Leadership is like a panicle of rice because at the height of the season, at the height of its power, it is beautiful, it is green, it nourishes the world, it reaches for the heavens; but right before the harvest it bends over with great gratitude and humility to touch the earth from where it came.
— Joseph Byaruhanga, From a Ted presentation by Jacqueline Novogratz
The mob that hails the man on horseback, the Caesars and conquering heroes, does not retain its freedoms for long.
—Sidney Hook, The Hero in History
[…] of Contents Integral Leadership Review, March 2011 Source:NASALeading Comments—Russ Volckmann Leadership Quote: Joseph ByaruhangaLeadership Coaching Tip: Leadership Coaching From an SDi Perspective—Rachel […]
[…] Issue Contents:Vol. 11, No. 2Leading Comments: Building Bridges—Russ VolckmannLeadership Quote: Joseph Byaruhanga, Sydney HookLeadership Coaching Tip:Leadership Coaching From an SDi […]
Hi, in my work with Tri-namics ( see http://www.deberna.com ) one of the things we have done to bring out the essence of quotes and create dialogue opportunities is to develop coaching questions related to them. These generate deep, reflective conversations. Our book, Tri-namics Provocative Questions for Leadership Wisdom, is full of exercises, tools, resources, and quotes with related questions that stimulate thinking and dialogue. These two quotes sparked my questions below and I thought Id share.
Here is an example of a coaching question for the first quote Joseph Byaruhanga, From a Ted presentation by Jacqueline Novogratz
How might I remember to stay rooted and grounded in my values as I become successful as a leader?
Sidney Hook’s quote:
What leaders do I look to for guidance and who else is following them? How do I ensure I am not being blindly led down a path that might be detrimental to my soul?