Elliot Talenfeld

I have written a book that I would like to share with you. A work of narrative nonfiction, it is the story of my life and relationships, from a “psychospiritual perspective.” Beyond the behavioral events I’ve lived to tell about, my personal process – my thoughts, feelings and conflicts in the course of co-creating and navigating those events – are on full display here; and to a lesser extent, the processes of those whose lives have intertwined with mine. For I have been, for 47 years, a married man.
“What would you say, in a nutshell, is the “psychospiritual” takeaway for the reader?” a friend recently asked. My answer: For a soul in a body, there is nothing more SPIRITUAL than providing physical sustenance for ourselves and our loved ones; becoming fully conscious of the CONFLICTS (both internal and interpersonal) ensuing from that process; and communicating AUTHENTICALLY about those conflicts . . . at least with those we claim to love. In this physical-emotional context, my book suggests, it is our “significant others” who both calibrate and catalyze our personal-spiritual growth. And our love for them – when we manage both to feel and express it – through which we transcend our physicality . . . to glimpse the face of God.
Years ago, M. Scott Peck (“The Road Less Traveled”) urged me to “continue to the end with writing this book, to which you quite obviously seem called.” Now 23 years later, Saybrook Prof. Stanley Krippner, past president of the Society for Humanistic Psychology and one of the founding fathers of Transpersonal Psychology, has heartily recommended it. And Eric Reynolds has graciously invited me to share this information with the readers of ILR.
The book is available at www.amazon.com/dp/B00AVYNFM0 ($7.99 for the paperback and $3.99 for the Kindle). And I look forward to a dialogue with my readers about the ideas expressed . . . or any FEELINGS they may evoke.
“Having known Scott Peck [author of “The Road Less Traveled”], I was intrigued by the history of this book and why Peck urged its execution. I was not disappointed. The author’s “imperfect lens” is skillfully portrayed. His spiritual anguish is painfully frank, without being tawdry. It is inspiring without being saccharine. It moves from the depth to the heights of human existence in vivid prose, taking readers along for the journey. Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride! But it is one you won’t want to miss.”
Stanley Krippner, Past Pres. of the Society for Humanistic Psychology
“[A]fter reading Elliot Talenfeld’s book, “Through a Still Imperfect Lens.” I feel breathless . . . The sheer eloquence of expression and the quality and quantity of Elliot’s experiences makes reading this book a thrill ride that will have you tied up in knots, smiling uncontrollably, sad, happy, dismayed, judgmental and ultimately inspired. Elliot is a gifted storyteller who is deeply honest, analytical, and critical of himself when assessing “psycho-spiritual” pursuits and regardless of his conclusions you can’t help but be drawn to him as an advocate, judge, cheerleader, etc., as well as to everyone he characterizes in his book. It’s just great storytelling!”
Author Carl Bozeman
About the Author
Elliot Talenfeld is a former law professor and partner at a prominent law firm, and also holds a master of counseling degree and serves a s Jewish Cantor.