The Center for Human Emergence Netherlands
Fifth annual Spiral Dynamics integral EuroConFab, April 8 -10, 2011
Almere, The Netherlands
Register at http://www.schoolofsynnervation.nl/en/news_201012_Confab.php
The purpose is to create an internationally shared field of best practices of emergence and evolutionary change.
Share and discuss your findings and challenges as a SDi practitioner
We invite you to put forward your experiences, quests and questions and exchange, share and co-create them with the other participants. Send us a short description of your subject and the questions you would like to inquire into: euroconfab@humanemergence.nl.
Reflect on real cases in Almere
On Thursday April 7th, we offer the possibility to engage in a review of the City of Almere cases.
Emerging topics at EuroConFab 2011
From the questions and contributions received so far, we see three overarching themes emerging:
Vital Cities – Integral Vital Signs Monitoring. If sustainable development of cities (regions) is dependent upon the vitalization of value Memes, how do we keep track of the dynamics of vMeme development and lifeconditions? How can the build up of an integral Vital Signs Monitoring System be part of the vitalization of the city / region itself?
Meshworking. Meshworking is increasing momentum as a new way to generate healthy and comprehensive solutions for complex issues. To do so, the Meshweaver integrates, align and synergize resources, people and motives. It is meant to be a new step beyond (and including) Networking and Communities of Practices. But what does that mean? How does a Meshwork operate? What does it ask from the Meshweaver?
The Promise of Turquoise. The Turquoise vMeme, because of its all encompassing, Big Mind / Big Heart nature, seems so promising and needed in these turbulent years. Clarity of mind, and at the same time compassionate at the deepest level. It is longed for, yet demands quite a lot from the individual and the collective. What is really the essence of the Turquoise vMeme? What is its nature? What does it demand from us, from the way we organize ourselves?
The recurrent question underlying these themes is: how does integral leadership manifest itself? What are new action perspectives that arise from that? Please bring your experience to the EuroConFab – and we may discover new answers.
Waking Up the Workplace
I’ve always been suprised at the lack of exposure of integral business – what is actually is, how to actually do it, and really start applying integral principles out in the real world. There’s so much emphasis on the theory, and of the spiritual aspect of integral. I totally loved Terry Patten’s recent series on ‘Beyond Awakening’ and wondered why no-one had created a similar series on the topic of business. So, in the spirit of agency, I and some colleagues created one. We’ve got a pretty exciting list of speakers, including some big names from the integral field like Fred Kofman, Otto Scharmer, Susanne Cook-Greuter, Cindy Wigglesworth, Bill Joiner, Bill Torbert and Barrett Brown. Our central question for the series is:
“What would happen if we saw the business of work, not just as a means for trade and profit, but as a vehicle for realizing our deepest human potentials in a conscious and creative transformation?”
The whole thing is totally free, and we’re totally excited about hosting a giant global conversation on what business and work can be from an integral perspective! I hope many of you can join us, and ask lots of challenging questions!
Global Dialogue Center
Boosting Your Effectiveness, Impact, and Influence at Work
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
1:00 pm ET – 2:30 pm ET (New York)
10:00 am PT – 11:30 am PT (Los Angeles)
1-hour presentation and dialogue
Bill Treasurer is founder and chief encouragement officer at Giant Leap Consulting. a courage-building company that exists to help people and organizations live more courageously. Bill is the author of Courage Goes to Work (Berrett-Koehler, 2008). His newest contribution is COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP | A Program for Using Courage to Transform the Workplace.
Bill joins Debbe Kennedy on March 23rd for an interactive, informative, and inspiring message — and you’re INVITED!
What’s in it for you?
- * Learn why COURAGE is important to you and your organization
- * Explore the relationship of FEAR and COURAGE
- * Be introduced to FOUR kinds of COURAGE
- * Discover how COURAGE boosts performance and results
- * Participate in a lively, interactive dialogue and Q&A
session with other leaders and innovators
Free registration:
Pacific Integral
Seattle, WA
Generating Transformative Change
We want you to know that our next Generating Transformative Change program (GTC 10) begins April 20th and we have room for a couple more people who are ready to open to a deep and fulfilling transformative experience…an experience that includes state and stage development, profound awareness practices, structured support for next steps in your life and work, intimacy in community, simulating challenge, fun, and love. We have participants come to us from many places around the world such as Ireland, India, Ethiopia, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as from all parts of the U.S. and Canada. So don’t let distance get in your way.
If you are ready to have yourself and your life transformed beyond what you imagine, we invite you to apply.
Drishti Center for Integral Action
Integral Without Borders Event in Vancouver
Exploring how our very self can become our most important instrument for social change.
March 25-27th (optional networking day on the 28th)
Friday March 25th: One Sky office, 1460 Howe St., V6Z 1R8
Saturday-Sunday, March 26-27th: Hollyhock Rm, 400-163 W. Hastings St., V6B 1H5
(510) 552-1017 (cell)
Call for Papers
The Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award
Deadline: June 15, 2011
The International Leadership Association (ILA) and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) are pleased to partner to sponsor the annual Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award to recognize outstanding unpublished papers by undergraduate and graduate students. The award is named in honor of the distinguished scholar and former Chief Executive Officer of CCL.
The winner of this year’s award will receive:
- $1,000 cash prize
- Travel and Lodging (up to two nights), and Complimentary Registration to ILA’s 13th annual conference, One Planet, Many Worlds: Remapping the Purposes of Leadership taking place in London, UK on October 26-29, 2011
- Complimentary 1-year membership in the ILA
- Recognition at the ILA conference and in various multimedia ILA publications
Submissions may be either empirically or conceptually based. Multi-disciplinary approaches to research are welcomed. The paper should focus on some aspect of leadership or leadership development.
Submissions will be judged by the following criteria:
- The degree to which the paper addresses issues and trends that are significant to the study of leadership;
- The extent to which the paper shows consideration of the relevant theoretical and empirical literature;
- The extent to which the paper makes a conceptual or empirical contribution;
- The implications of the research for application to leadership identification and development.
Papers must be authored and submitted by graduate or undergraduate students only. All authors must currently be students or must have graduated within 1-year prior to the submission deadline of June 15, 2011. CCL staff and papers submitted to other CCL awards are ineligible. Entrants must provide a letter on organizational letterhead from one faculty member certifying that a student wrote the paper. Electronic submissions are preferred. The name of the author(s) should appear only on the title page of the paper. The title page should also show the authors’ affiliations, email and mailing addresses, and telephone numbers.
Papers will be reviewed anonymously by a panel of researchers associated with CCL. Papers are limited to 30 double-spaced pages, excluding title page, abstract, figures, tables, and references. Papers above this limit that are not completely doubled spaced may not be eligible for the Award and may be returned to authors unreviewed. Papers should be prepared according to current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
In the absence of papers deemed deserving of the award, the award may be withheld. Entries (accompanied by faculty letters) must be received by June 15, 2011. The winning paper will be announced at the 2011 ILA Conference. Entries should be emailed to: ClarkAward@ccl.org.
International Leadership Association
One Planet, Many Worlds: Remapping the Purposes of Leadership
26-29 October 2011 London, UK | Park Plaza Westminster
Integrative Learning Institute
A Crisis of Decision Making: What Underlies Our Inability to Respond to Climate Change
Description: Underlying the climate change crisis is a crisis in our collective ability to make decisions that support sustainable systemic responses. This 37-minute video highlights the connection between the complex challenges of responding to climate change, and the capacities needed to engage in effective democratic decision making. It indicates that research in adult development helps us to understand these 21st century capacities. Public deliberation through deliberative democracy, when designed to support adult development, holds the possibility of improving our capacities to respond systemically to these complex public issues.
This video includes environmentalists Thomas Homer Dixon and Lester Brown, evolutionary biologist Elisabet Sahtouris, developmental specialists Robert Kegan and Bill Torbert, and deliberative democracy and complexity specialists Shawn Rosenberg, Jan Inglis and Sara Ross. A study guide is being developed to accompany the video. This video is made available free of charge for initial previewing. As production was self financed, donations to cover video production costs are appreciated. For institutional use the High Definition DVD can be purchased.
Leadership Can be Taught Symposium: The Artistry of Adaptive Leadership with Undergraduates and Emerging Professionals
July 20-22, 2011
This three-day, highly focused, community building, learning by experience symposium explores best practices in adapting the Leadership Can Be Taught (Sharon Daloz Parks, Harvard Business Press, 2005) framework, which uses Adaptive Case-In-Point Teaching, into all levels of leadership education development.
Keynote speakers include:
- Sharon Daloz Parks, author of Leadership Can Be Taught; and
- David Hellstrom, national leadership trainer and speaker and curriculum innovator in the University of Minnesota’s Leadership Minor.
The symposium is open to leadership educators from colleges and universities across the country. It will feature a keynote address, hands-on theory and practice integration sessions to explore four challenging leadership education questions:
- How do we integrate leadership theory and practice into the lives of students in a long-term and sustainable manner?
- How do we foster life-long critical reflection skills that move students from “memorize and recite” behaviors to introspection and self-authorship?
- How can we create classroom/program environments that instill a sense of community in which students are supported and held accountable for the quality of their participation to self-actualization?
- How can we use real-life complex issues and integrate them into the classroom as Case-In-Point-Teaching opportunities across the curriculum?
To register please go to www.LCBTsymposium.com
This symposium is held by the University of Minnesota’s Leadership Minor, The Center for Integrative Leadership and College of Pharmacy.
Rivista di Politica Economica
Call for papers
Electronic submissions in Word (.doc) and .pdf format should be addressed to the special issue Editor (see contact details below) and to Rivista di Politica Economica (rpe@confindustria.it) within June 30th , 2011. Contributions should be kept within 35 single-spaced pages including Figures, Graphs, Tables, References, and Appendices (if any).
Submission Due Date: June 30, 2011
Guest Editor: Prof. Luca Gnan (luca.gnan@uniroma2.it), Torvergata University, Rome.
Center for Human Emergence, UK
Practitioner Training in Organisational Change
Hammersmith, London, May 12th to 14th, 2011
Practitioners will need to be able to develop the sustainability and relevance of organisations, the new cultures for our complex futures. SDi provides a route-map and the flexible, responsive, meshworked approaches. Along the way, depending on where we are in the journey, there are other toolkits that are of use and we will introduce these and explain where they fit. Among these are Polarity Management, Adizes Lifecycle, U-theory, World Café and Open Space, Holacracy, Resonant Leadership and Spiritual Intelligence.
Spiritual Intelligence Assessment and Coaching
Cindy Wigglesworth has developed a Spiritual Intelligence profiling assessment and coaching methodology. We are really pleased to be launching this in the UK within the CHE “umbrella”. This methodology has very strong Integral Theory underpinning its design, and has been academically validated, including an assessment of its correlation with Values development as assessed within the spiral, where score increases correlate at the 99% level beween the two models. So it is highly compatible with the core of SDi that is at the heart of CHE.
At the end of May (27th to 30th), Cindy will lead a training to certify individuals in the use of the assessment and the coaching approach. Please note that this is not a training in coaching skills. This training is therefore intended for existing coaches, or for those who will pursue other coaching skills development.
Further information about the DeepChange approach can be found at the www.deepchange.com
EVENT: Leadership and Spiritual Intelligence
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, March 16th at 7:00pm GMT/UTC
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast — it’s your choice)
OPTIONAL: Dial in and listen by Phone: +1 713 300-0182 (Note – this is a US number – use a calling card or Skype to save money) PIN Code: 926354#
2011 Adult Development Symposium
Tuesday, March 29 and Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Pre-conference of the Society for Research in Child Development,
SRCD Biennial Meeting
1201, boul. René-Lévesque ouest,
Montréal, (Québec) H3B-2L7, Canada
For information, go to http://adultdevelopment.org/symposium.php or email Admin@adultdevelopment.org
Presentations will address positive adult development from all disciplines. Positive adult development refers to development starting in late adolescence and continuing through life. The focus is on expanded capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life. Topic areas include: Measurement, Models and Methodological Issues; Professional Development; Altruism, Attachment, and Alienation; Periods, Seasons and Non-stage Development; Stage Change; Cultural and Societal Development.
International Society for Utilitarian Studies (ISUS)
11th International Conference
“The Ethics of Economic Development”
Lucca, Italy, 23rd-25th June 2011
The International Society for Utilitarian Studies – ISUS – provides a forum for scholarly debate and research on utilitarianism and its historical development, and on its present-day relevance in such fields as ethics, politics, law, economics, and public policy. [ISUS web site] ISUS also publishes the journal Utilitas, a leading international review presenting original research in all aspects of utilitarian theory and encompassing the disciplines of moral philosophy, economics, psychology, political theory, intellectual history, law and jurisprudence. Conference registration includes a one-year ISUS membership and subscription to Utilitas.
The following keynote speakers have confirmed their participation:
- Professor Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University)
- Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University; Special Advisor to the Secretary-general of UN Ban Ki-moon.
- Professor Peter Singer (Princeton University)
- Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, and laureate professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE), University of Melbourne.
- Professor Gustaf Arrhenius, (Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Stockholm University)
- Torgny Segerstedt Pro Futura Fellow e Professor of Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University.
- Professor Frederick Rosen (University College London)
- Emeritus Professor of History of Political Thought, former General Editor of The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham.
- Professor Nadia Urbinati (Columbia University) Professor of Political Sciences.
Adult Development
Inaugural 2011 ESRAD Symposium July 24 and 25 in Lund, Sweden
European Society for Research in Adult Development
Presentations will address positive adult development from all disciplines as well as the Model of Hierarchical Complexity. Positive adult development refers to development starting in late adolescence and continuing through life. The focus is on expanded capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life.
Topic areas include: Measurement, Models and Methodological Issues; Education, Professional Development; Altruism, Attachment and Alienation; Gerontology; Periods, Seasons and Non-stage Development; Stage Change; Cultural and Societal Development. Theoretical and philosophical papers are also welcome.
MHC (Model of Hierarchical Complexity) workshop on Monday 25th.
Classicum at Biskopsgatan 3 in Lund, Sweden
More information at the ESRAD website:
Questions and submissions of proposal to
Kristian Stålne
Lund University
+46 46 222 03 56
NYU’s Global Social Change Leadership Institute
The Research Center for Leadership in Action at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service is now accepting applications for the Global Social Change Leadership Institute being held July 10-23, 2011, in New York City for university students, Master’s students and recent college graduates.
The Institute offers emerging leaders a chance to develop cutting-edge knowledge and skills to advance social justice in their communities. Participants learn from experts at the forefront of policy reform and advocacy, coalition building and direct service. Through lectures, site visits throughout New York City and hands-on interactive workshops, the program’s rigorous curriculum focuses on topics including:
- Leadership Skills
- Using Social Media for Social Justice
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Community Organizing
- Designing Effective Trainings
- Developing Intercultural Competence
Participants emerge with an understanding of social change leadership, an action plan to address an issue in their school or community, and a network of other advocates committed to social justice.
Complete information about the Institute and the application are available online at: http://wagner.nyu.edu/leadership/teaching/GSCLI.php
Association of Leadership Educators (ALE) Conference.
The mission of ALE is to strengthen and sustain the expertise of professional leadership educators. The conference will be held July 10-13, in Denver, Colorado, and it will include a mixture of both research and practice presentations. The conference planning committee is currently seeking proposals in six tracks including Research Papers, Practice Papers, Posters, Roundtables, Symposium of Emerging Research, and Educator Showcase. The deadline to submit proposals is April 1, 2011. Please go to www.leadershipeducators.org for more information.
Fifth International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind
The Fifth International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind (LCM V) will be held on 27-29 June 2012 at the Catholic University of Portugal in Lisbon. It will be preceded by a Young Researchers Workshop on 26 June 2012 (same venue), in which young researchers will present their ongoing dissertation projects and current work.
The goals of LCM conferences are to contribute to situating the study of language in a contemporary interdisciplinary dialogue (involving philosophy, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, semiotics and other related fields), and to promote a better integration of cognitive and cultural perspectives in empirical and theoretical studies of language.
The theme for LCM V is Integrating Semiotic Resources in Communication and Creativity
The deadline for abstract submission will be Dec 15, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 15 Feb 2012
Last date for early registration: 1 Mar 2012
Last date for registration: 1 May 2012
Final program publication: 15 May 2012
Gonzaga University & Seattle University
2011 Leadership Conference
Leadership for Global Peace and Understanding
Seattle University Campus Saturday, April 30, 2011
A conference for educators, business and civic leaders hosted by the Educational Leadership Program.
Featured Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speaker: Jean Lipman-Blumen
Final Keynote: Fred Mednick
The Second Annual Women in Leadership Conference
April 9, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
Every spring, the McDonough Center for Leadership and Business hosts the Women in Leadership Conference, which is designed to foster an academic discussion of the significant leadership role women are increasingly playing in a wide variety of professional fields. Through paper and poster presentations, workshops, roundtable discussions, and keynotes speeches, the conference participants exchange ideas and the latest research in this area.
Contact: Gama Perruci
Email: perrucig@marietta.edu
[…] Growth: Navigating the Whitewater of Individuation and Belonging, with a poem by Briana SchlesingerAnnouncements: The Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Sweden, United […]