Integral Leadership Review Website Overhaul
As you no doubt have noticed, we are in the process of overhauling Integral Leadership Review, and creating a website that can accommodate new interactive Web 2.0 technologies. Eventually, all of the material from the original site will be brought into the new site and be indexed and searchable via topic, author or date.
In the meantime, please visit our archive page that gives you immediate access ten years of issues (listed by year/month), or you can go directly to our old site to browse previous issues.
The Center for Human Emergence in Mexico offers the following “webinnar”
Seminario de las Dinámicas de la Espiral Integral en la Práctica parte I
Inicio: 24 de Enero 2011
Termino: 7 de Marzo del 2011
Objetivo: Analizar un caso práctico para derivar acciones concretas de mejora a un problema social complejo
Requisito: Estar familiarizado con la teoría de Dinámicas de la Espiral Integral
Facilitador certificado: Roberto Bonilla N
Cupo Máximo 24 personas, aun tenemos 8 lugares disponibles
Inversión: $ 0.00 = Gratuito
Modalidad: Asincrono
Si te interesa participar en esta experiencia de aprendizaje o tienes alguna duda favor de enviar un correo electrónico a Roberto Bonilla roberto.bonilla@humanemergencela.org
Presencing Institute
Five years ago when a small group of us started the Presencing Institute, we envisioned a global Presencing-in-Action Leadership School that would integrate science, consciousness, and profound societal change. As a first step, we decided to prototype a much smaller version of it and call it the Presencing Institute (PI).
We believe that we live in a time where emerging global communities like ours can have a big impact if we can rise to the occasion. To dialogue about this, and other questions, we are considering convening the first Global Presencing Forum in Fall 2011 (Oct 24-25) in Cambridge, Mass. Let us know what you think and whether such a forum might be of interest and relevance for you!
Contact: Otto Scharmer scharmer@presencing.com
Waking up the Workplace
This spring we are launching a free online interview series exploring the emerging field of conscious business with some of the world’s leading visionaries, practitioners, and thinkers. We are scheduling interviews with luminaries such as: Fred Kofman, Bill Tobert, Otto Scharmer, Tony Schwartz, and Tami Simon.
What would happen if we saw the business of work, not just as a means for trade and profit, but as a vehicle for actualizing our deeper human potentials in a conscious and creative transformation? What would happen if we looked at business as a vehicle for the leading edge of evolution itself?
We say it’s time to start putting the pieces of this new vehicle together, so that we can take it for a spin.
Are you in for the ride? Join the conversation. Please visit our site, join our newsletter, and be notified of interviews as they come online.
www.Waking Up the Workplace.com
The Association of Leadership Educators
The Association of Leadership Educators (ALE) will be holding their next annual conference, July 10-13, in Denver, Colorado. The mission of ALE is to strengthen and sustain the expertise of professional leadership educators. The conference will include a mixture of both research and practice presentations. The conference planning committee is currently seeking proposals in six tracks including Research Papers, Practice Papers, Posters, Roundtables, Symposium of Emerging Research, and Educator Showcase. The deadline to submit proposals is April 1, 2011. Please go to www.leadershipeducators.org for more information.
Oneness in Business
Bring your spirituality and business in 2011 to the next level: international 4-day Oneness in Business seminar, 21-24 januari 2011, Amsterdam, http://bit.ly/9MCAA3
Facilitated by Jerome Hartigan and Adriane Hartigan-von Strauch,
Business and Creative Entrepreneurs and Oneness Trainers, New Zealand
The Integral Incubator
Boulder Integral has just announced three new Incubators for the year 2011. Pick a week that works for you!
Led by Jeff Salzman, with Special Guest Teacher, Ken Wilber
March 14 – 18, June 29 – July 3 or October 7 – 11
The Integral Incubator is a five-day “work-ation” to dive deeply into your life’s work. Join a group of dedicated evolutionaries, who, like you or a loved one of yours, has a dream that is waiting to be born.
Check out videos, photos and other details on www.integralincubator.com
Integral Spiritual Network and Pacific Integral
Integral Spiritual Network and Pacific Integral have joined forces to kick off the first global GTC (Generating Transformational Change) program at the Worldview Centre in Maleny, Queensland on June 16, 2011. This will be the first of four intensives – the first two will be in Australia (June & Sept) and the second two (early Dec and March 2012) will be in New Zealand.
If you would like to read more on the GTC program and what it offers – have a look here on the Pacific Integral site. The course is going to be priced in NZD which will make it even more affordable for those of you who happen to have a stronger dollar than the NZD.
More detailed information will be coming soon, but in the meantime please get in touch with Tom: tom@isn.org.nz or Tamara tamara@isn.org.nz if you have any questions. Tom and Tamara have been on the program this year and can give you a good inside view of the benefits of doing this program.
Centre for Human Emergence-UK
Please keep in touch with the website events page. Right now what you will see there is a planned training week for May 9-14th. This will start with an SDi Level 1 Certification. And for the 12th to 14th for the first time in the UK we will deliver a Level 2 certification in Organisational Design and Meshworks. We see this as a big step forward.
CHE exists because SD and Integral don’t merely describe the world. Proper understanding of the dynamics forces in individuals and society enable us to predict trends and to support the changes that the world needs. That’s the job we are here to do.
The Level 1 knowledge is the prerequisite for understanding why and how SDi can be used. It embeds theoretical knowledge and depth. The Level 2 trainings develop practitioners. They are about doing, and they offer practical toolkits and templates which enable practitioners to provide value to clients. The Organisational Design will build capabilities that are of use at many levels, and equally valid in public sector, corporate, SME and third-sector contexts. In the future we will have Level 2’s for Personal Emergence and for Leadership.
Contact: jon@humanemergence.org.uk or visit Center for Human Emergence – UK
European Forum for the Study of Religion and Environment
University of Chester
“Animals as Religious Subjects: A Transdisciplinary Conference”
Hosted by the European Forum for the Study of Religion and Environment
University of Chester, UK
May 21-24, 2011
John F. Kennedy University
Leadership for Sustainable Change Certificate
New cohort begins October 2011 – now accepting applications
www.jfku.edu vsolimar@jfku.edu
Co-led by Dr. Monica Sharma, former United Nations Director of Leadership and Capacity Development, and JFK University core-faculty Dr. Vernice Solimar, the Leadership for Sustainable Change certificate’s philosophy is based on the Earth Charter and is designed to achieve community well-being, ecological integrity, economic opportunity, social justice and world peace. This certificate uses a learning-in-action approach where students apply their coursework directly to a proposed project which they will design and implement. The certificate offers:
• Visionary, practical leadership skills for identifying and addressing systemic and root causes of issues from an integral worldview.
• Practices to source inner-wisdom and power for resiliency in the face of stress and adversity, to design new systems for solving problems and to create new partnerships in organizations and communities.
• A conscious full spectrum approach to design results-oriented projects and initiatives.
What students are saying:
“Unbelievable! Deep and compassionate. This was seriously one of the best educational experiences I’ve ever had. This was what I was looking for coming to JFKU – the integration of theory, wisdom, systems and action!” – Brett, Cohort 1
“This course was powerfully transformative. It touched the deepest parts of myself and brought forth clear vision and strategies for leading positive change in the world.” – Lloyd, Cohort I
Please contact Dr. Vernice Solimar at vsolimar@jfku.edu or 925-969-3521 for more information.
January 24, 2011 starting at 5pm
Benson Center, California Mission Room at Santa Clara University
Maddy Dychtwald, a nationally recognized author, public speaker, marketing advisor and entrepreneur will speak about her latest book Influence: How Women’s Soaring Economic Power Will Change Our World for the Better. As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, women are on the verge of attaining economic parity with men-something our great-grandmothers and grandfathers would never have imagined. With this new economic fortitude, women have the opportunity to wield previously untapped power to influence the direction of the marketplace, the workplace, the family, and worldwide leadership. In this presentation, based on her newest book, Maddy Dychtwald paints a captivating picture of women coming into influence both in America and worldwide, which no woman or man can afford to ignore.
“The news that Maddy Dychtwald and Christine Larson share in INFLUENCE is big and good: women are moving toward economic and power parity with men. And as Dychtwald and Larson show plainly, increasing numbers of women are achieving economic independence and beginning to use that influence in ways that will benefit us all for generations to come.”
– Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Laureate
For more information or to volunteer contact Bonita Banducci 650 529-9336 banducci@genderwork.com
Integral City
Register for Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC, Feb.14, 2011 The Human Hive Creating Intelligent Livable Cities.
Liveable Cities. Transition Towns. Creative Cities. Ecovillages. Child Friendly Cities. Sustainable Communities. In the face of new challenges like peak oil, climate change and economic chaos how can city experts make sense of the overwhelming challenges that threaten life in the “human hive” as we know it? How can well meaning, well educated and well intentioned staff of City Hall, School Districts, Health Authorities, Civil Society find the time, space and spheres of influence they need not just to do their jobs effectively but to make sense of life conditions never before experienced? Is it time for City Hall (in its largest sense) to let go of its traditional role of expert civil servant, and learn a new way of finding the expertise and resources it needs from the very citizens, families and organizations it serves? Is it also time for citizens to let go of their traditional assumption that “you can’t fight city hall”?
This workshop will explore approaches for waking up new intelligences for new times – ones that can build bridge across the divides of purpose, profit, people and place and discover the answers we all need to survive and thrive in the human hive. This workshop will reveal the conditions for creating a consciousness climate change that can grow the intelligence of the city as a whole – including but not limited to City Hall, School Districts, Health Care Authorities, Civil Society, Developers, Private Sector and Citizens.
Facilitator: Marilyn Hamilton, PhD, CGA founder of Integral City Meshworks Inc. and TDG Global Learning Connections, uses the integral framework to design change in the city that is ecologically informed and operationally integrated. She is a charter member of Integral Institute and Spiral Dynamics Integral International Training Board. Author of Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive (2008, New Society Publishers), she maps out an eco-regional manifesto that reveals the “Human Hive” as an evolutionary system. She is Associate Faculty at Royal Roads University School of Leadership, Adizes Graduate School and California Institute of Integral Studies. www.integralcity.com
Register: http://www.royalroads.ca/continuing-studies/course-basket.htm
International Leadership Association
Chris Ernst & Donna Chrobot-Mason, “Boundary Spanning Leadership”
When: January 26, 2011, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET
Registration: www.ila-net.org/webinars/boundaryspanningleadership
The most important challenges we face today are interdependent ñ they can only be solved by groups working collaboratively together. For businesses, governments, organizations, and communities to solve modern problems and realize new opportunities, leaders must think and act beyond current group boundaries and identities. Enter Boundary Spanning Leadership: the capability to create direction, alignment, and commitment across boundaries in service of a higher vision or goal.
Boundary Spanning Leadership begins with a new understanding of the boundaries that confine and limit human relationships, whether they be vertical, horizontal, stakeholder, demographic, or geographic. It then outlines six key practices for leading at the nexus where groups collide, intersect, and link: Buffering, Reflecting, Connecting, Mobilizing, Weaving, and Transforming. And it leads to new possibilities and inspiring results that groups can realize together above and beyond what they can achieve on their own.
Join this webinar to learn more about this new leadership model, forthcoming from McGraw-Hill Professional and the Center for Creative Leadership (November 2010) and to learn how to transform todayís limiting borders into tomorrowís limitless frontiers to solve problems, create innovative solutions, and to transform your organization to thrive in a flat world. For additional information, please see www.spanboundaries.com.
Chris Ernst is a senior faculty member in the Center for Creative Leadershipís (CCL) Organizational Leadership Practice.
Donna Chrobot-Mason is an associate professor in psychology at the University of Cincinnati and Director of the Center for Organizational Leadership.
National Collegiate Leadership Conference 2011
Destination Leadership:
Your Journey Through a Changing World
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
February 18-20, 2011
Registration is now open and will end February 4, 2011 or when we reach our capacity of 600 participants.
The National Collegiate Leadership Conference is a student-run annual conference that serves as the cornerstone of the leadership experience and training for hundreds of college students across the nation. The philosophy of NCLC is that service, social justice, and leadership are all connected. Thus, the programming for this conference offers students a variety of opportunities to learn, understand, interact with, experience, participate in, engage in, and reflect on service, social justice, and leadership. The skills that students learn from this conference can be applicable in students’ organizations, families, campuses, job settings, as well as local and global communities.
2011 International Conference of the Association of Global Management Studies
Excalibur Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
(February 28-March 1)
Theme: Global Strategies and Innovation Across Disciplines
The 2011 International Conference of the Association of Global Management Studies (AGMS) provides a platform to discuss challenges pertaining to contemporary issues in management studies. It also fosters multidisciplinary research involved in the development of theoretical and practice knowledge of all business and related fields by researchers, educators and practitioners.
Conference Tracks
Contemporary Issues in eLearning/Distance Learning Contemporary Issues in Project Management Contemporary Issues in Accounting Contemporary Issues in Green Computing and Healthcare Informatics Contemporary Issues in Information Systems Security Contemporary in Strategic Management Global Issues in Social Networks Global Outsourcing and Management Contemporary Issues in Management Science and Operations Management Global Issues in Research Methodology Global Issues in the Management of Information Systems Global Issues in GIS Global Issues in International Economics/Finance Global Issues in International Business Global Issues in Marketing Global Issues in Ethics Global Organizational Issues in Management Global Cultural Issues in Management General Topics in Management Studies Challenges in Corporate Governance.
The World Future Society’s conference WorldFuture 2011: Moving from Vision to Action, to be held July 8-10, in Vancouver, British Columbia, will focus on developing specific action plans for meeting–and getting ahead of–the challenges we face now.
Approximately 150 speakers will offer their latest insights and strategies in governance, education, law enforcement, futures methodologies, marketing, and much more.
Registration: http://www.wfs.org/content/register-worldfuture-2011
Spiral Dynamics in Action
Copenhagen, Denmark
This intensive two-day Spiral Dynamics seminar will closely enquire into the “master cultural code” that can scale at any level, from community to country to planet—which is profoundly necessary because so many issues are a product of conflicts and clashes as seen in stereotyping and threats from radical, fundamentalist views.
As we probe into determining how to mesh different subcultures within a common political space, we warmly invite you to delve with us into this global formula that is relevant to so many concerns we experience today in dealing with dangerous conflicts and fragmentation virtually everywhere. For example, recall that the last major global conference in Copenhagen, which was on climate change and the environment, failed to produce the intended results. If the participants had understood value systems and the Meshworks Solutions approach which we will be examining at our SDi intensive, the outcomes then might well have been different. Also, as the midterm elections in the US this week saw the swing back towards the Republican Party and even President Obama admitted during the post-election news conference that his administration has yet been unsuccessful in finding solutions to difficult problems that Americans can accept, no doubt he should send his own staff to our February gathering Copenhagen to benefit from the profound insights offered by Spiral Dynamics in Action.
Many years ago Professor Clare W. Graves predicted to Dr. Beck, “our time would come.” Clearly it has, and this unique learning opportunity offers you the chance to uncover your place, purpose, and essential function in making our off-kilter world a saner place! Dates: February 1-2, 2011 Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark . Info and registration: Teddy Hebo Larsen teddyhebo@gmail.com
Pacific Integral
Generating Transformative Change Program
Starts April, 2011
The nine-month GTC Leadership Intensive is an extraordinary opportunity to come together with a diverse group of individuals committed to catalyzing their next stage of leadership and transforming our world for the better. Over the past seven years, our GTC program has earned a reputation for building a global network of conscious leaders, with a curriculum based in evolving, leading-edge theories and practices of change, and grounded in long-term research. As a participant in Pacific Integral’s tenth GTC cohort, you will develop a radically expanded view of your self and your role in the world, along with the confidence and clarity to step forth into greater leadership.
Information: http://www.pacificintegral.com