resources to inspire health, evolve spiritual understanding and build urban resilience. Join Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, Founder of Integral City, Dr. Hal Gunn, Co-founder and CEO of InspireHealth, and Rev, Bruce Sanguin, Author, Minister of Vancouver Canadian Memorial United Church, for a lively, interactive discussion of integral practices and how such work might shape Vancouver’s future.
Ginger Praxis: Foundations for Innovation and Transformation
Nov. 11-15 – Ottawa, ON
Jan. 4-9, 2010, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC
Details: ginger@integralcity.com
If you are initiating a broad-scale change in your world, in which you want to change more than org charts and infrastructure, and you want to build momentum and win hearts and minds, here’s an innovative new leadership development program. The Ginger Group is partnering with Royal Roads University to offer a post-graduate certificate called Foundations for Innovation and Transformation. This refreshing and powerful program is particularly designed for graduates of leadership, community development, and organizational development programs who want to take their practice to the next level. This five day leadership intensive combined with pre and post coaching and peer support is geared for leaders who are leading a complex change effort. The prototype session is being offered in Ottawa and is by invitation only (Nov 11 – 15). Royal Roads University will be offering this program January 4 – 9 2010, and again in May 2010. If you are interested in the prototype, please let me know and I will put you in contact faculty members. I would be prepared to recommend you for an invitation.
2010 STATE OF THE WORLD FORUM: 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign
February 28-March 3 in Washington D.C.
Registration and Details: http://www.worldforum.org/2009WashingtonDC.htm
This Forum will bring attention to the critical issue of climate change and to catalyze a ten year plan to green our economies that the State of the World Forum is convening a three day conference Feb.28 – March 3, 2010 in Washington D.C. The 2010 Forum will launch a ten year campaign that will meet in a different world city each year.
Our intention is to catalyze a demand for new standards of moral leadership. Our goal is to empower people everywhere, personally and collectively, to create greener and more resilient lifestyles and communities. In order to realize this plan we are bringing international thought leaders, specialists and activists together to begin work on what a ten year plan to green our economies would actually look like, even as we appeal to our governments to take immediate and decisive action.
We are in a time of enormous transition, when the present is crumbling right from under our feet, but the future is not quite clear enough for us to grasp. What is needed is imagination and a sense of possibility to bridge the gap between present and future.
The State of the World Forum is committed to working with partners worldwide to catalyzing the imagination needed and the collaboration required to both envision and implement the world we must fashion as humanity moves beyond the War on Terror into the next phase of human development. Joining together to make this commitment can generate a veritable renaissance of international solidarity and good will. Please join us in this global initiative to change the course of history.