Nathan W. Harter, J.D.

Nathan Harter
Professor, Department of Leadership and American Studies, Director, Interdisciplinary Studies Christopher Newport University, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Newport News, VA 23606-2998
a. College of Social Sciences, Christopher Newport University, 2011-present Full Professor (tenured)
b. College of Technology, Purdue University, 1989-2011 Full Professor (tenured)
Department’s ’95, ’01, ‘07 Outstanding Tenured Faculty Teaching Award
c. School of Liberal Arts, Indiana University – Purdue University at Columbus (IUPUC), 1994-1995 Lecturer: P110, Topical Introduction to Philosophy, 1994-1997 Lecturer: P120, Personal and Professional Ethics. 2003 Cross-listed: BUS W494, Herman B. Wells Seminar on Leadership
d. School of Liberal Arts, Purdue University, 1990-1992 Lecturer: PHIL 111, Ethics
e. Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond (VA), 2010 Visiting Scholar
f. Department of Leadership & American Studies, Christopher Newport University (VA), 2010 Visiting Scholar
g. School of Advanced Studies, University of Phoenix, 2011 Visiting Scholar.
1985-1990 Private Practice, Attorney
1989-1990 City Attorney, City of Rising Sun, IN
1987-1989 Deputy Prosecutor, 7th Judicial Circuit, Ohio County, IN
Indiana University School of Law (Bloomington), J.D. magna cum laude, Order of the Coif
Butler University (Indianapolis), B.A. cum laude, with highest honors in both Philosophy & Political Science
(accepted 30 April 2013). Leadership lessons of triangular desire from René Girard. Journal of Leadership Studies.
(2013). Eric Voegelin’s reading of William James: Towards an understanding of leading within the tensions of a pluralistic universe’. Book chapter, American pragmatism and organization studies: Researching management practice, edited by Nick Rumens and Mihaela Kelemen. Routledge. Publication Date: August 1, 2013 | ISBN-10: 0415885507 | ISBN-13: 978-0415885508.
(2013). Socrates’ mission against reproachable ignorance: Leaders who refuse to acknowledge their ignorance and instead suppress criticism. Book chapter. Critical perspectives on leadership: Emotion, toxicity, and dysfunction (New Horizons in Leadership Studies Series), edited by Sara Louise Muhr & Jeanette Lemmergaard. Edward Elgar. Publication Date: June 30, 2013ISBN-10: 0857931121; ISBN-13: 978-0857931122.
(2012) Leadership and acceptability: Plato and the odium of truth. Book chapter in Villiers, P. & Gosling, J. (eds.). (2012). Fictional leaders: Heroes, villains and absent friends. Palgrave Macmillan.
(2012, December). Using modalities of veridiction to prevent groupthink in innovation. International Journal of Innovation Science. 4(4): 269-272.
(2012, September). Phenomenology of innovation. International Journal of Innovation Science. 4(3): 185-190.
(2012, Summer). Point of view: Leadership studies from different perspectives. Journal of Leadership Education. 11(2): 158-174.
(2011, August). A poem: “The Gratifying: An Italian Sonnet.” ILA Member Connector.
(2011, August). A poem: “Authentic Leadership.” ILA Member Connector.
(2011). The Exhilaration and Threat of ‘Liquid Times’: A Review of Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty. Anamnesis. 1(1): 122-126.
(2011) Valk, J., Belding, S. Crumpton, A., Harter, N. & J. Reams. (2011, Summer). Worldviews and leadership: Thinking and acting the bigger pictures. Journal of Leadership Studies. 5(2): 54-63.
(2011). The creativity of social action: A composite account from art, philosophy, and political science. International Journal of Innovation Science. 3(4): 213-220.
(2010). Introduction: Symposium on worldviews. Journal of Leadership Studies. 4(3): 67-68.
(2011) Harter, N. & H. Öner. (2010, Fall). The gadfly of Athens: How critical thinking fits the ideal of servant leadership. Undergraduate Leadership Review. 3(1): 27-35.
(2010). “On the importance of framing” and “Toward what end? Three Classical Theories” Book chapters in Dark, M. (ed.). Information assurance and security ethics in complex systems: Interdisciplinary perspectives. IGI Global.
(2010). Why do people want rulers: Social origins of authority. Book chapter in R. Couto (ed.). Political and civic leadership: A reference handbook . Sage.
(2009). Critical thinking in groups. Journal of Leadership Education. 8(1): 111-118.
(2009). Book review: Heda Margolius Kovály’s (1986) Under a cruel star: A life in Prague 1941-1968. [Butler University College of Liberal Arts & Sciences webpage]
(2009)Harter, N. & Strate, M. Social entrepreneurs engage in adaptation: Twin virtues for leading complex adaptive systems. In J. Goldstein, J. Hazy & J. Silberstang (eds.). (2009). Complexity Science & Social Entrepreneurship: Adding Social Value Through Systems Thinking (ch. 27). Garden City, NY: ISCE Publishing.
(2008). Book review: Terry Price’s Leadership ethics: An introduction. Integral Review. 4(2): 133-135.
(2008). Book review: Harsh Verma’s The avatar way of leadership. Int’l Journal of Leadership Studies, 4(1).
(2007) Dark, M., Epstein, R., Morales, L., Countermine, T., Yuan, Q., Ali, M., Rose, M., & Harter, N. (2007). A framework for information security ethics education. In Encyclopedia of information ethics and society (pp. 507-512). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference.
(2007) Evanecky, D.* & N. Harter. (2007). Ethical perspectives of systems thinking. Journal of Practical Leadership. 1:10-16.
(2007). Recovering the philosophical anthropology of Max Scheler for leadership studies. Journal of Leadership Education. 5: 15-30.
(2007) “Elite theory”, “Great Man theory”, “Hierarchy”, & “Impression management” in Marturano, A. & Gosling, J. (eds.). (2007). Key concepts in leadership studies. Routledge.
(2006). Clearings in the forest. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. (Publisher’s rejection rate is 90%; 500 copies sold in year 1; adopted as a graduate text at Gonzaga Univ. & Alvernia College) Chosen by B. Jackson & K. Parry (Sage, 2008) as one of the top 10 books on leadership one should read before you die. Reviewed or summarized in Integral Review 3:23-24; Midwest Book Review 16:8; Integral Leadership Review 6:3; Leadership 3:361-365; & William James Studies 2:1.
(2006)Signposts at the crossroads: Leadership as symbolism. In Huber, N. & M. Harvey (eds.) . Building leadership bridges 2006. International Leadership Association.
(2006). Springs of leadership. Integral Review.2: 14-18.
(2006). The cry for ethics. Philosophy for Business. 25.
(2006). Leadership as the promise of simplification. Emergence: Complexity and Organization. 8: 4. (Subsequently included in (2007). J. Hazy, J. Goldstein, & B. Lichtenstein (eds.). Complex systems leadership theory: New perspectives from complexity science on social and organizational effectiveness (pp. 333-348). Mansfield, MA: ISCE Publishing.
(2006) Dark, M., Epstein, R., Morales, L., Countermine, T., Yuan, Q., Ali, M., Rose, M., & N. Harter.. A framework for information security ethics education. Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Society. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference.
(2006). Voegelin’s ladder. Integral Review. 2: 78-89.
(2006) Harter, N.*, Ziolkowski, F., & S. Wyatt. Leadership and inequality. Leadership. 2: 3.
(2006) Dark, M.*, Harter, N., Ludlow, G., & C. Falk. (2006, April). Ethical attributes in computing and computing education: An exploratory study. CERIAS Tech Report 2007-89.
(2004) “Bureaucracy”, “Elite theory”, History”, & “Spirituality” in In Burns, J., Goethals, G., & Sorenson, G. (eds.). Encyclopedia of leadership. Sage Reference.
(2004) Harter, N.* & J. Phillips. Systems theory. In Burns, J., Goethals, G., & Sorenson, G. (eds.). ). Encyclopedia of leadership. Sage Reference.
(2003 summer). Between great men and leadership: William James on the importance of individuals. Journal of Leadership Education 2: 1.
(2003). Multiple leaders among volunteers: A case study of Lutherans organizing themselves to offer refuge. Journal of Management Systems 15(1): 51-58.
(2002). Seeming to be real: The leader as image. In L. Matusak & C. Cherrey (eds.) Building leadership bridges. (International Leadership Association & Center for Creative Leadership).
(2002) Harter, N.* & D. Evanecky. (Summer). Fairness in Leader-Member Exchange theory: Do we all belong on the inside? Leadership Review. Accessed 1 January 2013 from http://www.leadershipreview.org/2002summer/article1_summer_2002.asp.
(2001). Luxury, waste, excess, and squander. Reason in Practice: The Journal of Philosophy of Management. 1(2): 75-81.
(1999). From Simmel’s conception of society to the function and form of legal conflict. Book chapter in T. Powers & P. Kamolnick (eds.) From Kant to Weber Freedom and culture in classical German social theory. Krieger.
(1999) D. Frantz * & N. Harter. Collegiality: A concept leaders can’t be without. Proteus. 16(2): 7-10.
(1997-1998). The spiral of the American labor movement. Journal of Individ. Emp. Rights. 6: 2.
(1997). The shop floor Schopenhauer: Hope for a theory-X supervisor. Journal of Management Education. 1(1): 87-96.
(1997). Eric Voegelin on the authority to lead. Modern Age. 39(1): 21-27.
(1996). Conservative roots of American labor policy. Labor & Employment News 1(1): 1 & 7.
(1996, Fall). Glimpses of Agathon: On teaching Plato’s Hipparchus. American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Teaching. 96(1): 107-111.
(1995, Summer). Harter’s girdle: Toward an imagery of group cohesion as elasticity. Explorations. 13(4): 31-43.
(1995) Harter, N.* & Harter, J. Game theory. Abridged in Laskowitz, K. & R. Leavitt (eds.). A Guidebook on Conflict Management (pp. 18-21). West Lafayette, IN.
(1993) Harter, N.* & Harter, K.J. Using Aesop’s Fables to teach conflict resolution. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 59(3): 42-46.
(1992, Fall). Municipal consolidation: Notes for the small-town practitioner. The Urban Lawyer, 24(4): 761-774.
(1992, October/November). Thinking about diamonds and organizational vision. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 15(6): 14-16.
(1991). Balancing act. American Bar Association Journal. 77:58-60.
(accepted). “The capacious mind.” International Leadership Association. Montreal, Canada.
(accepted). “Michel Foucault’s last lectures: On leadership and truth-telling.” International Leadership Association. Montreal, Canada.
(2012, October 25). “The never-ending passage: Embedding the concept of ‘liminality’ into leadership studies.” Annual Conference of the International Leadership Association. Denver, CO.
(2012, June 17). Invited presentation. “Magnitudes: Leadership for something greater than yourself.” Annual conference of the Academy of Philosophy and Letters, Elkridge, MD.
(2012, August 22). “Where was Foucault going?” The Twelfth Annual Faculty Conference on Teaching and Scholarship. Christopher Newport University.
(2011). “Engaging junior scholars in the discourse: Making meaning of challenges and opportunities in leadership scholarship.” International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. London.
(2011, August 17). “Partnerships for leadership.” The Eleventh Annual Faculty Conference on Teaching and Scholarship. Christopher Newport University. Newport News, VA.
(2011) Oner*, H. & N. Harter.Leadership in a liminal mode: Eric Voegelin’s interpretation of Plato’s use of metaxy. Leadership and Management in a Changing World: Lessons from Ancient East and West Philosophy. Athens.
(2010). Leadership as Arendt’s Social Action: Lessons from Design. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Boston.
(2010). How Robust Is the Idea of “Worldviews”? International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Boston.
(2009). The role of the philosopher in times of transformation: Pneumopathology and the Czech philosopher Jan Patočka. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Prague.
(2008). The philosophy at work in leadership ethics. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Los Angeles.
(2006). In fields of image: Archetypal psychology for leadership. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Chicago
(2006). Leadership as the promise of simplification. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Chicago
(2006). Leadership as part of the change process in Gramsci. Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Conference. Chicago.
(2005). Leadership as symbolism: A hermeneutic consideration of the causation of human behavior. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Amsterdam.
(2005). Leadership in a taxonomy of change. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Amsterdam.
(2004). The postmodern challenge to leadership studies. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
(2004) Harter*, N., Ziolkowski, F., & S. Wyatt. Leadership and inequality: Ideological fault lines. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
(2004). To lead spiritual beings: Leadership as technique. Humanities & Technology Association. York, PA.
(2004) Steuver*, J., & N. Harter. Cyber cheating challenges in web-based courses. 2004 ASEE Conference. American Society for Engineering Education. Salt Lake City, UT.
(2004) Dean, M., Evanecky, D., Harter, N., Phillips, J., & M. Summers. Systems thinking: From theory to application. 2004 ASEE Conference. American Society for Engineering Education. Salt Lake City, UT.
(2004) Harter*, N., Dean, M., & Evanecky, D. The ethics of systems thinking. 2004 ASEE Conference. American Society for Engineering Education. Salt Lake City, UT.
(2004) Harter*, N. & D. Frantz. Authentic leadership. University of Nebraska – Lincoln Gallup Leadership Institute Summit.
(2003). Leaders and elites: The Italian tradition teaches elite theory. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Guadalajara, MX.
(2002). His part in the ongoing conversation: Drath’s latest book on leadership. International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
(2002) Davis*, B. & Harter, N. When followers feel let down: Leading the firm back to loyalty. 2002 On-Line Proceedings of the Leadership Excellence: Integrity, Diversity, Community, and Scholarship Conference. Center for Leadership Studies. San Antonio, TX.
(2001). Leadership with a hammer. 2001 Illinois-Indiana Section Conference. American Society for Engineering Education. West Lafayette, IN.
(2000). Machiavelli: Father of leadership studies. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
(2000) Harter*, N. & J. Phillips. The ALLENBURG-BAILIWICK Joint Water Distribution Project: Focusing on your interests during conflict. Fifth Annual Leadership Teaching Conference. Indiana University – Purdue University. Indianapolis, IN
(1999). Churchill asleep and other line-drawing problems: Defining leadership with hard cases. Fourth Annual Leadership Teaching Conference. Purdue University. West Lafayette, IN
(1998). Defining leadership. American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting. Boston.
(1997, August 30). Against a scientism of management, again. American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
(1996) Harter, N., & Ziolkowski, F. The ethics of TQM. 1996 Illinois-Indiana Section Conference. American Society for Engineering Education. Peoria, IL.
(1996) Steuver, J.*, Cort, S., & Harter, N. Lessons for educators from McDonald’s and WalMart. Thriving on Change: Annual Conference. Indiana Association for Adult and Continuing Education (IAACE). Muncie, IN.
(1995) Bogenschutz, M., Harter, N., Steuver, J., Ferguson, W., and Clark, C. Customers driving the bus. Adult Ed Super Highway: Safe At Any Speed. Indiana Association for Adult and Continuing Education (IAACE). Columbus, IN.
(1995) McVey, R.S. & Harter, N. Why a school of technology let us teach philosophy. Boundaries and Bridges: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Among Science, Technology, and the Humanities. Social and International Studies Department of Southern College of Technology and The Humanities and Technology Association. Atlanta, GA.
(1995). Business, behaviorism, and The Bell Curve. Science and Culture. Institute for Liberal Studies, Kentucky State University. Frankfort, KY.
(1994) Steuver, J.* & Harter, N. Team equality and conflict skills. Proceedings, 1994 Spring Conference of the Association for Quality and Participation (AQP), Cincinnati, OH.
(1994) Rampant chaos: Meg Wheatley on the learning organization. Partnerships to Maximize Performance: Annual Meeting, Indiana Association for Adult and Continuing Education (IAACE), West Lafayette, IN.
(1994) O’Connor, T.* & Harter, N. Rumor: Implications for engineering ethics. Proceedings, Annual Conference of ASEE, Edmonton, Alberta.
(1994) O’Connor, T.* & Harter, N. Spread fast, die slow: A rumor verification model as self-censorship. Free Speech in a Democratic Society: Where Do We Draw the Line? University of South Florida, Tampa.
(1993) Steuver, J.*; Bogenshutz, M.; Harter, N.; Freese, D.; Moll, J. Customer involvement in integrating stakeholder needs within internal systems design. Kentuckiana Quality Conference, 1993. American Society for Quality Control, Louisville, KY.
(1993) Choosing leadership: Public service for the right reason. From personal faith to public service: Christian higher education at its best. Symposium, Anderson (IN) University.
(1993) A cautionary tale about the municipal change process. Reorganizing government for the 21st century: The pursuit of innovation – Proceedings, Annual Meeting, American Bar Association Section of Urban, State & Local Government & Government Operations, New York.
(1993) The saga of Harter valley. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Ethics in America, Long Beach, CA.
(1993) Steuver, J.K.* & Harter, N. Ethics decisions in evaluating team performance. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Ethics in America, Long Beach, CA.
(1992) The hygiene function of conflict. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Ethics in America, Long Beach, CA.
(1992) Fables & myths about conflict. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Ethics in America, Long Beach, CA.
Ethics education in computing – A moral development / constructivist approach. Agency: National Science Foundation. 36 mos. $134,157. Candidate’s role: co-PI.
2010-11 Ivy Tech Academy for Instructional Excellence (Indiana).
2007 Leadership across the Liberal Arts Curriculum (Claremont, CA). Keck Initiative, sponsored by Claremont McKenna College, Loyola Marymount University, and the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond.
2005 A.D. Welliver Faculty Summer Fellow (The Boeing Company)(St. Louis, MO)
2004 Justice: Philosophical and theological perspectives (Portland, OR). Erasmus Institute Summer Faculty Seminar, University of Notre Dame.
2003 Malcolm Muggeridge Centenary (Wheaton, IL). Wheaton College, Image & Touchstone journals, and International Studies Institute.
2002 Faith under democracy (Ann Arbor, MI). The Federalist Society & Ave Maria School of Law.
1999 Grove City College Summer Institute on Market Economics and Religious Faith (Grove City, PA).
1995 Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory (Chicago). National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Seminar, University of Chicago.
2005-2006 Interim Assistant Location Director, Columbus / Greensburg (Purdue University)
2005-2007 Chair-elect and Chair, scholarship MIG, International Leadership Association. (I also spent one year as the listserv moderator for ILA.)
2004-2007 Purdue University Faculty Senate
2009-2011 Board of Visitors, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Butler University