‘Good Leadership for All’ Day
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 in London
Good Leadership for All – A Fundamental Need of Global Citizens
Good leadership is much needed around the world, not only at governmental levels and in business organisations, but also in all other contexts, cultures, and at all societal levels. Indeed, good leadership is required universally. Whilst much is written and spoken about good leadership, global citizens would argue as to whether they experience good leadership in their daily lives and livelihoods; many would argue that they have little or no influence on who their leaders are or how leadership is practised. Antipathy towards incumbent leaders and to outdated leadership practices is clearly evident as concerns about bad leadership contribute to citizens taking action around the world – ranging from the demonstrations in many European countries to the revolutions of the ‘Arab Spring’ and far beyond.
The cost of bad leadership, the resulting citizen actions, and dictatorial responses, is counted in numerous lives and livelihoods lost on a daily basis. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop and implement practical leadership instruments that go beyond the worthy discussions about what good leadership means or should be. New leadership instruments must be focused on transforming the fundamental practice/development of leadership, must deliver tangible value in all contexts, cultures, societal levels, and must positively impact the lives and livelihoods of global citizens. Transforming leadership instruments should not only focus on the few in leadership positions, but primarily the instruments should be for the benefit of and be of practical use by the many global citizens – so that they can transform leadership practices locally and globally.
The urgent need to have more good leaders, to develop good leadership practices, and to liberate leadership learning around the world has stimulated the planning for a ‘Good Leadership for All’ (GLfA) Day; this will be held in London on 25 October 2011. The GLfA Day will enable current and emerging leaders in business/public/third sectors, leadership practitioners/scholars/educators, representatives of global NGOs and governments, and global citizens who are interested in transforming leadership, to come together and contribute to innovative, universal, and transdisciplinary projects and programs for transforming leadership around the world. Participants will not only discuss current and future challenges, but also leadership innovations and solutions will be presented and considered, and action plans will be developed through facilitated workshops – all in order to accelerate, develop and implement the much needed transformations in leadership practice, development and knowledge.
Email: kuldipreyattsvp@aol.com
Website: www.leadership-visioning.co.uk
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kuldipreyatt
Call for Papers
African International Development Network (AIDEN)
International Conference
with the University of Calibar, Nigeria
Advancing into the 21st Century: Exploring Best Approaches to Effective Leadership For Africa
November 14-19, 2011
State Library Auditorium
Integral Spiritual Experience Year 3
Awaken the Fire: Harnessing the Power of Your Evolutionary Creativity
December 28th, 2011 – January 1st, 2012
Asilomar Retreat Center in Pacific Grove, California
Register: http://integralspiritualexperience.affcntr.com/register/
The theme this year is evolutionary creativity and the focus is on finding and unleashing the sparks of your unique creative expressions. In this third year, we will explore the call to evolutionary creativity: its source, its enactment, and its fulfillment as our own unique gift to the world. We will identify and unfold the four major stages of evolutionary creativity as it manifests in individuals and in the larger Integral community. We’ll look at how creativity arises when we begin to disengage from the mind–yet requires the skills that only a disciplined mind can cultivate. We’ll explore how creativity appears to a visual artist, a musician, a writer, or any other artistic pursuit. We’ll discover the many facets of personal and collective creativity, and look at the way creativity manifests in the evolution of consciousness itself. Most importantly, we will explore the great human act of self-creation, in which the human being reveals and evolves his or her own deepest, unique divine essence.
Evolving Integral Sustainability
Vensoude, the Netherlands
August 24-28, 2011
Register: www.experienceintegral.org/seminar
Connect with a vibrant community of global leaders to develop personally and professionally with the intent to generate greater efficacy in the field of sustainability.
The 13th Annual ILA Global Conference
One Planet, Many Worlds: Remapping the Purposes of Leadership
26-29 October 2011
London, UK | Park Plaza Westminster Bridge
More than 700 Leadership scholars, practitioners, and educators from close to fifty countries gather each year at ILA’s annual Global Conference to present their finest research and scholarship, compelling ideas, best practices, newest teaching techniques, and unique stories from the field. Leadership in all its multifaceted and multicultural complexity is examined through an exciting combination of preconference workshops, concurrent sessions, and keynote speakers.
Our conference is the best place for those with a passion for leadership to learn and share across disciplines, professions, and sectors. In today’s always on, global, complex world, the transformation of leadership knowledge and practice is imperative. ILA’s annual global conference offers a unique learning and networking experience like none other in the field.
Please explore the conference menu on the right or contact ILA’s Conference Coordinator, Josh Tarr, at Conferences@ila-net.org or 1.301.405.5218.
Upcoming SoL Programs with Peter Senge and other leading practitioners of the global SoL community
Leading for Health
November 2-4, 2011
Colorado Springs, CO
Co-sponsored with the ReThink Health Initiative of the Fannie E Rippel Foundation.
Facilitated by Sherry Immediato, Manoj Pawar, Tom Crum, Peter Senge and other leading practitioners. This program will begin with a dinner session on Tuesday, November 1 and end at 3 p.m. on Friday, November 4. Peter Senge will join us for the Friday session.
Leading and Learning for Sustainability
December 7-9, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
Co-sponsored with the Goodwin College of Professional Studies at Drexel University
Facilitated by Peter Senge and other leading practitioners of Sustainability Leadership.
Sustainability is not a problem to be solved. It is a future to be created. This workshop is for leaders and teams of all sorts who are passionate about developing sustainable strategies and practices in organizations, institutions, industries and communities across all three sectors (private, non-profit and government.) It is a synthesis of core organizational learning disciplines – systems thinking, mental model and collaborative inquiry, personal mastery and building shared vision – and the practical know-how developed within the SoL Sustainability Consortium over the past decade, much of which is captured in Peter Senge’s new book The Necessary Revolution. The stories and practices described in the book are the foundation for this workshop.
The Final Integral Incubator, Thomas Hübl, Andrew Cohen & Ken Wilber
October 31 – November 4, 2011
Boulder, Colorado
Special Guest Teacher, Ken Wilber
Led by Jeff Salzman and a host of other integral coaches
After seven sold-out Integral Incubators–this is it–we are soon having the last one. Its your final chance to come out here to Boulder Integral and get true traction on the work you want to do in this world. Join a group of coaches and other like-minded integral attendees, supporting you, supporting each other, in your project/s that are of deep meaning and value to you.
Of course, this is also a fantastic opportunity to meet Ken Wilber and share your work with him when we all go to see him in Denver during this last Incubator.