Not for profit organizations are encouraged to provide brief announcements about events, conferences, workshops, meetings, publications and the like that are being held anywhere in the world. A logo or graphic many accompany each announcement. Please draft the material to be included. Keep verbiage to a minimum, but convey the important information about your activity. Make sure to include email addresses and websites where people can register or obtain additional information.
The Rochester Institute of Technology
Leadership Conference
“Get your Mojo working”
June 27-29
You are invited to join us for an outstanding leadership event and a separate women’s leadership conference at The Rochester Institute of Technology, featuring a keynote presentation by Marshall Goldsmith discussing his newest bestselling book, Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, and How to Get It Back If You Lose It.
Explore and expand your leadership potential and take advantage of two opportunities!
Full conference includes
• Keynote presentation by Marshall Goldsmith
• Interactive panels, workshops, and training sessions with Rochester’s leading professionals in women’s leadership, life, and work topics
• Conference housing (optional)
• Rejuvenating spa, fitness, and social activities
• Nutritious meals
• Personal coaching opportunity
To register and learn more about this exciting event, visit http://www.rit.edu/studentaffairs/findingyourmojo/.
Volume 6, Issue 2 / 2011
Download entire issue at: www.regent.edu/ijls
8th International SLaM Conference.
Wisdom at Work
8th – 11th September 2011
Why, in the 21st Century, should we be concerned with wisdom? Isn’t wisdom an “old world” concept? We might think of the Greeks – Plato or Aristotle, or the beliefs of other ancient cultures. How could that help us in dealing with situations that are entirely new – globalisation, climate change, the internet, mobile technologies? The vision of contemporary business seldom goes further than competitiveness, power and profits. The SLaM conference asks, is that enough to serve the long-term interests of our society as a whole or our planet, or even our organisations themselves?
In this conference we will step into the question of what wisdom can mean for us today. With our speakers and workshop facilitators we will explore the relevance and importance of wisdom in the workplace. At this point in the evolution of humanity we need a perspective that is broader, more inclusive, fairer and more in harmony with the earth.
The African Integral Development Network (AIDEN)
2011 International Conference
Advancing into the 21st Century
University of Calabar, Nigeria
November 14-18, 2011
Adult Development
Inaugural 2011 ESRAD Symposium
European Society for Research in Adult Development
Lund University, Sweden
July 24-25, 2011
Presentations will address positive adult development from all disciplines as well as the Model of Hierarchical Complexity. Positive adult development refers to development starting in late adolescence and continuing through life. The focus is on expanded capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life.
Topic areas include: Measurement, Models and Methodological Issues; Education, Professional Development; Altruism, Attachment and Alienation; Gerontology; Periods, Seasons and Non-stage Development; Stage Change; Cultural and Societal Development. Theoretical and philosophical papers are also welcome.
More information and further details will be announced later at this website:
For submissions and questions, please contact Kristian Stålne, Construction sciences at Lund University: kristian.stalne@construction.lth.se, phone: +46 46 222 03 56
International Leadership Association
Annual Conference
One Planet, Many Worlds: Remapping the Purposes of Leadership
October 26-29, 2011
The conference will convene at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, located directly across from Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Abbey, as over 700 leadership scholars and educators, business and community leaders, consultants and coaches, students and young leaders, from around the world gather for the exchange of cutting-edge scholarship, best practices, and compelling ideas in the leadership arena.
Register now to hold your place at ILA 2011 by visiting: www.ila-net.org/conferences/
NextStep Integral
Integral Community Seminar
Whidbey Institute on Whidbey Island, WA
August 9 – 14, 2011
Are you seeking to co-create integral community from the ground up? Or are you eager to find out how to awaken an existing community you live or work within to greater consciousness? We are alive at a unique time in our human history – a time that calls us to come together like never before, and that asks of us a deeper and broader understanding of the complex dynamics and potential of human relationships. We are alive at a time when creating meaningful, genuine community is not just a personal desire or option, but essential for our shared humanity to continue to evolve and flourish.
Come join integral community experts Terry Patten, Stephan Martineau, John Gruber, Terri O’Fallon, and many more to deepen and enact integral evolutionary community in the beautiful old-growth forest of the Pacific North-West!
What you will experience:
This seminar will provide an inspiring environment to meet, network and learn with a growing community of people who clearly understand that figuring out how the collective can keep evolving toward ever-greater integrity, authenticity, and expression is one of the most powerful ways to begin creating the changes we hope to see in the world. The seminar is itself is designed to engage you physically, emotionally, cognitively, interpersonally, and spiritually.
Some core questions and topics we will be exploring together:
• What does an integral evolutionary collective look and feel like?
• What are the developmental stages that groups evolve through?
• What elements need to be in place for stage transition to occur in a collective?
…and so much more.
For all details on registration, please see www.integralcommunity.ca
Integral Practical Wisdom
Lessons for Management, Leadership and Decision-Making for the 21st Century Organization
Massey University, Auckland
December 2011
We believe that the concept of practical wisdom provides an innovative, interpretative framework within which to address the further development and integration of many important and critical issues and areas of organization and management/leadership studies and practice. In addition to interpreting practical wisdom as phronesis, whichpoints to soundness of judgement in the choice of means and ends and corresponding action measured by day-today effectiveness, wisdom can serve as a mediating concept for more integral forms of organising and leading. By exploring practical wisdom as a model for integration, we would like this conference/symposium to advance the state-of-the art within leadership and organization research and practice. We are particularly keen on discussing challenges and opportunities for teaching practical wisdom in post-graduate management and business programs as well as private and public sector management training programs.
Dr. Wendelin Küpers, School of Management, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand W.Kupers@massey.ac.nz
Associate Professor David Pauleen, School of Management, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Carpinteria, CA
Transforming Leadership
A Depth Psychological Approach
with Carol Pearson
August 12-14, 2011
Carol S. Pearson, explores ways that people with leadership roles at all levels and in all sectors, as well people who don’t think of themselves as leaders but who strive to made a difference in their workplaces, churches, clubs, and communities, can use concepts from depth psychology to succeed where others have failed.
805.969.3626, ext. 103
Global Dialogue Center
Discovering New Pathways to LEADERSHIP
Wednesday, JUNE 22, 2011
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EDT (10:00 am PDT – 11:30 pm EDT)
FREE to attend
A unique, interactive, inspiring ONLINE dialogue for leaders and aspiring leaders at all levels. Jessica Roemischer, transformational advisor and pianist, introduces you to her innovative discoveries and approach to personal growth and reinvention through the power of MUSIC.
Key Themes: Responding to the demands of an increasingly complex and fast-paced world; reaching beyond your perceived limitations; activating your innate capacity for leadership.
Learn more and register: http://tinyurl.com/JUNE22register
Global Presencing Forum
October 2011
Our intent is to create a place where a global community of change practitioners can connect with itself to reveal or uncover and share an ecosystem of transformation. This will be an annual gathering where “points of light” in the work of societal renewal can come together, share projects of all scales, identify who is playing in which fields, see each person’s place in a larger whole, and sense into a collective call.
PS Seminar Embodying Integral Sustainability is from 24-28 August. Including an opening night interactive lecture by Barrett Brown and Marilyn Hamilton called “The Big Picture of Global Sustainability Leadership” on 24 August. More info about that event can be found here http://www.experienceintegral.org/seminar/program/big-picture-sustainability-leadership/
Thanks for helping to spread the word!
Warm regards, Anouk Brack
Embodying Integral Sustainability
Joining forces for the future
As we collectively embark upon a 5 day journey into the heart of sustainability, we’ll dive in with open curiosity, aiming to discover creative solutions. Come stretch your mind, enliven your body, renew your spirit.
Connect with a vibrant community of global leaders to develop personally and professionally with the intent to generate greater efficacy in our field: sustainability.
We’ll leave the seminar with:
Vibrant connections to a community of next-phase leaders, change-makers and visionaries
A sense of being ‘plugged in’ to a deep discourse about sustainability & leadership
Inspiring new methods for creating profit by combining sustainability and profitability
The profound realization taking care of our bodies leads to higher levels of personal power and success
A deepened understanding of your purpose, and the ways that you are of greatest service in the field of sustainability leadership
This event is by invitation for a total of thirty people. Please let us know if you would like to be invited! We are creating the perfect mix to show up: passionate professionals, dedicated scholars, and innovative entrepreneurs.