Connie Schultz
As a student at Fielding Graduate University, I was exposed to Ken Wilber’s integral theory. Studying its application especially in healthcare has given me a new perspective. As a nurse I have worked in a variety of healthcare settings where four quadrant thinking is critical. I attended Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing in the early 70’s where I received my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing degree. Upon graduation, I became an Army Nurse, obtaining my Master’s in Nursing degree while in the Army. Upon retirement from the Army Nurse Corps in the early 90’s, I became a Chief Nursing Officer at a small community hospital in Montana. Changes in the healthcare environment, most notably in the availability of nurses, I became interested in organizational development, when I enrolled in the PhD program in Human and Organization Development.
I am currently a nurse surveyor for The Joint Commission, an accreditation organization that works as partners with healthcare organizations to ensure quality and safe patient care. My area of interest is focusing on working to ensure a health work environment through the elimination of disruptive behaviors, most notably workplace bullying. My doctoral studies are focused on qualitative research, management and leadership and the study of the environments in which nurses practice.