If you would like your announcements to appear in The Integral Leadership Review, send brief copy and general contact information to Mark McCaslin: potentiatingarts@gmail.com.
International Leadership Association
Call for Chapters
Leadership 2050: Contextualizing Global Leadership Processes for the Future
The 2015 Volume in the ILA Building Leadership Bridges (BLB) Series
Call for Chapter Proposals – Submit 1200 word max proposal by June 20, 2014. View the Complete Call: http://www.ila-net.org/Publications/BLB/2015BLBCFP.pdf
Expected date of publication August 2015, Jossey-Bass/Wiley
Matthew Sowcik, Editor; Tony Andenoro, Mindy McNutt, and Susan Murphy, Associate Editors
Leadership for a Healthy World: Creative Social Change
The 2016 Volume in the ILA Building Leadership Bridges (BLB) Series
Call for Chapter Proposals – Submit 1200 word max proposal by June 20, 2014. View the Complete Call: http://www.ila-net.org/Publications/BLB/2016BLBCFP.pdf
Expected date of publication March 2016, Jossey-Bass/Wiley
Kathryn Goldman Schuyler, Editor; John Eric Baugher, Karin Jironet, and Lena Lid-Falkman, Associate Editors
Society for Research in Adult Development
You are invited to submit a proposal for the 29th annual symposium for the Society for Research in Adult Development. The Symposium will focus on positive adult development, which refers to expanded capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life from adolescences on. The symposium is going to be held at Salem State University, in Salem Massachusetts from Friday, June 13 to Sunday, June 15. We would like to welcome you to submit papers to be presented at the symposium. The submission deadline is May 1, 2014. For details contact Michael Lamport Commons, Ph.D. Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry’ Harvard Medical School: Commons@tiac.net.
International Conference on Critical Realism
London, The Institute for Education
There is a pre conference workshop weekend on CR and a post conference workshop on metaRealitythat Gary Hawke presented at the conference last year and it would be good to be with more Integral folk this year.
Contact: http://www.ioe.ac.uk/research/91143.html
Spiral Dynamics Level 1 Certification Training
Tulane School of Social Work, Facilitative Leadership Institute-NOLA, and Central City Renaissance Alliance invite you to a three-day Spiral Dynamics Level 1 Certification Training on April 29 – May 1, 2014 at the Central City Renaissance Alliance in New Orleans. This Certification Training is designed to further empower citizens and leaders to effect positive transformation.
Contact: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e8z9dnnka13a681e&llr=8vppaidab
5th Annual Griffiths School of Management International Conference
The Ethics of Business and Leadership in a Transdisciplinary Context
May 15, 2014 | Oradea, Romania
Since the financial crisis crippled the world economy in 2008, the debate on business ethics and leadership has dominate the public sphere at all levels of interest from common people to the elites in educational institutions, governments, businesses and NGO’s. Naturally, honest, constructive and transdisciplinary discussions need to take place, that take into consideration the specific context of each situation, so that we may formulate future propositions upon which to build the future. We hereby would like to invite research papers coming from researchers and practitioners around the world to explore the various dimensions of these aspects. We welcome theory-based empirical studies grounded both in qualitative or quantitative methodology and conceptual contributions.
To submit abstracts/ full papers please go online at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gsmic2014.
The NeuroLeadership Institute
2014 NeuroLeadership Summit Registrations now open for San Francisco, October 7 – 9 , 2014. The Summit returns to San Francisco and will focus on the theme of “Organization as Ecosystem”. Now in its 8th year, the NeuroLeadership Summit will feature the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience with a host of presentations, led by some of the field’s leading neuroscientists and top executives from world-renowned organizations. If you are interested in what is truly cutting edge in organizational effectiveness, leadership development, or human performance improvement, you don’t want to miss this Summit.
Visit: www.neuroleadership.org/summits/2014-SanFrancisco to register.
World Futures Society
World Future Conference 2014
July 11-13, 2014
Orlando, Florida
What If is designed to support this spirit of ambitious Imagineering, open thinking, and active exploration. “What If” questions range from the immediately practical to the infinitely imaginative, for they are our first step in exploring tomorrow’s possibilities.
Contact: http://www.gcint.org/event/world-future-2014-conference
Critical Realism Conference
July 18-22, 2014
The International Centre of Critical Realism presents the 17th annual conference of the International Association of Critical Realism. They would like to encourage you to attend the forthcoming International Conference on Critical Realism and associated symposium, co-organized by our own Integral Research Center, on “Integrative Metatheories in the 21st-Century: Forging New Alliances for Planetary Flourishing in the Anthropocene”. The conference and symposium will be held at the Institute of Education, University of London.
The conference will be preceded by a two-day pre-conference workshop on critical realism, led by Roy Bhaskar, originator of the philosophy of critical realism (and metaReality), and Alan Norrie president of IACR; and followed on Tuesday 22nd July by a one-day post-conference symposium on integrative metatheories.
For further information, contact: http://internationalcentreforcriticalrealism.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/iccr-conference-poster1.pdf